Post: Modern Warfare 2 - Offsets And Addresses Collection [Updating]
03-21-2014, 09:17 AM #1
In my man cave
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Well since alot of people have asked me for offsets, and on Primetime43 thread the clients offsets not working.
So here it is my Offsets Thread:

Status And Name:
Name Offset: 0x01f9f11c
Prestige Offset: 0x01ff9a9c
XP: 0x01ff9a94 (0x20, 0x64, 0x26, 0x00 - Level 70)
Score Offset: 0x01ff9aa4
Kills Offset: 0x01ff9aa8
Deaths Offset: 0x01ff9ab0
Assists Offset: 0x01ff9ab8
Headshots Offset: 0x01ff9abc
Time Played Offset: 0x01ff9ac8 & 0x01ff9acc
Wins Offset: 0x01ff9adc
Loses Offset: 0x01ff9ae0
Ties Offset: 0x01ff9ae4
Win Streak Offset: 0x01ff9ae8
Kill Streak Offset: 0x01ff9aac
All Accolades Offset: 0x01ff9297 - 0x01ff944f

[I]Class Names:[/I]
Class 1: 0x01ff9e6c
Class 2: 0x01ff9eac
Class 3: 0x1FF9EEC
Class 4: 0x1FF9F2C
Class 5: 0x1FF9F6C
Class 6: 0x1FF9FAC
Class 7: 0x1FF9FEC
Class 8: 0x1FFA02C
Class 9: 0x1FFA06C
Class 10: 0x1FFA0AC

Client Intervnal/Index (Known as "Next Client):
How to use Client Intervnal/Index (For the people who dont know):

just type the offset then 0x3700 then you will get the next client offset
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Clients Offsets:

Name and Clan Tag In Game:
Name: 0x014e5490
Clan Tag: 0x014e54cc

God Mod:
Offset: 0x14E235A
(0xFF, 0xFF - On , 0x00, 0x64 - Off)

Ultimate Ammo:
(0x0F , 0xFF , 0xFF , 0xFF - Ultimate Ammo , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x64 - 100 Bullets)
Primary Ammo Bullets: 0x014e256c
Primary Ammo Clip: 0x014e24ec
Akimbo Primary Bullets: 0x014e2570
Secondary Ammo Bullets: 0x014e2554
Secondary Ammo Clip: 0x014e24dc
Akimbo Secondary Weapon: 0x014e2558
Granade Luncher Ammo Bullets: 0x014e2578
Granade Luncher Ammo Clip: 0x014e24f4
Lethal Ammo: 0x014e2560
Tactical Ammo: 0x014e2578

All Perks:
Offset: 0x014e262a
(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

Explosive Bullets:
Offset: 0x014e2628
(0xFF, 0xEF - On , 0x00 , 0x08 - Off)

Auto Kill:
Offset: 0x01319901
(0x01 - On | 0x00 - Off) - 0x280 Index

Night Vision:
0x14e265f - Press Right for night vision(0xFF ON / 0x00 OFF)
0x14e2653 - Press UP for night vision(0xFF ON / 0x00 OFF)
0x14e2657 - Press DOWN for night vision(0xFF ON / 0x00 OFF)
0x14e265b - Press Left for night vision(0xFF ON / 0x02 OFF)

Buttons Icones:
0x14E5503 - D-Pad Left Icone
0x14E54FB - D-Pad Up Icone
0x14E54FF - D-Pad Down Icone
0x14E5507 - D-Pad Right Icone
0x14ec2f3 - Lethal Icone
0x14ec2f7 - Tactical Icone
Change the bytes and the icone will changed, 0x00 to back to default icone.

Give UAV: 0x14E54E6 (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)
Counter UAV: 0x14E54EB (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Show Me The Map:
(Baisacly its showing you the mini map on the screen, any value will work)
Offset: 0x14E23B7 (0x00 - Off)

Change Camo:
Primary Camo: 0x014e2468
Secondary Camo: 0x014e245e
Desert - 0x01
Arctic - 0x02
Woodland - 0x03
Digital - 0x04
Urban - 0x05
Blue Tiger - 0x07
Red Tiger - 0x06
Fall - 0x08

Akimbo Weapon:
Akimbo Primary: 0x014e2467
Akimbo Secondary: 0x014e245d
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Give Lag:
Offset: 0x014e53af
0x02 - Off , 0x00 - On

