Post: C# Mystery Box
07-18-2014, 11:09 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey Guys i made an MW3 Mystery Box it is working on All Maps please Report Bugs to Skype: xCSBKx Smile
Have Fun using this Stuff Needa

1.0.0 : Release
1.0.1 : Fixed Game Ending Freeze + Changeing Spawn Function Params + Removed the RPC.

Mystery Box Class

public static class MysteryBox
#region Variables
private static uint Weapon = 0;
private static uint[] MBIndexes = new uint[3];
private static string WeaponName = null;
private static Thread MBThread;

#region Read + Write
private static string ReadString(uint Offset)
uint num = 0;
List<byte> List = new List<byte>();
while (true)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset + num, buffer);
if (buffer[0] == 0)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(List.ToArray());

private static float ReadFloat(uint Offset)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
return BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);

private static int ReadInt(uint Offset)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
int Value = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
return Value;

private static float[] ReadFloatLength(uint Offset, int Length)
byte[] buffer = new byte[Length * 4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
float[] FArray = new float[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
FArray[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, (Length - 1 - i) * 4);
return FArray;

private static void WriteString(uint Offset, string Text)
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text);
Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteByte(uint Offset, byte Byte)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
buffer[0] = Byte;
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteFloat(uint Offset, float Float)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
BitConverter.GetBytes(Float).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteFloatArray(uint Offset, float[] Array)
byte[] buffer = new byte[Array.Length * 4];
for (int Lenght = 0; Lenght < Array.Length; Lenght++)
ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Array[Lenght])).CopyTo(buffer, Lenght * 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteInt(uint Offset, int Value)
byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteUInt(uint Offset, uint Value)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
BitConverter.GetBytes(Value).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static byte[] ReverseBytes(byte[] inArray)
return inArray;

#region RPC
private static uint func_address = 0x0277208;

private static void Enable()
byte[] Check = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(func_address + 4, Check);
if (Check[0] == 0x3F)

byte[] PPC = new byte[]
{0x3F,0x80,0x10,0x05,0x81,0x9C,0,0x48,0x2C,0x0C,0, 0,0x41,0x82,0,0x78,
0xFC,0,0x10,0x81,0x1C,0,0x14,0x81,0x3C,0,0x18,0x81 ,0x5C,0,0x1C,0x81,
0x7C,0,0x20,0xC0,0x3C,0,0x24,0xC0,0x5C,0,0x28,0xC0 ,0x7C,0,0x2C,0xC0,
0x9C,0,0x30,0xC0,0xBC,0,0x34,0xC0,0xDC,0,0x38,0xC0 ,0xFC,0,0x3C,0xC1,
PS3.SetMemory(func_address, new byte[] { 0x41 });
PS3.SetMemory(func_address + 4, PPC);
PS3.SetMemory(func_address, new byte[] { 0x40 });

private static int Call(uint address, params object[] parameters)
int length = parameters.Length;
int index = 0;
uint count = 0;
uint Strings = 0;
uint Single = 0;
uint Array = 0;
while (index < length)
if (parameters[index] is int)
WriteInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (int)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is uint)
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (uint)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is byte)
WriteByte(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (byte)parameters[index]);
uint pointer;
if (parameters[index] is string)
pointer = 0x10052000 + (Strings * 0x400);
WriteString(pointer, Convert.ToString(parameters[index]));
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (uint)pointer);
else if (parameters[index] is float)
WriteFloat(0x10050024 + (Single * 4), (float)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is float[])
float[] Args = (float[])parameters[index];
pointer = 0x10051000 + Array * 4;
WriteFloatArray(pointer, Args);
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + count * 4, (uint)pointer);
Array += (uint)Args.Length;
WriteUInt(0x10050048, (uint)address);
return ReadInt(0x1005004c);

private static bool Dvar_GetBool(string DVAR)
{//0x00291060 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
bool State;
uint Value = (uint)Call(0x00291060, DVAR);
if (Value == 1)
State = true;
State = false;
return State;

