Post: Borderlands 2 Ultimate Save Set
10-28-2012, 09:36 PM #1
King Kazma
Champion of Oz
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This thread will meet all your borderlands 2 needs and more!

Now for the credits:

Alberto Colon

Now on to the saves!

EU Saves:

-EU- Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

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-EU- Updated [24th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Updated [28th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Heads & Skins Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Level 125 Saves: You must login or register to view this content.

US Saves:

-US- Save: You must login or register to view this content.

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-US- Updated [24th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Updated [28th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Heads & Skins Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Level 125 Saves: You must login or register to view this content.

Save Description

-Assault Rifles

Scout Seraphim - Incendiary

Hammer Buster (Deadshot)
Hammer Buster (Razor)
Kerblaster (Nasty) - Explosive
KerBlaster (Stabbing) - Explosive
Madhous! (Fast Bulets) - Corrosive
Madhous! (Nifed) - Slag
Shredifier (Ferocious) - Incendiary
Shredifier (Rabid)
Shredifier (Severe) - Corrosive
Shredifier (Severe) - Slag
Shredifier (Skewering)
Veruc (Deep)
2x- Veruc (Feral)

BlASSter (Wyld Ass) - Corrosive
Blaster (Exspansive) - Corrosive

Rapier (Hot) - Incendiary
Rapier (Resolute) - Slag
Scorpio (Onslaught)
Stinkpot (Corrosive) - Corrossive


Devastator (Hard) - Explosive

Gub (Extendified)
Gunerang (Clean) - Incendiary
Gunerang (Jam Packed)
Hornet (Neutralizing) - Corrosive
Hornet (Twin) - Corrosive
2x- Infinity (Burning) - Incendiary
Infinity (Discharge) - Electric
Infinity (Purging)
Logan's Gun (Action) - Incendiary
Maggie (Dastardly)
Thunderball Fists (Binary) - Electric
Thunderball Fists (Potent) - Electric
Unkempt Harold (Thrusting) - Explosive

Dart (Close Quarters) - Electric
Spiker (Baynaneted) - Incendiary
Spiker (Baynaneted) - Corrosive

Judge (Leather)
Law (Ornery)
Rubi (Potent) - Slag

-Rocket Launchers


Badaboom (Big) - Explosive
Bunny (Large) - Slag
Bunny (Stocking) - Explosive
Bunny (Ultraprecise) - Incendiary
Mongol (Moscovite's) - Explosive
Mongol (Ruthless) - Incendiary
Norfleet (Predaciious) - Incendiary
Norfleet (Prudential) - Electric
Norfleet (Puissant) - Corrosive
Nukem (Deep a) - Explosive
Pyrophobia (Pertinent) - Incendiary

Creamer (Miss Moxxi's) - Explosive
Hive (Paraquat) - Corrosive


Retcher (New and Improved) - Corrosive

Conference Call (Critical)
Conference Call (Critical) - Corrosive
Conference Call (Critical) - Incendiary
Conference Call (Practicable) - Electric
Conference Call (Practicable) - Slag
Deliverance (Basic)
Deliverance (Extra Large) - Electric
Deliverance (Extra Large) - Incendiary
Deliverance (Royal) - Slag
Flakker (Casual) - Explosive
Sledge's Shotgun
Sledge's Shotgun - Corrosive
Sledge's Shotgun - Electric
Striker (Texas)

Splasher Blashter (Sketer) - Electric
Splasher Blashter (Slising) - Corrosive
Splatgun (Royal) - Slag

Sidewinder Quad

Blockhead (New and Improved) - Incendiary
Captain Blade's Orphan Maker
Jolly Roger (Fire Fire) - Incendiary
Teeth of Terramorphous (Fire Fire) - Incendiary
Thre Dog

-Sub-Machine Guns

Actualizer (Cutting Edge)
Actualizer (Proactive) - Corrosive
Tattler (Bladed)
Tattler (Bladed) - Electric

Baby Maker (Brisk) - Incendiary
Baby Maker (Brisk) - Electric
Baby Maker (Hefty) - Slag
Baby Maker (Hefty)
Bitch (Corporate) - Incendiary
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Corrosive
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Electric
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Slag
Bitch (Rightsizing)
Emperor (Skirmish)
Hellfire (Consummate) - Incendiary
Slagga (Cuting) - Slag

Plasma Caster (Bulets Go Fasterfied) - Incendiary
Plasma Caster (Guaranteed) - Slag
Plasma Caster (Guileless) - Slag
Plasma Caster (Refill) - Corrosive

Caustic Trance - Corrosive
Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch - Corrosive
Miss Moxxi's Good Touch - Incendiary
Quality Subcompact MG - Corrosive

Commerce (Cutting Edge) - Electric
Sand Hawk (Reserve)

-Sniper Rifles

Patriot (Razrez) - Corrosive

Invader (Auditing) - Incendiary
Invader (Cohesion) - Electric
Invader (Operational) - Corrosive
Longbow (Contingent) - Incendiary
Lyuda (Bolshy) - Corrosive
Lyuda (Bolshy) - Electric
Lyuda (Dobby)
Lyuda (Gromky) - Incendiary
Lyuda (Razrez) - SlagPitchfork (Operational)
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Corrosive
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Electric
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Incendiary
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Slag
Skullmasher (Tumtum)
Volcano (Gentleman's) - Incendiary

Banbury Railer - Corrosive
Contingent Hybridfication - Corrosive
Zammechat Moloko - Incendiary

