Post: CoD: Cancelled Content
07-13-2010, 03:58 PM #1
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<b><font face ="Verdana" color="black" size="+3"> <u>Call of Duty:</font><font face ="Century Gothic" color="black" size="+3"> Cancelled Content</font></b></u>
<img src="" height=225 width=175>

<font face="verdana" color="royalblue">
<p>Every November, Call Of Duty releases a new game. Every game is filled with fresh content and each mission will be polished to an extremely high extent by the dedicated workforce. As with most games there is some content that will not quite meet this standard or will be deemed unsuitable for the final product, this thread is about that content. </p><p>Click on '2' below to advance or 'International Space Station' to the right to see the first cancelled mission I've chosen to show you. </p></font>

[multipage=MW2: International Space Station]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">International Space Station</font></u> </b>
<img src="" >

<font face="Verdana" color="royalblue">
The cutscene shown in 'Second Sun' was originally the basis for a full mission. As with most of these cancelled missions, little is known about this particular mission but we do know it was set in the space station itself. From in-game code we can gather the mission's main objective/subject was to hold off Internationalist forces attacking the base and to then relay an image of the nuclear explosion as seen in-game.

Your Character for this mission would have been 'Sat1': You play from Sat1's perspective for part of the 'Second Sun' mission (the space cutscene).

Robert Bowling confirms the mission at E3 2009 (the mission name having been accidentally revealed at a build):
Originally posted by another user
Ah, you saw this…

Bowling speedily moved on to demo another level.

'International Space Station' was removed from Modern Warfare 2 to keep the game's story flowing. Below is the game's space cutscene; sadly the only remaining section of the level.

[multipage=MW2: Roadkill]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Roadkill</font></u> </b>
<img src=""><font face="verdana" color="royalblue">
A leaked MW2 Artbook proving the existence of 'Roadkill'.

Roadkill was possibly meant to take place between Cliffhanger and S.S.D.D. Your character is presumed to be Joseph Allen (you play him in ‘No Russian’ (the airport level), the location is presumed to be Afghanistan and it’s probable you wouldd fight OpFor. It is extremely likely this level was an alpha (pre-beta/prototype) version of ‘Team Player’.This is shown by the extreme similarity between the maps of each level and the coding for the level.

Some of the level’s coding:
add_func( ::enter_riverbank_foley_shepherd_dialogue )

The Level’s map is also extremely similar to that of Team Player (note the river, bridge and path you would take in Team Player). The map is shown below. It is both this map, the coding hidden in files and the leaked artbook that prove the existence of this level.

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Note the similarities between this map and Team Player.

[multipage=MW2: Multiplayer Content]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Content</font></u> </b>
<font face="verdana" color="royalblue"><img src="" height="271" width="480">
Could the CoD4 Gold Desert Eagle have returned?

Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer contained many hidden features unknowingly placed within the game. Some of these features have been unlocked by hackers in-game although many other features are currently unavailable.

Many gametypes were cancelled and there are audio files in game that reveal these gametypes and prove their existence. To the extent of my knowledge, 2 of these have been hacked and playable after launch.

The following audio file plays these sounds:
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="">MW2 Cancelled Sounds</a> by <a href="">RedKnight</a></span>
^ If you can not use this player please click either of the links directly above this sentence to view it on 'SoundCloud'.

Wikipedia's Definition of DefCon:
Originally posted by another user
The defense readiness condition (DEFCON) is a measure of the activation and readiness level of the United States Armed Forces.

My guess is that 'Awesome faceiehard' would have been an extreme version of hardcore gameplay. Perhaps it was a real barebones gametype (i.e. promod) that was cut before release.

There are many gametypes here that are clearly shown not to have made it into game. Interestingly enough, Barebones was not among these audio files and it is therefore clear that Infinity Ward created this gametype after launch. Below are two youtube videos showing Arena, 'One Flag' and Global Thermonuclear War. I've also included two videos from other games since they will show what I assume or have guessed to be the gametype revealed.

