Post: *ULTIMATE* Picture taking thread and how to use it!
01-03-2011, 02:19 AM #1
I eat babieeees <3
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Ok so i am going to give you a step by step guide on how to take and perfect pictures in GT5.

1, Load up your GT5 and get in any race can be online, practice A spec, B spec, whatever it is as long as it is a race.

2, Play the race normally, or if you want to create a screenshot of you doing a donut or some other trick then do that before the race ends so you have the footage to take the picture of.

3, When the game ends or you press exit then you will see the map you just raced on and a few more options. Start, reply, save reply and so on, but we only need these two for now.

4,If you always want to come back to the footage then the best option for you is SAVE REPLAY but if you just want a quick option then just click REPLAY.

5, If you choose SAVE REPLAY then you must go to the GTHome then all the little round circles in the bottom left click the one with the video camera called REPLAY THEATRE. Once you are in there your saved reply should be there so click it then click PLAY.

6,If you choose Replay then you can skip the homepage part and the footage will start straight away.

7,Once the footage has started press X to bring up the menu and get ready to take your screenshot.

8, Once you find the right spot press START and the footage will pause then go over to Photo mode and click X

9, Now place the camera where you think looks good and press X.

10, Now you will be in the picture taking camera you can move this around by the on screen buttons. When this camera is placed press X again and it will show the picture you have just taken. If you don't like it then press O and go back and try again. If you do like it then press X and it will say SAVED. Congrats you have just taken your first picture! You can view them on MY GTHome In the photo gallery section.

[multipage=Use of Photo Effects]

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When you take a picture there are some differant effects you can use to create and even better looking picture. Im going to show you an example of all of them here.

Now to get to these effects you have to be in the Photo taking camera and press TRIANGLE this will bring you into the camera menu then click FILTERS.

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As you can see they are all very good depending on what sort of picture you are taking and what vibe you want to give off. Have a play around with them and see which one works best for you.

[multipage=Taking the best photos]

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Getting great screenshot's is always very good when they look great otherwise they look rubbish and knowone wants to see them.So making sure you get that perfect point is always crucial play around with the effects and carmera angles until you think it is perfect! Some of the best shots i think are when the car is in action or is doing something really cool that we all want to see!. If you have any good pictures post them here and i would like to see what you can do Winky Winky I will post them up on the Pictures page when i see them.

I hope this tutorial helped you get the best out of making screenshots!.

Thanks is always appreciated.

[multipage=Getting photo's off PS3]

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Ok so now you have saved your photo's you might want to get them off the ps3. So here's how you do it. Once you have saved the photo's into your GTHome Photo album, navigate to them and then when you hover over the picture you want to press TRIANGLE then a menu will pop up. In this menu click either Export to XMB Photo menu if you just want the one picture, or Export all to XMB Photo menu if you want all your photo's off the PS3.

Now quit the game and go to Photo on the PS3 Home menu, then go down to the bottom and you will see the Date you took them. Click that folder and all your GT5 images will be in there.

For this part you will need a phone or removable disk. (memory stick) Plug the Removable disk into the PS3 and wait for it to load up. Once it has loaded press TRIANGLE on the picture you want then COPY and click your Removable disk. Once it say's COPIED you now have the photo on your removable disk.

Plug the removable disk into the computer and then open it up. There will now be a new folder called PICTURE, open this up and there is all your images!. Now you can just save or upload it Happy.


I'll start it off with a few of my drifting one's Winky Winky.

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Some nice photo's here from SCORPIANGANGSTA

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Last edited by Aim_Fire_Dead ; 01-03-2011 at 02:53 PM.

The following 7 users say thank you to Aim_Fire_Dead for this useful post:

.Requiem., Cpt.S, Domov, Durk, Joelthecool, ryan saa
08-04-2013, 07:01 PM #83
Can’t trickshot me!
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Just did this. I really like how it turned out :3
08-24-2013, 04:06 PM #84
< ^ > < ^ >
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12-08-2013, 07:18 PM #85
nice tutUpside Down Happy
12-24-2013, 07:17 AM #86
Very good thank u so much

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