#region HUDS
private static uint Element(uint Index)
return 0xF0E10C + ((Index) * 0xB4);

private static uint StoreText(uint Index, decimal Client, string Text, int Font, float FontScale, int X, int Y, decimal R = 255, decimal G = 255, decimal B = 255, decimal A = 255, decimal R1 = 0, decimal G1 = 0, decimal B1 = 0, decimal A1 = 0)
uint elem = Element(Index);
WriteInt(elem + 0x84, Call(0x1BE6CC, Text));
WriteInt(elem + 0x24, Font);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x14, FontScale);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x4, X);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x8, Y);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xa7, new byte[] { 7 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x30, new byte[] { (byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B, (byte)A });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x8C, new byte[] { (byte)R1, (byte)G1, (byte)B1, (byte)A1 });
WriteInt(elem + 0xA8, (int)Client);
WriteInt(elem, 1);
return elem;

#region Functions
private enum Brush : uint
NULL = 0,
CarePackage = 2,
Bomb = 3,

private static uint SolidModel(float[] Origin, float[] Angles, string Model = "com_plasticcase_friendly", Brush Index = Brush.CarePackage)
uint Entity = (uint)Call(0x01C058C);//G_Spawn
WriteFloatArray(Entity + 0x138, Origin);//Position
WriteFloatArray(Entity + 0x144, Angles);//Orientation
Call(0x01BEF5C, Entity, Model);//G_SetModel
Call(0x01B6F68, Entity); //SP_script_model
Call(0x002377B8, Entity);//SV_UnlinkEntity
WriteByte(Entity + 0x101, 4);
WriteByte(Entity + 0x8C + 3, (byte)Index);
Call(0x0022925C, Entity);//SV_SetBrushModel
Call(0x00237848, Entity);//SV_LinkEntity
return Entity;

public static float[] GetOrigin(uint Client)
return ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (Client * 0x3980), 3);

private static string ChangeWeaponModel()
int Value = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[100];
PS3.GetMemory(0x8360d5, buffer);
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
string Map = Encoding.GetString(buffer).Split(Convert.ToChar(0x5c))[6];
if (Map == "mp_seatown" | Map == "mp_paris" |Map == "mp_plaza2" | Map == "mp_exchange" | Map == "mp_bootleg" | Map == "mp_alpha" | Map == "mp_village" | Map == "mp_bravo" | Map == "mp_courtyard_ss" | Map == "mp_aground_ss")
Value = -1;
Value = 0;

