Post: Portal 2 Review
04-25-2011, 06:05 PM #1
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Portal 2 Review [PS3] by JimErased

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Intro and Plot

Portal 2, the physics based puzzle game from Valve, is the sequel to what could be one of the best puzzle games on the market. Out of those people who got Portal for free on steam as a limited-time offer, I would be surprised if just one of those didn't proceed and get portal 2 due to the addictiveness of this game. If you loved or even liked the original you will not be disappointed with the 96/100 rated (by game critics) game, you will love this one even more.

As with the original game, the difficulty off the challenges gradually increases. You first find yourself in a room with a voice just telling you what do or where to look so you can get a hold of the controls very early on and finally you go to sleep until tragedy strikes. It was at this point where you meet the first major character of the game, a spherical robot (similar to what falls off of GLaDos in portal 1) called Wheatley, who is voiced by the brilliant Stephen Merchant, who you quickly find out is a "moron".

Playing as Chell, you teleport your way through the first few levels you get to grips with using the teleport holes, boxes, buttons, switches and bots up until you meet and old friend, then from there on in, it's a twisted tale. In addition to the old buttons and switches, you uncover new toys to play with including aerial faithplates, various 'performance enhancing' gels, light shields, tunnels and lasers.

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Having only played the PS3 version, I would have the say that the graphics are pretty good on this console in comparison to the other games that I have played. It is always pretty smooth, even where you are staring at yourself through an elaborate portal system (something my laptop could never accomplish). The object collision, however, is sometimes a little off where you can end up going through certain objects but this is only under exceptional circumstances and will not affect gameplay at all.

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Whether you are a Portal Pro or an Apature Amateur, this game is easy to jump straight into and get on with. The controls? No problem. You are guided through from the very beginning and the challenges are set out to build up so that you gradually increase in difficulty. As you complete a level, you get the “YES!” moment. If you don’t know what this is, it’s the satisfaction you get when you solve a challenging level. I have to admit, I got stuck on a fair few levels, even branding a few as impossible, but the second you get to the end is the whole purpose of Portal, that moment of satisfaction at a job well done.

One of the favour things about the game is the ability to play with developer commentary on. You can get to see (in fact hear) that they really put a lot of hard work and effort in the same. They often refer to game testers and how they adapted gameplay for all users, often making things more obvious for beginners and adding references to Portal 1 for ‘pros’.

The comedy of the game is well thought out. A lot of it does contain spoilers so I won’t go into it too much, but be on the lookout for those gems that send you into tears. We all know “The cake is a lie” was a pretty successful line from Portal 1, but what does Portal 2 have to offer? Maybe “I’m in space”?

No matter how many good things there are about this game there is one little thing that annoys me; the lifts. I know they are a fundamental part of going from test to test but the loading screens are one thing I can do without. I seem to be spending more time watching those than actually going through tests (especially when trophy crawling). I have also heard PC has a lot of issues with this too. I don’t see why when you die or move up a level, the next one can’t be pre-loaded but that is about it with the downfalls. This game really is easy to get stuck into but only lasts about 6-8 hours which is 3-4 times longer than the previous (one of my friends blasted through in 55 minutes actually) but it’s an action packed 6-8 hours at that!

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The soundtrack to this game is really good, as with the first game. With every part of the game it fits fantastically whether it’s a dramatic build up to an important scene, fast paced when you’re on the run or just the general sound effects when using the weapons or objects, it’s all gold. One of the key features of the original was the song on the credits “Still Alive”. It was pretty hilarious with references to the story throughout and Portal 2 has a similar song called “Want you gone” (follow the link at the bottom to listen to the both of them.

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Not yet played. Damn you Sony *shakes fist*!

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Portal 2? Game of the year, nay, decade! One of the best games I have played in a long time and I seriously recommend you all play it! The combination of physics and puzzles really is a revolution to the gaming industry. If you don’t want to buy it, just go rent it. A week is plenty of time to get the platinum trophy (or all achievements) for this thing and you really won’t regret it. Valve seriously are onto a winner here. I really hope we see a Portal 3. Things can only get better (with the exception of Call of Duty).

Plot: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Audio: 10/10
Overall: 10/10

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Thank you all for reading. Please leave any comments/feedback/opinions below!

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Last edited by JimErased ; 04-25-2011 at 06:15 PM.

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04-30-2011, 02:07 AM #56
This game is so wicked
05-03-2011, 09:06 PM #57
Great review, one of the best games I ever played!

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