Post: Need help...
06-24-2015, 05:51 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So i just jailbroke my iphone 5 on version 8.3..... Im trying to get free in app purchases but cant, its not showing up in settings after i respring from cydia..... Helpp???
06-24-2015, 06:13 PM #2
At least I can fight
Originally posted by qHerbz View Post
So i just jailbroke my iphone 5 on version 8.3..... Im trying to get free in app purchases but cant, its not showing up in settings after i respring from cydia..... Helpp???

You need a tweak for it, just having it jailbroken doesn't make purchases free. Also if the purchases a server sided then it won't work with the tweak.
06-24-2015, 06:18 PM #3
I know i have a 4s and a ipad jailbroken.... I did the same and still nothing...
06-25-2015, 04:21 AM #4
Can’t trickshot me!
Originally posted by qHerbz View Post
So i just jailbroke my iphone 5 on version 8.3..... Im trying to get free in app purchases but cant, its not showing up in settings after i respring from cydia..... Helpp???

What jailbreak you use for 8.3 i can be help
06-25-2015, 07:13 AM #5
I used TaiG
06-28-2015, 10:58 AM #6
Originally posted by qHerbz View Post
So i just jailbroke my iphone 5 on version 8.3..... Im trying to get free in app purchases but cant, its not showing up in settings after i respring from cydia..... Helpp???

Some apps/games don't work with the free IAP tweaks.

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