Arena, I have played this gametype on other games and it is a game similar to Search and Destroy. It is a game of elimination although after a set period of time a flag will spawn in the centre of the map. If a team either captures this flag (domination type flag) or eliminates the opposition they will win.
One Flag CTF: This game is Capture The Flag although only one side has a flag. It is a game of attack and defence, if the attacking team captures the flag and returns it to their base they win, if the defending team holds the attacking team off for a set amount of time then they will win. Please ignore the speed hack in the video, this would not have been present in this gametype.
Global Thermonuclear War, this gametype is known by a large proportion of our community and each team must capture the 'nuke' supply drop in the centre of the map to win the game. Upon winning the game, the winning side is granted a tactical nuke and the game ends.
Some gameplay of the Die Hard Mode courtesy of You must login or register to view this content.. The only difference appears to be that you can revive your team mates. Perhaps the name is a reference since dying will be harder and so when dying you will die 'harder'.
A guess of what the gametype 'Arms Race' could be similar to/ a variation of. Below is gameplay of the mode in the game 'Team Fortress 2' and the instructional video seen in Team Fortress 2.
Gameplay of VIP in Modern Warfare 2. This video is courtesy of You must login or register to view this content.. The VIP wins when the bomb is placed although if the VIP is eliminated the VIP's team loses. It is a game of attack and defence.

Some Modern Warfare 2 maps are proven to exist in-game and would most likely feature in a 'Map Pack 3' if one is/was going to come out. Please note, 'Steve' and 'ENZO-F' have previously posted some of this information, kudos to them.
Maps found through hacking that would have been available. MP_dcwh would have been a white house based map. Please note that some of these maps have already been released in both 'Resurgence' and 'Stimulus'.
Thankyou to Steve for posting this video and allowing me to be aware of it!

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Thanks to ENZO-F and theunkn0wn for this picture showing us that backlot and pipeline - two extremely popular CoD4 maps are possible to be in game.

Some other features that may have made it into the game are shown in the video below (these features have been hacked):
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" "></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Please note:
The Golden AK47,
The Golden M4A1 Carbine,
The Black Magnums,
'Cartoon Mode' - the weird visual style in which the game is displayed. (I do not believe this is cancelled content and I believe it is there merely for visual tweaking purposes similar to the Chrome 'hack' (Mesiah has explained to me it is a simple line of coding and no hack to be proud of)).
Secondary Gun Camouflage (again, I'm not sure if this ever was going to be a part of MW2).

Courtesy of 'Bon3zz1001' (not on NGU) we know of some of these hidden maps and we've found several weapons that didn't make it into the game. These images I'm going to show you are big and need to be seen in detail so I've included them within spoilers
(please scroll to the bottom of each spoiler before closing it):

Originally posted by another user
I also found the weapons folder and found the G3, G36, R700, M40, M240, SA80, AW50, a power drill, MP5 and the MP44.

The G36C and the G3 Assault Rifles:
<img src=""
Weapon G3 - i.e. G3 assault rifle
Weapon G36 - i.e. G36C assault rifle
Both of these weapons are available in Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

The SA80 Assault Rifle:
<img src="">[/img]
The SA80 Assault Rifle, part of the British army's weaponry family. It's LMG equivalent is the L86 LSW which is playable in Modern Warfare 2:<img src="">

The Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle + The M60E4 LMG:
<img src="">
Please note: the M79 is called the 'Thumper' in game.
The M82 sniper rifle is a variant of the popular Barrett we know as the Barrett .50 Cal
The M60E4 is usable in CoD4 as a light machine gun.

The AK47-U Sub-Machine Gun:
<img src=""
The AK47-U is playable in Call Of Duty 4 as a sub-machine gun and is an extremely popular gun to use.

The AW50 Sniper Rifle:
<img src="">
The AW50, a sniper rifle used by the Australian and English military forces.

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have shown us proof for the R700 or M40 although since all his other information is reliable and they are two extremely popular guns I believe him as it would be likely they could have been a part of MW2 anyway.

There was also a power drill shown by a skin file that would have covered the gun's actual model:
<img src="">
Frankly, I can't imagine a power drill ever working in such a game but it could possibly have been used for opening a door or for a certain objective in single player/spec-ops.

Finally, on cancelled weapons the W1200 is playable in-game on the 'Museum' easter egg level:
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

[multipage=CoD5: Nazi Zombies Features]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Nazi Zombies Content</font></u> </b>
<img src=""

<font face="verdana" color="royalblue">Nazi Zombies was originally created as a mod by some Treyarch developers in their spare time and completely outside that of the official game project. Having their friends and co-workers test it in the studio for them Treyarch decided they liked the mode so much that they decided to throw it in with the rest of the game as a bonus mode. I for one, am extremely glad they did this!