Red Boxes:
Offset: 0x014e2213
(0x00 - Off , 0x55 - On)

Kill Client:
Offset: 0x014e2220
0xC5 - Kill

Teleport (X,Y,Z)/Origin:
Teleport/Location Offset: 0x014e221b
Height: 0x014e2224
0x46, 0xFF - Sky
0x60, 0x5C - Space
0xC7, 0x5F - Under Map

Movement Flags:
Offset: 0x014e220d
Auto Prone - 0x55
Disable Jump - 0x04
Disable Sprint - 0x02
Default - 0x00

Little Crosshair:
Offset: 0x014e24d3
0x02 - On
0x00 - Off

Weapon Flags:
Offset: 0x014e24be
Disable Weapons Switch - 0x08
No Recoil - 0x04
Disable Weapons - 0x00, 0x80
Disable ADS- 0x00, 0x20
Default - 0x00, 0x00

Offset: 0x014E5623
0x00 - normal
0x01 - No Clip
0x02 - UFO
0x06 - freeze

Speed x2(Player Speed):
Offset: 0x014e543c
0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On

Change Team:
Offset: 0x014e5453
0x00 - FFA
0x01 - OpFor/Spetznas
0x02 - TF141/Rangers
0x03 - Spectator

Status In Game:
0x014e53a0 - Kills (Length 0x4)
0x014e53a4 - Assists (Length 0x4)
0x014e539c - Deaths (Length 0x4)
0x014e5398 - Score (Length 0x4)
0x014e54bb - Prestige (Length 0x1)
0x014e54b7 - Level In Game (0x45 , 0xFF - Level 70) (Length 0x2)

Offset: 0x014e2213
0x09 - Thermal Vision
0x60 - Small Volume
0x00 - Off

Spectator God Mod:
Offset: 0x014e2212
(0x10 - Off , 0x08 - On)

Skate Mod:
Offset: 0x014e220e
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Kill and Scare:
Offset: 0x14E2224
(0xFF, 0xFF)

Offset - 0x0056dfa0

'B' - map restart (faster?)
'C' - set equipped offhand
'L' - close in game menu
'N' - set stat
'Q' - set vision for player
'R' - set night vision for player
'S' - set missile cam for player
'T' - set thermal for player
'U' - set blur for player
'd' - set vision (all players)
'e' - game message (lower left)
'f' - game message (seems to be the same as 'e'Winky Winky
'g' - bold game message (middle)
'h' - chat message
'i' - team chat message
'n' - map restart
'o' - play sound
'p' - stop music
'q' - fade all sounds
't' - open script menu
'u' - close script menu

c "^1Hello"
w "^1GoodBye"
v jump_height "999"

Lobby Offsets:

Force 18 Players:
Offset: 0x01ca30a1
(0x38 - On , 0x32 - Off)

Team Deathmatch - 0x01CA2F3C
Mercenary Team Deathmatch - 0x01Ca597C
Free-for-all - 0x01CA83BC
Domination - 0x01CAADFC
Ground War - 0x01CAD83C
Demolition - 0x01CB027C
Sabotage - 0x01CB2CAC
Headquarters Pro - 0x01CB56FC
Search and destroy - 0x01CB813C
Barebones Pro - 0x01CBAB7C
Team tactical - 0x01CBD5BC
Hardcore ricochet: SD - 0x01CBFFFC
hardcore team deathmatch - 0x01CC2A3C
3rd person team tactical - 0x01CC546C
team deahtmatch express - 0x01CC7EBC
Objective Barebones Pro - 0x01CCA8FC
hardcore ricochet: HQ Pro - 0x01CCD33C
capture the flag - 0x01CCFD7C
Hardcore mosh pit - 0x01CD27BC

