Post: Help with A possible VB program
12-02-2010, 08:12 PM #1
Porkey The Pig Is My Nigg
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay guys,

I have never used VB before nor do i know what i would use but i can learn it fast or just need a breef program.. What i need is to make a URL Changer ex

/[email protected]$&firstName=$name$&


Is the link

All the INFO inside the $ $ i want to change. Ex. I click generate and it puts random numbers and letters in the url and opens it.

Possible, But not sure how to do it.

Any ideas guys?
12-02-2010, 08:26 PM #2
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Originally posted by ThereThatGuy View Post
Okay guys,

I have never used VB before nor do i know what i would use but i can learn it fast or just need a breef program.. What i need is to make a URL Changer ex

/[email protected]$&firstName=$name$&


Is the link

All the INFO inside the $ $ i want to change. Ex. I click generate and it puts random numbers and letters in the url and opens it.

Possible, But not sure how to do it.

Any ideas guys?

Well you could do something like this:
      Dim CodServer = lst_cod4_Servers.SelectedItem.ToString
Cod4ServerLeft = CodServer.Substring(0, CodServer.IndexOf(":"))

Cod4serverRight = CodServer.Substring(CodServer.LastIndexOf(":"))
Cod4serverRight = Cod4serverRight.TrimStart(":")

Granted there is some stuff there you wont use but anycase, since you are trying to find the $ all you need to do is pretty much use:
                Cod4ServerLeft = CodServer.Substring(0, CodServer.IndexOf(":"))

You'll have to change it up to suit your needs, but your best bet would pry be to make the string into an array and find what you want from the array

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