However, certain abilities were cut from the mod, third person could have been a possible ability that was cut although it is accessible via an easter egg. You could also originally play as a zombie once you died. You'd have a chance to go and attack your friends while moving at faster speed than other zombies. They probably cut it as it would become extremely boring if you'd have to keep rushing your friends and dying. Perhaps it would have only been for the rest of the round. Human zombies may also have been overpowered and unbalanced how the feature plays out.
Treyarch thought it may have been fun to 'go after your mates' as a zombie.

Also, for those of you that are interested, here's a tutorial on how to glitch into 3rd person mode:
I've performed this glitch many a time in nazi zombies and it can only be performed in single player. Your bullets will not do any damage so you may only knife to kill zombies. I've been on NGU for a long time and if you remember, NextGenUpdate found this glitch in the first place.

EDIT: Thanks to Newfieland I've been made aware of an 'Ammo Machine' that could have made it's way into Der Riese.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Audio files proving the previous existence of this machine (presumably late into development since audio files are present). Thankyou Newf! :love:

[multipage=CoD4: Cobra Pilot]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Cobra Pilot</font></u> </b>
<img src="">

<font face="verdana" color="royalblue">Sadly, extremely little is known about this level. We don't even know if Cobra Pilot would have been it's real name. In files it is referred to as 'cobrapilot' so this is why we assume this (although in-game file names can differ to what the map/item is called in game). In this mission you would have piloted a helicopter, it was either scrapped due to it's similarity to 'Awesome faceeath From Above' (the AC130 Mission) or flowing graphics may have been just too ahead of it's time (in non-thermal vision). Interestingly, controls that would have been used to control the helicopter tell us that you would have been able to fully pilot it. Since this will take place in Black Ops and has taken place in Modern Warfare 2 it is again possible that this was just too far ahead of it's time.

Helicopter Controls:
    Left Trigger - Enter Freelook Mode
Right Trigger - Fire Weapon
Left/Right Bumpers - Drop Flares
Left Stick - Strafe/Move
Right Stick - Adjust Yaw/Altitude
A/X - Arm 20mm Chain Gun
B/Circle - Arm Unguided Rockets
X/Square - Arm Hellfire Missiles
Y/Triangle - Arm Sidewinder Missiles

The mission would have taken place in a middle-eastern village and it is assumed you would pilot a chopper similar to those seen in other parts of the game.

<img src=""
The map of the level. Notice it is based around a road and so is 'Awesome faceeath From Above'.

[multipage=CoD4: Descent]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Awesome faceescent</font></u> </b>
<img src="" height="200" width="220">

<font face="verdana, cursive" color="royalblue">
The objectives of 'Awesome faceescent' would have you (presumably as SAS) 'entering an underground command bunker'. Interestingly enough, you would be equipped with a camera among other weapons. This level would have been one of those later in the single player campaign.

Some code pertaining to the level is below:
    Pull [{+usereload}] to pull out your camera.
Pull [{+usereload}] to zoom in. \nPull [{+attack}] to take a picture.
Hold &&1 to plant the detpack.
Jump towards the cable to fast rope down the rope.

This code tells us we would have a camera with which we would need to take pictures to fulfil objectives. We would also have blown up the base and presumably escaped quickly, I assume this by the mention of a 'fast rope'.

More objective code is shown below:
    Photograph and identify the remains of Al-Asad.
Photograph the officer's face on the desk.
Photograph the officer's face in the bathroom.
Photograph the officer's face under the rubble.
Photograph the officer's face by the rubble.
Photograph the officer's face by the jail cell.
Photograph the officer's face by the broken wall.
Plant a detpack on the compromised wall.
Secure the Landing Zone.

Extremely interestingly, Al-Asad would have been killed in this mission. This would have completely changed the plot and negated the use/purpose of some other levels. By securing a landing zone it's possible this was an anti-aircraft bunker that would have stopped enemy aircraft from landing. In which case, it would make complete sense to destroy it.
[multipage=CoD4: Designated Marksman]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Awesome faceesignated Marksman</font></u></b>
<img src="" height="200" width="280">

Designated Marksman is another level. In this level you would defend an area and 'string' and code files hidden amongst CoD4 files prove it's existence and it is from these files that we gain the most information about all these levels and hidden features.