0x00186638 - Add_Ammo(gentity_s *ent, unsigned int weaponIndex, char weaponModel, int count, int fillClip)
0x00013460 - AimTarget_GetTagPos(int localClientNum, centity_s *cent, unsigned int tagName, float *pos)
0x000116B0 - AimAssist_RegisterDvars
0x000329A8 - BG_FindWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x00032930 - BG_GetNumWeapons()
0x00032898 - BG_GetWeaponDef(unsigned int weaponIndex)
0x00032948 - BG_GetWeaponIndex(WeaponDef *weapDef)
0x00032F90 - BG_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name, void (__cdecl *regWeap)(unsigned int))
0x00020D70 - BG_GetPerkIndexForName(const char *perkName)
0x001D9EC0 - Cbuf_AddText(int localClientNum, const char *text)
0x001D9D70 - Cbuf_InsertText(int localClientNum, const char *text)
0x00179590 - CheatsOk(gentity_s *ent)
0x00033140 - CG_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x0005EF68 - CG_BoldGameMessage(int localClientNum, const char *msg)
0x0005EFB0 - CG_GameMessage(int localClientNum, const char *msg)
0x0017B830 - ClientCommand(int clientNum)
0x0016C558 - ClientUserinfoChanged(int clientNum)
0x0016C450 - ClientCleanName(const char *in, char *out, int outSize)
0x0016C148 - ClientDisconnect(int clientNum)
0x00168070 - ClientInactivityTimer(gclient_s *client)
0x001689D8 - ClientThink_real(gentity_s *ent, usercmd_s *ucmd)
0x000AB210 - CL_CheckForResend(int localClientNum)
0x000A8920 - CL_InitOnceForAllClients(void)
0x000A0688 - CL_InitGamepadCommands(void)
0x000A5598 - CL_InitKeyCommands(void)
0x000A7020 - CL_KeyEvent(int localClientNum, int key, const int down, const unsigned int time)
0x000A1218 - CL_InitInput(void)
0x000A0E48 - CL_ShutdownInput(void)
0x001D9B18 - Cmd_AddCommandInternal(const char *cmdName, void (__cdecl *function)(), cmd_function_s *allocedCmd)
0x001D9A40 - Cmd_FindCommand(const char *cmdName)
0x001D99B0 - Cmd_RemoveCommand(const char *cmdName)
0x001E6AE8 - Com_DvarDump(int channel, const char *match)
0x001E2AA0 - Com_Error(errorParm_t code, const char *fmt)
0x001E5A20 - Com_GetServerDObj(int handle)
0x001E3A60 - Com_PrintError(int channel, const char *fmt)
0x001E3C40 - Com_Printf(int channel, const char *fmt)
0x001E2FB0 - Com_PrintMessage(int channel, const char *msg, int error)
0x001E5CE8 - Com_SafeServerDObjFree(int handle)
0x001E6268 - Con_IsDvarCommand(const char *cmd)
0x00179710 - ConcatArgs(int start)
0x001BA5B0 - ConsoleCommand()
0x002762C8 - Dvar_FindVar(const char *dvarName)
0x002752A0 - Dvar_FindMalleableVar(const char *dvarName)
0x00277068 - Dvar_GetFloat(const char *dvarName)
0x00276F60 - Dvar_GetString(const char *dvarName)
0x00277138 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
0x002770C8 - Dvar_GetInt(const char *dvarName)
0x002761F8 - Dvar_RegisterBool(const char *dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)
0x001E7B48 - Dvar_RegisterInt_f
0x002761B8 - Dvar_RegisterInt(const char *dvarName, int value, int min, int max, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)
0x00276178 - Dvar_RegisterFloat(const char *dvarName, float value, float min, float max, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)
0x002753F8 - Dvar_RegisterVariant(const char *dvarName, char type, unsigned __int16 flags, DvarValue value, DvarLimits domain, const char *description)
0x00285BD8 - DObjFree(DObj_s *obj)
0x002841E8 - DObjGetTree(DObj_s *obj)
0x00188C80 - ExitLevel(void)
0x002F3F60 - GetTickCount()
0x1319800 - G_Entity (Length 0x280)
0x001C20F8 - G_EntUnlink(gentity_s *ent)
0x001BC978 - G_FreeEntity(gentity_s *ed)
0x001C99C8 - G_FreeTurret(gentity_s *self)
0x0001D37C - G_GetEntityTypeName(gentity_s *ent)
0x001BF4A0 - G_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x001C0890 - G_GivePlayerWeapon(playerState_s *pPS, int iWeaponIndex, char altModelIndex)
0x00174BF8 - G_InitializeAmmo(gentity_s *pSelf, int weaponIndex, char weaponModel, int hadWeapon)
0x001BE7C8 - G_LocalizedStringIndex (const char * string)
0x001BE758 - G_MaterialIndex (const char * name)
0x001BCD10 - G_Spawn(void)
0x00179F88 - G_Say(gentity_s *ent, gentity_s *target, int mode, const char *chatText)
0x001BE3F0 - G_SetModel(gentity_s *ent, const char *modelName)
0x001B8810 - G_SpawnFloat(const char *key, const char *defaultString, float *out)
0x001C8820 - G_SpawnTurret(gentity_s *self, const char *weaponinfoname)
0x001BE0B8 - G_GetModelIndex
0x00183DD0 - G_RegisterWeapon(unsigned int weapIndex)
0x001B8310 - G_CallSpawnEntity(gentity_s *ent)
0x001BE228 - G_EntAttach(gentity_s *ent, const char *modelName, unsigned int tagName, int ignoreCollision)
0x01BCC10G - G_PrintEntities(void)
G_Client - 0x14E2200
G_Client ClientIndex - 0x3700
0x001ACBE8 - GScr_AddTestClient
0x001A0BC8 - GScr_GetPartName(void)