Random Random = new Random();
switch (Random.Next(1, 50))
case 1:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 4;
WeaponName = "Riotshield";
return "weapon_riot_shield_mp";
case 2:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 6;
WeaponName = ".44 Magnum";
return "weapon_44_magnum_iw5";
case 3:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 7;
WeaponName = "USP .45";
return "weapon_usp45_iw5";
case 4:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 9;
WeaponName = "Desert Eagle";
return "weapon_desert_eagle_iw5";
case 5:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 10;
WeaponName = "MP412";
return "weapon_mp412";
case 6:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12;
WeaponName = "P99";
return "weapon_walther_p99_iw5";
case 7:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 13;
WeaponName = "Five-Seven";
return "weapon_fn_fiveseven_iw5";
case 8:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 14;
WeaponName = "FMG9";
return "weapon_fmg_iw5";
case 9:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 15;
WeaponName = "Skorpion";
return "weapon_skorpion_iw5";
case 10:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 16;
WeaponName = "MP9";
return "weapon_mp9_iw5";
case 11:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 17;
WeaponName = "G18";
return "weapon_g18_iw5";
case 12:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 18;
WeaponName = "MP5";
return "weapon_mp5_iw5";
case 13:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 19;
WeaponName = "PM-9";
return "weapon_uzi_m9_iw5";
case 14:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 20;
WeaponName = "P90";
return "weapon_p90_iw5";
case 15:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 21;
WeaponName = "PP90M1";
return "weapon_pp90m1_iw5";
case 16:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 22;
WeaponName = "UMP45";
return "weapon_ump45_iw5";
case 17:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 23;
WeaponName = "MP7";
return "weapon_mp7_iw5";
case 18:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 24;
WeaponName = "AK-47";
return "weapon_ak47_iw5";
case 19:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 25;
WeaponName = "M16A4";
return "weapon_m16_iw5";
case 20:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 26;
WeaponName = "M4A1";
return "weapon_m4_iw5";
case 21:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 27;
WeaponName = "FAD";
return "weapon_fad_iw5";
case 22:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 28;
WeaponName = "ACR 6.8";
return "weapon_remington_acr_iw5";
case 23:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 29;
WeaponName = "Typ 95";
return "weapon_type95_iw5";
case 24:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 30;
WeaponName = "MK14";
return "weapon_m14_iw5";
case 25:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 31;
WeaponName = "SCAR-L";
return "weapon_scar_iw5";
case 26:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 32;
WeaponName = "G36C";
return "weapon_g36_iw5";
case 27:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 33;
WeaponName = "CM901";
return "weapon_cm901";
case 28:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 35;
WeaponName = "M320 GLM";
return "weapon_m320_gl";
case 29:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 36;
WeaponName = "RPG-7";
return "weapon_rpg7";
case 30:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 37;
WeaponName = "SMAW";
return "weapon_smaw";
case 31:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 39;
WeaponName = "Javelin";
return "weapon_javelin";
case 32:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 40;
WeaponName = "XM25";
return "weapon_xm25";
case 33:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12329;
WeaponName = "Dragunow";
return "weapon_dragunov_iw5";
case 34:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12330;
WeaponName = "MSR";
return "weapon_remington_msr_iw5";
case 35:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12331;
WeaponName = "BARRET KAL. .50";
return "weapon_m82_iw5";
case 36:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12332;
WeaponName = "RSASS";
return "weapon_rsass_iw5";
case 37:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12333;
WeaponName = "AS50";
return "weapon_as50_iw5";
case 38:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12334;
WeaponName = "L118A";
return "weapon_l96a1_iw5";
case 39:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 47;
WeaponName = "KSG 12";
return "weapon_ksg_iw5";
case 40:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 48;
WeaponName = "MODELL 1887";
return "weapon_model1887";
case 41:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 49;
WeaponName = "STRIKER";
return "weapon_striker_iw5";
case 42:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 50;
WeaponName = "AA-12";
return "weapon_aa12_iw5";
case 43:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 51;
WeaponName = "USAS12";
return "weapon_usas12_iw5";
case 44:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 52;
WeaponName = "SPAS-12";
return "weapon_spas12_iw5";
case 45:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 54;
WeaponName = "M60E4";
return "weapon_m60_iw5";
case 46:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 17461;
WeaponName = "AUG";
return "weapon_steyr_digital";
case 47:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 55;
WeaponName = "MK46";
return "weapon_mk46_iw5";
case 48:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 56;
WeaponName = "PKP PECHENEG";
return "weapon_pecheneg_iw5";
case 49:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 57;
WeaponName = "L86 LSW";
return "weapon_sa80_iw5";
case 50:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 58;
WeaponName = "MG36";
return "weapon_mg36";
return null;