In this level you would play PFC Michael Carver, a member of the United States Marines. Time tells us that this mission would have taken place only a few hours from Descent and this possibly tells us that these missions were part of a scrapped single-player story and were an end to the campaign that was not deemed as suitable or as good as the ending we've seen and played. This mission would have taken place '30 miles south of Riyadh', Riyadih is a large Saudi Arabian city.

Objective Codes let us know the following:
    Destroy the overpass and eliminate all hostile targets.
Secure a drop point for the reinforcements.
Check the ground floor of the Cafe for hostiles.
Secure the top of the building in the construction yard.
Destroy the enemy satellite array.
Destroy the enemy Anti-Air units.
Mark the overpass pillars for destruction.
Retreat to a minimum safe distance from the overpass area.

From the only other string of code: 'Hold &&1 to plant the detpack' we know that detpacks were used. This is no surprise although it tells us that we would have had to access and be next to the satellite array and anti-air units to plant the explosives.

<img src="">
The map for the mission tells us it was within a dense urban area.

[multipage=CoD4: Immediate Action]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Immediate Action</font></u></b>
Possibly the most famous Special Ops raid in history, in London, 1980, a British SAS Team infiltrated and cleared the Iranian Embassy of terrorists in a hostage situation.

There are strong rumours that this mission will be present and available to play in Call Of Duty: Black Ops. Once again, it appears a CoD4 mission may have been ahead of it's time only to be replayed and used by Treyarch.

The objective coding for this mission tells us that in-game it was the US Embassy that would be infiltrated and saved, however, the plan of the level is extremely similar to that of the Iranian Embassy and the actual unfolding of the mission:
Originally posted by another user
bears almost identical resembelance to the Iranian Embassy siege of 1980 by the SAS

- The Call Of Duty Wikia

Coding in-game:
    Press USE to secure hostage
Press USE to detonate frame charge
Press USE to dismount from ladder
Press USE to attach to fastrope
Press USE to grab the rope
Press USE to start rappelling
Press USE to throw a FLASHBANG here
Press USE to give breach command
LEVEL END (end sniper sequence disabled for now)
Press USE to take sniper rifle
Explosives planted! Stand back!
Time left: [number]

Interestingly, this would have added hostages to the CoD experience. SAS teams broke down from the roof and this is undoubtedly from where you would have entered the Embassy in this level.

Objective Coding is as following:
    Secure all areas in the south offices.
Proceed to the insertion point
Breach the window with a frame charge
Secure hostages in the south offices
Proceed to the north offices
Secure all hostages in the north offices
Flank the enemy position from the balcony
Proceed to the banquet hall
Secure hostages in the banquet hall
Regroup with team near the main dining table
Rendezvous with team Bravo One
Eliminate hostiles in main reception
Get into position to breach the skylight
Cover Bravo's exfil from the barricades
Assault the sniper position
Breach the library wall
Intercept X Ray One

Mission Failed text is as following:
    Mission failed. The hostages were executed.
You shot the wrong terrorist!
You shot the terrorist too early!
You waited too long!
You killed a hostage. Mission failed.
Terrorists killed a hostage. Mission failed.

You can see that some gameplay in this mission has been implemented into the bonus mission of the game: Mile High Club.

'Awesome faceebug' is as follows:
    CQB test: Solo Breach
CQB test: Shotgun Breach
Room Clear
All hostages secure in office xx
Rescue timer: started
Rescue timer: extended
Rescue timer: expired

Breaching, in CoD4? It's clear that some features of CoD4 were not ready to be implemented into the game. It's either this or that Infinity ward were saving up features to be implemented into their next game: Modern Warfare 2. This has been done in the past and it wouldn't surprise me remotely if it were the case. This code also tells us this could be a training level of some sort and could indeed have replaced the training course in 'F.N.G.' however I consider this unlikely since this mission certainly would have been an exciting experience to play with AI terrorists and not cardboard cut-outs as present in a training level.

