Post: Wal-Mart jumps the gun on Pre-E3 PSP price-drop?
05-11-2009, 03:16 AM #1
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So me and my family went on our weekly 'Get groceries on Sunday before we go home' trip and like always...I ventured over to the electronic sections to check out the PS3 selection and to see if any new(er) titles have hit the $20 box located at the end of the videogame section.

I picked up Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds for $20 (YES!!) but something caught my eye...the Ratchet and Clank PSP- 3000 series bundle which includes Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, a voucher for Everyday Shooter, National Treasure 2 on UMD, AND a 1GB Memory card was a WHOPPING $50 off the normal price and had been dropped to $150, which made it CHEAPER than the stand-alone PSP-3000 pack (which is $170)!!!

You read that right my friends! I even took a picture of the price sticker (above) for proof! Has Wal-Mart jumped the gun and dropped the price of the current PSP pre-E3 or is Wal-Mart just moving old stock? If YOUR local Wal-Mart has the price-drop as well, let me know be posting a comment!

lucky guy =\

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