0x00182150 - GScr_NewClientHudElem(void)
0x00167968 - HandleClientEvent(gclient_s *client, gentity_s *ent, int event, int eventParm)
0x001831F0 - HECmd_FadeOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00182A78 - HECmd_SetClock_Internal(scr_entref_t entref, he_type_t type, const char *cmdName)
0x00181798 - HECmd_SetMaterial(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00181920 - HECmd_SetText(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00182F50 - HECmd_ScaleOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001806E0 - HudElem_Alloc(int clientNum, int teamNum)
0x001E8DB4 - Huff_Init(huffman_t *huff)
0x001BAC18 - InitTrigger(gentity_s *self)
0x001BB1B0 - InitTriggerWait(gentity_s *ent, int spawnflag)
0x00250DB8 - Item_DvarEnum_Setting(itemDef_s *item)
0x004C6C78 - I_strlwr(char *s)
0x0027CC40 - I_stricmp(const char *s0, const char *s1)
0x0027CAE0 - I_strnicmp(const char *s0, const char *s1, int n)
0x004C6C68 - I_strncpyz(char *dest, const char *src, int destsize)
0x000A7650 - Key_Bind_f(void)
0x000A5668 - Key_Bindlist_f(void)
0x000A6F08 - Key_Unbind_f(void)
0x000A5410 - Key_IsCommandBound(int localClientNum, const char *command)
0x000A5B50 - Key_StringToKeynum(const char *str)
0x00253670 - Menu_PaintAll(UiContext *dc)
0x001EDAC8 - MSG_Init(msg_t *buf, char *data, int length)
0x001EDD50 - MSG_initHuffmanInternal
0x001ED840 - MSG_ReadBitsCompress(const char *from, char *to, int size)
0x000DBA00 - ScrPlace_Init(void)
0x001B0B40 - Scr_ConstructMessageString(int firstParmIndex, int lastParmIndex, const char *errorContext, char *string, unsigned int stringLimit)
0x00209C50 - Scr_Error(const char *error)
0x0020A340 - Scr_GetFloat(unsigned int index)
0x001B7630 - Scr_GetEntity(unsigned int index)
0x0017CA60 - Scr_PlayerKilled(gentity_s *self, gentity_s *inflictor, gentity_s *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, hitLocation_t hitLoc, int psTimeOffset, int deathAnimDuration)
0x00209C88 - Scr_ParamError(unsigned int index, const char *error)
0x001BB860 - SP_trigger_radius(gentity_s *ent)
0x001B52F0 - SP_script_brushmodel(gentity_s *self)
0x00200280 - SL_ConvertToString(unsigned int stringValue)
0x001B9FF8 - StringToFilter(char *s, ipFilter_s *f)
0x004AA6C0 - strncpy(char *dest, const char *source, unsigned int count)
0x001B9EE8 - Svcmd_EntityList_f(void)
0x001BA2B0 - Svcmd_RemoveIP_f(void)
0x002189D8 - Sv_AddTestClient(void)
0x00211D98 - SV_AddOperatorCommands(void)
0x0021F1B0 - SV_AddServerCommand(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)
0x00219F08 - SV_SetBrushModel(gentity_s *ent)
0x001D9270 - SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(void)
0x001DB040 - SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(const char *text_in)
0x00215310 - SV_ClientCommand(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)
0x00217880 - SV_DirectConnect(netadr_t from)
0x00219540 - SV_DObjGetTree(gentity_s *ent)
0x00215310 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)
0x00215EB0 - SV_ExecuteClientMessage(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)
0x002285A0 - SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)
0x002131A8 - SV_MapRestart(int fast_restart)
0x00212C40 - SV_KickClient(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)
0x0021A750 - SV_GetConfigstringConst(int index)
0x0021A0A0 - SV_GameSendServerCommand(int clientNum, svscmd_type type, const char *text)
0x0021F6A8 - SV_SendServerCommand(client_s *cl, svscmd_type type, const char *fmt)
0x0021B818 - SV_SetConfigstring(int index, const char *val)
0x0021A130 - SV_SetMapCenter(float *mapCenter)
0x002271C8 - SV_UnlinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)
0x002EA400 - Sys_Error(const char *error)
0x002F3FB8 - Sys_Milliseconds()
0x001FB598 - Sys_EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x001FB340 - Sys_LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x0016CF90 - PlayerCmd_giveWeapon(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00172508 - PlayerCmd_SetViewmodel(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00170A68 - PlayerCmd_SetClientDvar(scr_entref_t entref)
0x0017CBC0 - Player_Die(gentity_s* self, gentity_s* inflictor, gentity_s* attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int WeaponIndex, const float *vDir, int hitLocation, int psTime)
0x0027E0D0 - va(const char *format)
0x004C6C58 - vsnprintf_0(char *string, unsigned int count, const char *format, char *ap)
0x004AA890 - vsnprintf_l(char *string, unsigned int count, const char *format, localeinfo_struct *plocinfo, char *ap)
0x0028C668 - XAnimClearTree(XAnimTree_s *tree)
0x0028C438 - XAnimFreeInfo(XAnimTree_s *tree, unsigned int infoIndex)
0x01316880 - level_locals_t
0x012E9858 - g_hudelems