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A map of the level

[multipage=CoD4: Parabolic]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Parabolic</font></u></b>
<img src="" height="200" width="320">

Parabolic was set to be an extremely stealthy mission. You would go around collecting audio intel with a parabolic microphone. After capturing this intel you would have assaulted the base in which you are collecting audio. Due to a similarity in game files this mission is deemed to be an early version of 'Blackout' (where you rescue Nikolai during the night). From code strings we can gather there would be a BM-21 rocket test in this mission.
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A BM-21

Mission Code:
    Hold down [[{+speed}]] to target\nand amplify conversations"
Gathering intel...
Use flashbangs [[{+smoke}]] to stun sentries.
Press and hold [USE] to initiate assault.
Conversation captured.
Conversation lost.
Enemies have been alerted by gunfire.
Enemies have spotted you.
Your weapon is slung. Line up your shot and wait for the signal.
Pull [[{+speed}]] or [[{+attack}]] to draw pistol.
Time left: [number]

Being told the control for throwing a flashbang shows us that this would have been an early level.

Objective code is as follows:
    Gather intel with the parabolic microphone
Gather intel from the sentries on the bridge
Gather intel from the sentry on his cell phone
Gather intel from the officer on the river bank
Assault the safehouse
Locate the prisoner
Proceed to the LZ
Disable all mobile artillery
Extract to the graveyard LZ

From this we can gather the layout of the mission and work out what would have happened. Note that 'LZ' means Landing Zone.

On failing the mission some of the following text would have displayed:
    Mission Failed: You killed the hostage.
Mission Failed: The hostage was executed.

'Awesome faceebug' code tells us of a BM-21 rocket test. Please note, the BM21 is meant to attack ground based enemies and not aerial vehicles/is not an anti-air gun:
    End of currently scripted level. Proceed outside to see BM21 rocket test.

In my opinion, I think it's a shame that some of the stealthier missions from CoD4 were taken out. It would have allowed for a greater variety of gameplay and while CoD4 is purely a run and gun game Treyarch have assured us that in Black Ops you will be able to choose between moving covertly and full-on attacking the enemy. Most of the time, I prefer stealth as it's challenging and requires you to think on what path you will take and what actions you will choose.
[multipage=CoD4: Strike - Single Player]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Strike - Single Player</font></u></b>
<img src="" width="256" height="142">

Believe it or not, Strike was originally going to have a single player counterpart. This level was abandoned for reasons unknown yet files within game point to it's existence. Unbelievably little is known about this level since it was abandoned very early on although it is assumed you would play as the USMC. Apparently, if one is to noclip out of the Call Of Duty 4 mission 'Shock and Awe' you may find a town that is resemblent of Strike. I have tried to find this town many times on my Mac copy of Call Of Duty 4 for extended periods of time with no avail, apologies.
[multipage=CoD4: That's no Sandstorm]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">That's no Sandstorm</font></u></b>
<img src="" height="175" width="300">

This level's title along with the combination of the nuclear attack on a city nearby lead me to believe that this sandstorm is the result of the nuclear bomb detonating in the mission 'Shock and Awe'. This level would have you holding off a base and then fleeing from the nuclear destruction in a vehicle. Interestingly enough, two guns that are not normally usable in Call Of Duty 4 would have been included in this mission.

Level Location: Omani-Saudi Arabian border

Some mission coding:
    Press USE to plant C4
Press USE to mount the 50cal machine gun
Press USE to take the LAW rocket"

The LAW rocket launcher (an anti-tank weapon) never made it into Call Of Duty 4 while the 50cal machine gun became an easter egg. As some of you will know, there is a turret in the game located outside the single player level 'Charlie Don't Surf'. This turret is the 50cal Turret.

A tutorial on how to reach and use the turret.

Objective code for the mission:
    Objectives include the following:
Defend the patrol with the 50 cal
Defend the west perimeter
Defend the east perimeter
Find a LAW
Destroy the BMP Transport
Plant C4 on the base weapons caches
Protect base interior from being overrun
Locate transportation out of the base
Access the vehicle depot

<img src="" height="400" width="400">
The map of 'That's no Sandstorm'.

[multipage=CoD4: Multiplayer Maps]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Call Of Duty 4: Multiplayer Content</font></u></b>
<img src="" height="400" width="400"
A screenshot of Courtyards.

Courtyards and Hill were two Call Of Duty 4 Multiplayer Maps.