private static void MBFunction(float[] Origin, float[] Angles)
float[] BoxOrigin = Origin;
float WeaponZ1 = 0;
bool Running = false;
uint ClientUsing = 0, WeaponID = 0;
Origin[2] += 16;
MBIndexes[0] = SolidModel(Origin, Angles, "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly");
MBIndexes[1] = SolidModel(new float[] { Origin[0], Origin[1], Origin[2] += 28 }, Angles, "");
MBIndexes[2] = SolidModel(new float[] { Origin[0] += -8, Origin[1], Origin[2] += -18 }, Angles, "weapon_ak47_iw5", Brush.NULL);
WeaponID = MBIndexes[2];
while (MBThread.IsAlive)
if (Dvar_GetBool("cl_ingame") == false)
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PS3.SetMemory(MBIndexes[i], new byte[0x280]);
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);
if (Running == false)
for (uint Client = 0; Client < 18; Client++)
if (ReadInt(0xFCA41D + (Client * 0x280)) > 0)
float[] PlayerOrigin = ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (Client * 0x3980), 3);
float X = PlayerOrigin[0] - BoxOrigin[0];
float Y = PlayerOrigin[1] - BoxOrigin[1];
float Z = PlayerOrigin[2] - (BoxOrigin[2] - 23);
float Distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z));
if (Distance < 50)
StoreText(500 + Client, Client, "Press for a Random Weapon", 7, 0.8f, 195, 300);
byte[] Key = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(0x110D5E3 + (0x3980 * Client), Key);
if (Key[0] == 0x20)
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);
float WeaponZ = Origin[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++)
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ += 0.7f);
if ((i / 2) * 2 == i)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, ChangeWeaponModel()));
if (i == 36)
WeaponZ1 = WeaponZ;
Running = true;
ClientUsing = Client;
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + Client), new byte[0xB4]);
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++)
float[] PlayerOrigin = ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), 3);
float X = PlayerOrigin[0] - BoxOrigin[0];
float Y = PlayerOrigin[1] - BoxOrigin[1];
float Z = PlayerOrigin[2] - (BoxOrigin[2] - 23);
float Distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z));
if (Distance < 50)
StoreText(500 + ClientUsing, ClientUsing, "Press for " + WeaponName, 7, 0.8f, 195, 300);
byte[] Key = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(0x110D5E3 + (0x3980 * ClientUsing), Key);
if (Key[0] == 0x20)

if (ReadInt(0x0110a5f0 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980)) == ReadInt(0x0110a4fc + (ClientUsing * 0x3980)))
WriteUInt(0x0110a4fc + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a624 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a6a4 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a4f4 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a68c + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a614 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a5f0 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
Call(0x18A29C, 0xFCA280 + (ClientUsing * 0x280), Weapon, "", 9999, 9999);
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, Origin[2]);
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ1 += -0.7f);
if (i == 36)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ1 += -0.7f);
if (i == 36)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;

public static void Spawn(float[] Origin, float Yaw)
float[] Angles = new float[] { 0, Yaw, 0 };
ThreadStart Start = null;
if (Start == null)
Start = () => MBFunction(Origin, Angles);
MBThread = new Thread(Start);
MBThread.IsBackground = true;

public static void DeleteMB()
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PS3.SetMemory(MBIndexes[i], new byte[0x280]);
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);

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Last edited by GMTPS3 ; 07-20-2014 at 03:04 PM.

The following 36 users say thank you to GMTPS3 for this useful post:

-JM-, /SneakerStreet/, Bucko, Curz, FusionIsDaName, Geo, hacking247, ImAzazel, iMoDz-Baptiste, iNDMx, jwm614, kainer wainer, kiwi_modz, Mango_Knife, MegaMister, moxl, mrdarkblue, noobRus, oStankyModz, ProGoHard, RaGE_LoLo69, RTE, sanzica, SC58, spicky, Sturmi :3, Swaqq, Swiss, TotalModzHD, Laser, Fatality, xProvXKiller, zIExceptiion, zRayz-
07-20-2014, 01:36 PM #29
Sturmi :3
Do a barrel roll!
nice stuff m8

The following user thanked Sturmi :3 for this useful post:

08-10-2014, 07:09 AM #30
Save Point
Very nice Smile download link? Smile
08-27-2014, 10:15 PM #31
Bounty hunter
Can you release the nuke bullets want to add them to my sprx
08-27-2014, 11:21 PM #32
A Friend
League Champion
Originally posted by GMTPS3 View Post
Hey Guys i made an MW3 Mystery Box it is working on All Maps please Report Bugs to Skype: xCSBKx Smile
Have Fun using this Stuff Needa

1.0.0 : Release
1.0.1 : Fixed Game Ending Freeze + Changeing Spawn Function Params + Removed the RPC.

