Post: Pokemon GO: Tricks and Tips you must Know!
07-19-2016, 04:30 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pokemon Go has been out for a couple of weeks now so i thought I'd make a topic that contains a few tips and tricks that'll make your experience way easier. These tricks were not discovered by me so I take no credit for them but just for putting them all in one topic. Some of the tricks or "exploits" of the game may be fixed by Niantic so if you find one of them is no longer working report it in the comments and I'll update the post. That said I hope you find any of them useful, if you do let me know!

  • Catch pokemons the easy way

Most of the times, capturing a pokemon can be pretty difficult. There is no way you can be certain to be succesful at first try but you can turn off the AR and make the pokemon capturing challenge way easier. This function will disable the camera so that when you're going to catch the pokemon you will see him sit on a field still so it will be much easier to catch him than looking around with the camera. To activate, or better deactivate this function you just have to click on the AR toggle when you're catching a wild pokemon.

  • Pikachu as a starter

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Most of you will probably know this little trick since it's been discovered the first day the game was out. As you all know you can have three starter pokemons: Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur. Since these three pokemons weren't enought, some guys found a way to get Pikachu as a starter and it's very easy. When you are asked to choose one of the three starters, refuse to catch any of them and go away a few meters for at least 4 times, then you'll se also a Pikachu appear on the map near the three starters. Get close, click on him, throw your pokeball and you'll have a fresh Pikachu as a starter!
Note: This little trick was obviously put in the game by Niantic on purpose, so it will probably never be removed. Enjoy!

Here is a video tutorial:

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  • Get yourself more XP

While finding pokemons around the world is pretty easy, leveling up takes a lot of time, especially from level 10 and up. You all know you can gain XP in a few ways:

  • Pokemon Stops: 50-200XP
  • Catching a new pokemon: 500XP
  • Catching a pokemon: 100XP
  • Evolving a pokemon: 500XP
  • Egg: 200-1000XP

To level up every XP point is useful, so you can use this little trick to get yourself a few more XP points for every pokemon catched. All you have to do is to throw a curveball when you try to catch a wild pokemon. But you may be asking yourself, how do you throw a curveball? It's pretty easy, all you have to do is, instead of throwing the PokeBall straight to the pokemon, draw a curve when launching it. If you do it fast enought, and you succesfully catch the pokemon, you'll get 10XP more for you catch wich may seem a small amount, but if you sum up all the pokemons you catch in one day and you multiply them by ten you'll see that it really makes the difference and is worth a try.

Here is the tutorial:

Also, you can get some extra points with the bonuses:

Nice: 10XP
You want to catch the Pokémon at the moment the circle is at its widest.
Great: 50XP
You want to catch the Pokémon when the circle is exactly halfway.
Excellent: 100XP
You need to catch the Pokémon in the direct middle of the circle when at its smallest.

  • Fast XP

Another useful method to gain yourself more XP is to catch a lot of low-level pokemons and wait till you have enought candies to evolve them. A few useful pokemons for this method are: Pidgey, Rattata and Weedle. When you have enought use a Lucky Egg witch you'll obtain as soon as you reach level nine and evolve all of your low-level pokemons. What this particular egg does is to Double your gained XP for a short amount of time so you'll gain tons and tons of XP in no time.

  • Evee evolution

As you know in Pokemon GO eevee can evolve in three forms. But what somebody doesn't know is that you can force eevee to evolve in the form you want it to evolve. This little trick works 95% of the times and you can also find some proof on the internet. All you have to do is change the name of the eevee you're going to let evolve before starting the evolving process. Raname eevee to:

  • Sparky for Jolteon
  • Rainer for Vaporeon
  • Pyro for Flareon

Here'a video:

  • Catch rare pokemons

When you find a rare pokemon you do what you can to catch it but sometimes it's not enought. A good way to gain a higher success rate is to use some Razz Berries. These berries are fed to the pokemon you want to catch and make him slower and so easier to catch. They are good to be used in combination with a stronger PokeBall, like an Ultraball.

  • Friends Strategy

A good way to gain XP and to find a lot of little creatures is to get out with some friends, three to five if possible, but you can do this also with one friend. The best is if you're all around level eight. Get to a Pokestop and one of you has to use the Lure Module while the others can use Incense if they have one. When the Module expires, the next one uses one, this way everybody will catch a lot of pokemons and level up and by leveling up, gain other Lure Modules. The more you are, the more time you have to level up and get new Modules.

  • When and where?

You'll have the best experience in the game when the servers aren't so busy, in other words in the early morning or at late night and no, people from the other side of the world with another time won't be making the servers busy since almost every country has it's own server. Remember that ad night you'll find different pokemons than during the day. For the best places to look for pokemons i'd suggest you to visit parking lots because they are often full with pokemons, or famous places like monuments or parks.

  • Move without moving

As soon as the game came out, as they do always when a games comes out, people tried to find a way to make pokemon go think you're walking while you are chilling on the sofa and watching TV. Many ways and programs are available to trick the game into thinking you're moving while you're not and thinking you're someone else. There are a lot of programs like FakeGPS and Cydia Tools that allow you to do this on your phone and also methods that let you do this on your PC, like Bluestacks and NOX App Player. I'm not going to explain you how to do this since you can fin a lot of this information on the forum, on your friend google and on YouTube.

I'll be updating this thread when i find new tricks and when i have time to add them. This post is the result of a lot of research so a thumbs up would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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