Post: Soul Calibur and Tekken 6 Headed to PSP
04-29-2009, 02:14 PM #1
Smells Like Teen Spirit
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There was a lot of doubt surrounding how much exaggeration was involved when Sony claimed that more than half of the PSP's 2009 lineup (including a number of big titles) remained unannounced at the beginning of the month. But Sony continues to make good on that assertion, first with Gran Turismo Mobile being ready for an official announcement at E3, and now with both Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny (seen above) being announced for the PSP today.
The previously announced Tekken 6 was thought to only be headed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but IGN reports the game will also have a PlayStation Portable incarnation releasing alongside the console versions later this year. Rather than being a stripped-down version, as one might expect, Tekken 6 on PSP will actually sport additional content (including stages), as well as ad-hoc multiplayer with "original" and "fan favorite characters," whatever that means.

Unlike Tekken, the PSP incarnation of Soul Calibur, known as Broken Destiny, will not be a port and is scheduled for release this summer. Darth Vader and Yoda won't be making an appearance, but series fans will be treated to a new character by the name of Dampierre. According to GameSpot, other characters that will be included are Ivy, Cassandra, Voldo, Siegfried, Mitsurugi, Tira, Taki, Astaroth, and Hilde. The final character count will be in excess of 20, with the specifics still being nailed out. Fans can expect to see an improved character creation system and a changing clock, meaning you won't be limited to seeing stages at a single point in time. Local ad-hoc multiplayer is included, but online support remains up in the air.

Details remain sparse for both games, but the fighting game genre on PSP will be getting a major booster shot this year. Now, if only Marvel vs. Capcom 2 were released on PSP as well as on PS3 and 360, we'd really be talking.

04-30-2009, 11:31 PM #2
Not Sure If I Would Get Those But Thanks For The Info.

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