Mystery Box Class

public static class MysteryBox
#region Variables
private static uint Weapon = 0;
private static uint[] MBIndexes = new uint[3];
private static string WeaponName = null;
private static Thread MBThread;

#region Read + Write
private static string ReadString(uint Offset)
uint num = 0;
List<byte> List = new List<byte>();
while (true)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset + num, buffer);
if (buffer[0] == 0)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(List.ToArray());

private static float ReadFloat(uint Offset)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
return BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);

private static int ReadInt(uint Offset)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
int Value = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
return Value;

private static float[] ReadFloatLength(uint Offset, int Length)
byte[] buffer = new byte[Length * 4];
PS3.GetMemory(Offset, buffer);
float[] FArray = new float[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
FArray[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, (Length - 1 - i) * 4);
return FArray;

private static void WriteString(uint Offset, string Text)
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text);
Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteByte(uint Offset, byte Byte)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
buffer[0] = Byte;
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteFloat(uint Offset, float Float)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
BitConverter.GetBytes(Float).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteFloatArray(uint Offset, float[] Array)
byte[] buffer = new byte[Array.Length * 4];
for (int Lenght = 0; Lenght < Array.Length; Lenght++)
ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Array[Lenght])).CopyTo(buffer, Lenght * 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteInt(uint Offset, int Value)
byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static void WriteUInt(uint Offset, uint Value)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
BitConverter.GetBytes(Value).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4);
PS3.SetMemory(Offset, buffer);

private static byte[] ReverseBytes(byte[] inArray)
return inArray;

#region RPC
private static uint func_address = 0x0277208;

private static void Enable()
byte[] Check = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(func_address + 4, Check);
if (Check[0] == 0x3F)

byte[] PPC = new byte[]
{0x3F,0x80,0x10,0x05,0x81,0x9C,0,0x48,0x2C,0x0C,0, 0,0x41,0x82,0,0x78,
0xFC,0,0x10,0x81,0x1C,0,0x14,0x81,0x3C,0,0x18,0x81 ,0x5C,0,0x1C,0x81,
0x7C,0,0x20,0xC0,0x3C,0,0x24,0xC0,0x5C,0,0x28,0xC0 ,0x7C,0,0x2C,0xC0,
0x9C,0,0x30,0xC0,0xBC,0,0x34,0xC0,0xDC,0,0x38,0xC0 ,0xFC,0,0x3C,0xC1,
PS3.SetMemory(func_address, new byte[] { 0x41 });
PS3.SetMemory(func_address + 4, PPC);
PS3.SetMemory(func_address, new byte[] { 0x40 });

private static int Call(uint address, params object[] parameters)
int length = parameters.Length;
int index = 0;
uint count = 0;
uint Strings = 0;
uint Single = 0;
uint Array = 0;
while (index < length)
if (parameters[index] is int)
WriteInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (int)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is uint)
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (uint)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is byte)
WriteByte(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (byte)parameters[index]);
uint pointer;
if (parameters[index] is string)
pointer = 0x10052000 + (Strings * 0x400);
WriteString(pointer, Convert.ToString(parameters[index]));
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + (count * 4), (uint)pointer);
else if (parameters[index] is float)
WriteFloat(0x10050024 + (Single * 4), (float)parameters[index]);
else if (parameters[index] is float[])
float[] Args = (float[])parameters[index];
pointer = 0x10051000 + Array * 4;
WriteFloatArray(pointer, Args);
WriteUInt(0x10050000 + count * 4, (uint)pointer);
Array += (uint)Args.Length;
WriteUInt(0x10050048, (uint)address);
return ReadInt(0x1005004c);

private static bool Dvar_GetBool(string DVAR)
{//0x00291060 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
bool State;
uint Value = (uint)Call(0x00291060, DVAR);
if (Value == 1)
State = true;
State = false;
return State;