Courtyards is a desert town with fields surrounding it, interestingly enough, no PC files exist showing us it's location and this map is only hackable and playable interestingly enough, on PS3. A large hangar is in the centre of the map and inside it is an AC130. The exact layout of the map is not available in any picture format although there is a description on the wiki page:
Originally posted by another user
The terrain to this map is fairly large. In the middle of the map, there is a power station. This power station has three cars, two red barrels, and a cliff at the end. Jumping off this cliff will result a death in mid-air. Close to the power station is a hangar, containing an AC-130. Also, to the right of the map, is a very large field, with many mini fields by it. This field is great for close-quarters, but if there are hidden snipers or ghille suiters the people on the field are complete bait. There is a hotel in the streets. Inside this hotel are several mounted M249 SAWS, and a minigun. There is also a building that is facing the field. At a corner of the map, there is a small shack that is only accessable by a window. This shack is completely empty, but is good for sniping. The streets are very open, but there aren't any hidden sniping spots.

- Call Of Duty Wiki

Thanks to
Mr. Otaku JTAG for making me aware of 'Courtyards'.


Less is known about Hill, the only evidence and information we have for it is it's loading screen:
<img src="">[/img]
The Loading screen for this map - Looks very like the CoD4 Single Player Mission 'Heat'.

Both MW2 Maps 'Invasion' and 'Favela' were originally planned to be a part of a CoD4 Map Pack (we are unsure if it would have been a new map pack or if they would have been a part of the variety map pack). They were cancelled before release, presumably to save the maps for Modern Warfare 2. Screenshots of the CoD4 maps are below:
<img src=""
The minimap of 'Invasion'
<img src=""
A screenshot of 'Invasion'
<img src=""
The minimap of 'Favela'.

[multipage=Other Content]
<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Other</font></u></b>

Call Of Duty's 'Awesome faceefault Weapon' has been around for a while. Available only by hacking or cheating you can use your hands as a gun. There are no gun sounds, the weapon damage is almost equal to that of a pistol and the clip size is very similar to a pistol.

In CoD4:
<img src="">

In CoD5:

In MW2:

Call Of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 are set in the future. Call Of Duty 4 is set in 2011 respectively and Modern Warfare 2 in 2016.

The AT4 weapon is available in Call Of Duty 4 through hacks and was either going to be used in an abandoned mission or was saved for Modern Warfare 2.
<img src="">
Apologies for the lower graphics quality of these two CoD4 images. They were taken on my copy of CoD4 for PC and my computer can't run high-end graphics.

<b><u><font face="Verdana" color="#302226" size="+3">Bibliography/Sources</font></u></b>

A thanks on my behalf to the Official Call Of Duty Wiki:
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All Other Content - Thankyou to Youtube users for providing me with videos to go with my statements although all this information was previously known by myself.

Please note, this thread took me an extended period of time to create. In Paul's words (from another thread) 'you saw it here first'. Please alert me to any usage of this thread/direct content of it on any other sites you may come across. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

- RedKnight
Last edited by RedKnight ; 07-16-2010 at 03:39 PM.

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07-14-2010, 03:37 AM #47
Bounty hunter
Great Thread!!!!
07-14-2010, 04:38 AM #48
Nice thread. Keepin' up the good work as always.
07-14-2010, 05:08 AM #49
Originally posted by Richie209 View Post
They should make a game with all the shit they didn't use.

i no rite btw LMAO YO PICTURE SOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!! hahahahahhhaClapsClapsClapsClapsClaps
07-14-2010, 05:59 AM #50
Ex-News Staff
This is one great thread! You've really outdone yourself on this one! I wish they would use some of the stuff they left out.
07-14-2010, 06:29 AM #51
has anyone played bond evasion? that was THE best game/gamemode EVAR! i got to #994 on the eliminations leaderboard by playing bond evasion for 3 months! thats what got me started on the CoD series!
07-14-2010, 07:07 AM #52
interesting stuff dude. wish they has included the flying a helicopter mission ingame
07-14-2010, 08:40 AM #53
NGU Master
THe map courtyards is a fake...inaccesible.. i tryed for like an hour
07-14-2010, 08:53 AM #54
Climbing up the ladder
Great Thread =D
Nominated and Thanked :y:
07-16-2010, 03:09 PM #55
Just so you all know, I've updated this thread with several new things from release.

As far as I can remember, they are:
A Nazi Zombies Ammo Machine - Courtesy of Newfieland
A Die Hard In-Game Video - Courtesy of xMagicz
A new CoD4 Multiplayer Maps Section.

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