Primetime43 - Status Offsets
MegaMister - Night Vision + Explosive Bullets
aerosoul94 - SV Command's
SC58 - Offsets And Addresses
Seb5594 - Addresses
Const - Offsets
TeamGeckos KYZA - Offsets
Mango_Knife - Clients Offsets

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Buttons in names: You must login or register to view this content.

Get Server Details:
C# Code + Offset: You must login or register to view this content.

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Clean Unlock All: You must login or register to view this content.

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Last edited by Mango_Knife ; 05-25-2014 at 02:21 PM. Reason: Added Clean Unlock All Code, And Fixed some un-correct offsets.

The following 18 users say thank you to Mango_Knife for this useful post:

-SuperMan, /SneakerStreet/, EliteHackzPS3, FusionIsDaName, Hori_By_Nature, M-alShammary, MegaMister, Mx444, nasir, NiiinjaModz--, Smooth, RatchetBooty, ThePaaqoHD, Fatality, zMarcusHD, zSunriseModz
03-21-2014, 08:41 PM #11
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by Knife View Post
Alright, first dont jump into any conclusions
Second, i didnt know it was released on elite serction since a friend sended me that
Just let me know and i will remove this you dont need to get banned and stuff... its just pointless...

nice post mango, keep up the good work... might make a quick stat tool or something with this (y)
03-22-2014, 09:11 AM #12
In my man cave
Originally posted by OhSoSmooth View Post
nice post mango, keep up the good work... might make a quick stat tool or something with this (y)

Already in progress =D
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03-23-2014, 07:50 PM #13
In my man cave
Added All Perks, Explosive Bullets, Night Vision And "Show Me The Map".
03-23-2014, 08:44 PM #14
Script Kiddie
At least I can fight
Originally posted by OhSoSmooth View Post
Why do you always get mad at people when they actually release things? People like you are why the ps3 modding community is shit. You find things and then don't release them for months and then when someone else finds/gets what you found and releases it you blow up at them.

Community.... Cheesy
03-24-2014, 03:38 AM #15
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by xI2iley
Community.... Cheesy

03-24-2014, 02:29 PM #16
In my man cave
Added Give UAV, Counter UAV And Buttons Icones.
03-28-2014, 08:11 PM #17
In my man cave
added clean unlock all code, and fixed some un-correct offsets Winky Winky
And added auto kill.
04-03-2014, 12:02 PM #18
Former Staff
Late post but nice thread, I might work on another MW2 RTM tool using all of these offsets when I get home Smile
04-14-2014, 04:02 PM #19
very nice:yes:
but and non Host offsets??

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