#region HUDS
private static uint Element(uint Index)
return 0xF0E10C + ((Index) * 0xB4);

private static uint StoreText(uint Index, decimal Client, string Text, int Font, float FontScale, int X, int Y, decimal R = 255, decimal G = 255, decimal B = 255, decimal A = 255, decimal R1 = 0, decimal G1 = 0, decimal B1 = 0, decimal A1 = 0)
uint elem = Element(Index);
WriteInt(elem + 0x84, Call(0x1BE6CC, Text));
WriteInt(elem + 0x24, Font);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x14, FontScale);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x4, X);
WriteFloat(elem + 0x8, Y);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xa7, new byte[] { 7 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x30, new byte[] { (byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B, (byte)A });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x8C, new byte[] { (byte)R1, (byte)G1, (byte)B1, (byte)A1 });
WriteInt(elem + 0xA8, (int)Client);
WriteInt(elem, 1);
return elem;

#region Functions
private enum Brush : uint
NULL = 0,
CarePackage = 2,
Bomb = 3,

private static uint SolidModel(float[] Origin, float[] Angles, string Model = "com_plasticcase_friendly", Brush Index = Brush.CarePackage)
uint Entity = (uint)Call(0x01C058C);//G_Spawn
WriteFloatArray(Entity + 0x138, Origin);//Position
WriteFloatArray(Entity + 0x144, Angles);//Orientation
Call(0x01BEF5C, Entity, Model);//G_SetModel
Call(0x01B6F68, Entity); //SP_script_model
Call(0x002377B8, Entity);//SV_UnlinkEntity
WriteByte(Entity + 0x101, 4);
WriteByte(Entity + 0x8C + 3, (byte)Index);
Call(0x0022925C, Entity);//SV_SetBrushModel
Call(0x00237848, Entity);//SV_LinkEntity
return Entity;

public static float[] GetOrigin(uint Client)
return ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (Client * 0x3980), 3);

private static string ChangeWeaponModel()
int Value = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[100];
PS3.GetMemory(0x8360d5, buffer);
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
string Map = Encoding.GetString(buffer).Split(Convert.ToChar(0x5c))[6];
if (Map == "mp_seatown" | Map == "mp_paris" |Map == "mp_plaza2" | Map == "mp_exchange" | Map == "mp_bootleg" | Map == "mp_alpha" | Map == "mp_village" | Map == "mp_bravo" | Map == "mp_courtyard_ss" | Map == "mp_aground_ss")
Value = -1;
Value = 0;

