Post: Exploit - Unbeatable Perma Gym
08-13-2016, 05:26 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gym Egg Exploit

The Exploit:
Eggs are considered pokemon, they maintain a pokemon_id. They can be
added to gyms which in essence breaks the gym. It can no longer be
prestiged, nor can it be beaten. Pokemon can be added upto it's cap,
however you cannot scroll through to see what is inside. It is stuck
with a picture of a 0 CP egg.


Python *I use 2.7.12, can use either 32bit or 64bit but DLL differs depending on install version*
You must login or register to view this content. - 32bit python install dll required, put in root directory of api
You must login or register to view this content. - 64bit python install dll required, put in root directory of api
Depending on if you have 32 or 64 bit, you'll have to modify the script to reflect it, look at notes of script to figure it out
Virus Scan You must login or register to view this content.
You must login or register to view this content.

Python Required Libraryies:
future - install this
pycryptodomex-3.4.2 - install this

You must login or register to view this content. - this is the api it's self

as a side note, if you need help finding your egg pokemon_id, api.get_inventory() will display all ids including egg ids

I have attached 2 scripts, one is for finding nearby gyms, it prints to
console a big blob of map cell information with details on the nearby
forts, the other is for deploying your egg into a gym

I would suggest getting more creative with it if you where to use in any
quick manner, filtering through non gym forts etc - as it stands I just
checked current xp of gym, ran command like > gym.txt,
searched through text and found lat, long and gym id that way.

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Finding nearby gyms

import os
import sys
import json
import time
import pprint
import logging
import getpass
import argparse

# add directory of this file to PATH, so that the package will be found

# import Pokemon Go API lib
from pgoapi import pgoapi
from pgoapi import utilities as util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main():

# instantiate pgoapi
api = pgoapi.PGoApi()

startLat = 40.754546
startLon = -73.995361

# set player position on the earth

#set lat and lon
api.set_position(startLat, startLon, 0.0)
#set login info, using ptc
api.login('ptc', 'username', 'password'Winky Winky

#required, sets signature, encrypt.dll for 32bit python install, encrypt64.dll for 64bit python install

# This gathers the cells located around your given coords
cell_ids = util.get_cell_ids(startLat, startLon)
# generates timestamp based on cell-ids
timestamps = [0,] * len(cell_ids)
# pulls in all nearby objects, pokestops, gyms etc
response_dict = api.get_map_objects(latitude = startLat, longitude = startLon, since_timestamp_ms = timestamps, cell_id = cell_ids)

print response_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':

Deploying Egg to Gym
    import os
import sys
import json
import time
import pprint
import logging
import getpass
import argparse

# add directory of this file to PATH, so that the package will be found

# import Pokemon Go API lib
from pgoapi import pgoapi
from pgoapi import utilities as util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main():

# instantiate pgoapi
api = pgoapi.PGoApi()

startLat = 40.757001
startLon = -74.001953

# set player position on the earth

#set lat and lon
api.set_position(startLat, startLon, 0.0)
#set login info, using ptc
api.login('ptc', 'username', 'password'Winky Winky

#required, sets signature, encrypt.dll for 32bit python install, encrypt64.dll for 64bit python install

#print response_dict

count = 1
while count <= 100:

gymTest2 = api.fort_deploy_pokemon(fort_id = '57e956d492a34f23a139b1356dc47a97.16', pokemon_id = 6666666, player_latitude = startLat, player_longitude = startLon)
print gymTest2
count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

Thought i would leave this here Winky Winky
Last edited by SharkModding ; 08-13-2016 at 05:42 PM.
08-16-2016, 08:23 PM #11
Dex Modder/Poke Botter
Originally posted by SharkModding View Post
It locks the gym pretty much it lets you put a egg in the gym as a pokemon an it will not let anyone battle the gym but i think it might be patched now

Neat exploit. I'm sure that would piss off a lot of legit players :troll:

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