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Hello NGU, i am doing a free money drop service for those who are interested!
-Don't be a dickhead
-Don't kill each other, to avoid this in general I recommend going in passive!
-Don't play music in your mic
-Don't ask me to give you my menu, it is private. (not made by me)
-Do NOT stand next to someone else to get more money, that is rude and you will be INSTANTLY kicked
-Be NICE to each other do not harass each other, just be a good person
-Use common sense, and just have a good time!
Question-Will i get banned?
Answer-No, just hold onto the money in your wallet and do not put it in your bank instantly. once you have the amount you want just server hop & after 3 sessions or so, you should be able to put it in your bank safely.

Question-Do you do lobbies on console?
Answer- As for next gen consoles, lobbies on there do not exist to my knowledge.
Any further questions feel free to ask and I will answer!