Random Random = new Random();
switch (Random.Next(1, 50))
case 1:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 4;
WeaponName = "Riotshield";
return "weapon_riot_shield_mp";
case 2:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 6;
WeaponName = ".44 Magnum";
return "weapon_44_magnum_iw5";
case 3:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 7;
WeaponName = "USP .45";
return "weapon_usp45_iw5";
case 4:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 9;
WeaponName = "Desert Eagle";
return "weapon_desert_eagle_iw5";
case 5:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 10;
WeaponName = "MP412";
return "weapon_mp412";
case 6:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12;
WeaponName = "P99";
return "weapon_walther_p99_iw5";
case 7:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 13;
WeaponName = "Five-Seven";
return "weapon_fn_fiveseven_iw5";
case 8:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 14;
WeaponName = "FMG9";
return "weapon_fmg_iw5";
case 9:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 15;
WeaponName = "Skorpion";
return "weapon_skorpion_iw5";
case 10:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 16;
WeaponName = "MP9";
return "weapon_mp9_iw5";
case 11:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 17;
WeaponName = "G18";
return "weapon_g18_iw5";
case 12:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 18;
WeaponName = "MP5";
return "weapon_mp5_iw5";
case 13:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 19;
WeaponName = "PM-9";
return "weapon_uzi_m9_iw5";
case 14:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 20;
WeaponName = "P90";
return "weapon_p90_iw5";
case 15:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 21;
WeaponName = "PP90M1";
return "weapon_pp90m1_iw5";
case 16:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 22;
WeaponName = "UMP45";
return "weapon_ump45_iw5";
case 17:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 23;
WeaponName = "MP7";
return "weapon_mp7_iw5";
case 18:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 24;
WeaponName = "AK-47";
return "weapon_ak47_iw5";
case 19:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 25;
WeaponName = "M16A4";
return "weapon_m16_iw5";
case 20:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 26;
WeaponName = "M4A1";
return "weapon_m4_iw5";
case 21:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 27;
WeaponName = "FAD";
return "weapon_fad_iw5";
case 22:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 28;
WeaponName = "ACR 6.8";
return "weapon_remington_acr_iw5";
case 23:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 29;
WeaponName = "Typ 95";
return "weapon_type95_iw5";
case 24:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 30;
WeaponName = "MK14";
return "weapon_m14_iw5";
case 25:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 31;
WeaponName = "SCAR-L";
return "weapon_scar_iw5";
case 26:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 32;
WeaponName = "G36C";
return "weapon_g36_iw5";
case 27:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 33;
WeaponName = "CM901";
return "weapon_cm901";
case 28:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 35;
WeaponName = "M320 GLM";
return "weapon_m320_gl";
case 29:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 36;
WeaponName = "RPG-7";
return "weapon_rpg7";
case 30:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 37;
WeaponName = "SMAW";
return "weapon_smaw";
case 31:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 39;
WeaponName = "Javelin";
return "weapon_javelin";
case 32:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 40;
WeaponName = "XM25";
return "weapon_xm25";
case 33:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12329;
WeaponName = "Dragunow";
return "weapon_dragunov_iw5";
case 34:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12330;
WeaponName = "MSR";
return "weapon_remington_msr_iw5";
case 35:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12331;
WeaponName = "BARRET KAL. .50";
return "weapon_m82_iw5";
case 36:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12332;
WeaponName = "RSASS";
return "weapon_rsass_iw5";
case 37:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12333;
WeaponName = "AS50";
return "weapon_as50_iw5";
case 38:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 12334;
WeaponName = "L118A";
return "weapon_l96a1_iw5";
case 39:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 47;
WeaponName = "KSG 12";
return "weapon_ksg_iw5";
case 40:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 48;
WeaponName = "MODELL 1887";
return "weapon_model1887";
case 41:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 49;
WeaponName = "STRIKER";
return "weapon_striker_iw5";
case 42:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 50;
WeaponName = "AA-12";
return "weapon_aa12_iw5";
case 43:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 51;
WeaponName = "USAS12";
return "weapon_usas12_iw5";
case 44:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 52;
WeaponName = "SPAS-12";
return "weapon_spas12_iw5";
case 45:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 54;
WeaponName = "M60E4";
return "weapon_m60_iw5";
case 46:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 17461;
WeaponName = "AUG";
return "weapon_steyr_digital";
case 47:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 55;
WeaponName = "MK46";
return "weapon_mk46_iw5";
case 48:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 56;
WeaponName = "PKP PECHENEG";
return "weapon_pecheneg_iw5";
case 49:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 57;
WeaponName = "L86 LSW";
return "weapon_sa80_iw5";
case 50:
Weapon = (uint)Value + 58;
WeaponName = "MG36";
return "weapon_mg36";
return null;

