Post: Goodtool to mod games [tutorial]
02-17-2013, 03:32 PM #1
Climbing up the ladder
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This is a tutorial on how to get one of the best tools to mod games!!I do not own this tool but thought people new to jail breaking should know about it.Very easy to get.

First:Open Cydia
Second:Go to Manage -> Sources
Fourth:Tap Edit -> Add
Sixth:Tap Add Source
Seventh:Now click on the source and install tool
Eighth:when you go on app you will have to sign in gmail account and hit ''thank my inviter' so we both get some mod points. My Id is:39068 so you can get 100 ponts
04-15-2013, 02:01 AM #11
Do a barrel roll!
gameplayer is useful
04-19-2013, 03:33 AM #12
Gym leader
Yeah sorry but this mod tool sucks. It does work for the Simpsons tapped out but each mod is 100 points. , and u can only thank inviter once, and so it means you pretty much only get one mod by adding this dude code. Not worth the download. You can look for my thread on how to hack the Simpsons and I know how to hack candy crush by going into the files in ifle

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