private static void MBFunction(float[] Origin, float[] Angles)
float[] BoxOrigin = Origin;
float WeaponZ1 = 0;
bool Running = false;
uint ClientUsing = 0, WeaponID = 0;
Origin[2] += 16;
MBIndexes[0] = SolidModel(Origin, Angles, "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly");
MBIndexes[1] = SolidModel(new float[] { Origin[0], Origin[1], Origin[2] += 28 }, Angles, "");
MBIndexes[2] = SolidModel(new float[] { Origin[0] += -8, Origin[1], Origin[2] += -18 }, Angles, "weapon_ak47_iw5", Brush.NULL);
WeaponID = MBIndexes[2];
while (MBThread.IsAlive)
if (Dvar_GetBool("cl_ingame") == false)
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PS3.SetMemory(MBIndexes[i], new byte[0x280]);
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);
if (Running == false)
for (uint Client = 0; Client < 18; Client++)
if (ReadInt(0xFCA41D + (Client * 0x280)) > 0)
float[] PlayerOrigin = ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (Client * 0x3980), 3);
float X = PlayerOrigin[0] - BoxOrigin[0];
float Y = PlayerOrigin[1] - BoxOrigin[1];
float Z = PlayerOrigin[2] - (BoxOrigin[2] - 23);
float Distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z));
if (Distance < 50)
StoreText(500 + Client, Client, "Press for a Random Weapon", 7, 0.8f, 195, 300);
byte[] Key = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(0x110D5E3 + (0x3980 * Client), Key);
if (Key[0] == 0x20)
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);
float WeaponZ = Origin[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++)
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ += 0.7f);
if ((i / 2) * 2 == i)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, ChangeWeaponModel()));
if (i == 36)
WeaponZ1 = WeaponZ;
Running = true;
ClientUsing = Client;
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + Client), new byte[0xB4]);
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++)
float[] PlayerOrigin = ReadFloatLength(0x110a29c + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), 3);
float X = PlayerOrigin[0] - BoxOrigin[0];
float Y = PlayerOrigin[1] - BoxOrigin[1];
float Z = PlayerOrigin[2] - (BoxOrigin[2] - 23);
float Distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z));
if (Distance < 50)
StoreText(500 + ClientUsing, ClientUsing, "Press for " + WeaponName, 7, 0.8f, 195, 300);
byte[] Key = new byte[1];
PS3.GetMemory(0x110D5E3 + (0x3980 * ClientUsing), Key);
if (Key[0] == 0x20)

if (ReadInt(0x0110a5f0 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980)) == ReadInt(0x0110a4fc + (ClientUsing * 0x3980)))
WriteUInt(0x0110a4fc + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a624 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a6a4 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a4f4 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a68c + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a614 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
WriteUInt(0x0110a5f0 + (ClientUsing * 0x3980), Weapon);
Call(0x18A29C, 0xFCA280 + (ClientUsing * 0x280), Weapon, "", 9999, 9999);
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, Origin[2]);
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ1 += -0.7f);
if (i == 36)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
WriteFloat(WeaponID + 0x20, WeaponZ1 += -0.7f);
if (i == 36)
WriteUInt(WeaponID + 0x58, (uint)Call(0x1BE7A8, "weapon_ak47_iw5"));
PS3.SetMemory(Element(500 + ClientUsing), new byte[0xB4]);
Running = false;

public static void Spawn(float[] Origin, float Yaw)
float[] Angles = new float[] { 0, Yaw, 0 };
ThreadStart Start = null;
if (Start == null)
Start = () => MBFunction(Origin, Angles);
MBThread = new Thread(Start);
MBThread.IsBackground = true;

public static void DeleteMB()
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PS3.SetMemory(MBIndexes[i], new byte[0x280]);
PS3.SetMemory(0xF0E10C + (500 * 0xB4), new byte[18 * 0xB4]);

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Can you release a nuke bullets tool?
09-02-2014, 11:10 AM #33
How to use it with a button please?
09-07-2014, 02:58 PM #34
maybe some new mw3 ai zombies extreme coming along?
09-21-2014, 06:18 PM #35
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by GMTPS3 View Post
Hey Guys i made an MW3 Mystery Box it is working on All Maps please Report Bugs to Skype: xCSBKx Smile
Have Fun using this Stuff Needa

1.0.0 : Release
1.0.1 : Fixed Game Ending Freeze + Changeing Spawn Function Params + Removed the RPC.

I'm getting crashes when the game ends or when a round ends. Why is this? Didn't you fix it?
01-20-2015, 03:47 PM #36
Vault dweller
Originally posted by 6768 View Post
dowload tool?

There is no tool he release just some codes C# you make own tool with this codes
01-26-2015, 04:05 PM #37
Pokemon Trainer
gsc is shit

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