Resource Fremington's Edge
Sloth (Operational) - electric



Blood of the Seraphs

Blood of Terramorphous

Protection Relic
Vitality Relic
Sheriff's Badge
Allegiance Relic
Allegiance Relic
Tenacity Relic
Proficiency Relic
Protection Relic

Aggression Relic
Captain Blade's Otto Idol
Aggression Rellic
Moxxi's Endowment
Allegiance Relic
Allegiance Relic
Aggression Relic
Aggression Relic
Elemental Relic
Deputy's badge
Vault Hunter's Relic
Deputy's Badge
Allegiance Relic
Resistance Relic
Aggression Relic
Allegiance Relic

-Class Mods

~ Assassin ~

Legendary Hunter
Slayer of Terramorphous

~ Commando ~

Legendary Soldier
Slayer of Terramorphous

Military Specialist

~ Gunzerker ~

Legendary Berzerker
Slayer of Terramorphous

Grand Titan
Lucky Hoaarder

~ Mechromancer ~

Legendary Mechromancer
Slayer of Terramorphous

Peppy Zapper
Superior Sweetheart
Swift Anarchist
Wired Catalyst

~ Siren ~

Legendary Siren
Slayer of Terramorphous

Rebbounding Warder

Merciful Nurse


~ Assassin ~

Special Edition: Forgotten
Handsome Jack's Mask
C0al Train
B0ne H3ad

Special Edition: Fired Up

~ Commando ~

Bone Blinder
Dapper Gent
Space Knight
Medic Mantis
Shadaloo Stylish
Special Edition: Snowblind

Pink Pandoracorn
Licking Flames
Red Letter Day
White Knight
Special Edition: Fired Up
Dahl Predator
Jakobs Fillgree

~ Gunzerker ~
Special Edition: Private Eyes
Tree Puncher
The Baron
Special Edition: Fired Up

~ Mechromancer ~

Mecha Wrecka
Pig Rider
Metal Blood
Digitized Death
Bullet Buccaneer
Read All About It
Sinful Sweetheart

Pink Pandoracorn
Beyond the Pale
Muddy and Bloody
Joy Divide
Miss Ramone
Torgue Speed Demon
Bandit Incineration
Maliwan Grace
Soot Stew

~ Siren ~

Special Edition: Clean Shave
Metal Fear
Shrapnel Slayer
Cold Steel
Til Death Do Us Part
Admiral Asskick
Alkaline Mistress

Pink Pandoracorn
Black Widow
Indigo Lady
Special Edition: Fired Up
Torgue Speed Demon

~ Hovercraft ~

Honey Hive
Stained Glass

-Grenade Mods

Sticky Longbow Electric Leech
Homing Electric Leech
Sticky Longbow Caustic Leech
Homing Bouncing Bonny
Rubberized Quasar
Longbow Storm Front
Homing Fire Bee
Rolling Thunder
Homing Pandemic
Corrosive Nasty Surprise
Sticky Homing Caustic Leech
Sticky Lobbed Caustic Leech
Homing Quasar
Slag Nasty Surprise
Sticky Homing Fire Leech
Rolling Thunder
Lobbed Quasar
Rubberized Fire Leech
Sticky Longbow Bonus Package
Corrosivee Fastball
Explosive Fastball
Sticky Homing Bonus Package
Homing Bonus Package
Sticky Homing Bonus Package

Rubberized Breath of Terramorphous
Longbow Breath of Terramorphous
Lobbed Breath of Terramorphous
Homing Breath of Terramorphous

Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Longbow Slag Transfusion
Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Longbow Incendiary Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion

Longbow Slag Singularity
Captain Blade's Midnight Star
Captain Blade's Midnight Star
Explosive Fuster Cluck
Contraband Sky Rocket


Black Hole
Fabled Turtoise
Flame of the Firehawk
Hide of Terramorphous
Hide of Terramorphous (Blast proof) - Reduce damage from Explosions
Hide of Terramorphous (Inflammable) - Immunity to Burn
Impaler (Alkaline) - Immunity to Corrode
The Bee
The Bee (Alkaline) - Immunity to Corrode
The Bee (Blast proof) - Reduce damage from Explosions
The Bee (Grounded) - Immunity to Electrocution
The Bee (Inflammable) - Immunity to Burn
The Cradle
The Sham
The Transformer - Immunity to Electrocution
Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Cracked Sash

Captain Blade's Manly Man Shield

Brought to you by the almighty, yet courteous, Sir-TadPole.
-Inventory taken on 10/28/2012

Other Saves from other threads:

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Untouchable_God's Saves:

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Legendary Weapon Save List:

Roket Pawket Badaboom
Puissant Norfleet
Pertinent Pyrophobia
Stocking Bunny
Ruthless Mongol
Deep a Nukem

Longitudinal Invader
Barking Volcano
Pacifying Pitchfork
Klook Skullmasher
Skorry Lyuda
Longitudinal Longbow

Casual Flakker
Sledge's Shotgun
Well Kept Striker
Basic Deliverance
Practicable Conference Call

Legendary Soldier Class Mod
Legendary Hunter Class Mod
Legendary Siren Class Mod
Legendary Berserker Class Mod
Legendary Mechromancer Class Mod
Slayer of Terramorphous (Commando)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Assassin)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Siren)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Gunzerker)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Mechromancer)
Blood of Terramorphous

Sticky Longbow Electric Leech
Rolling Thunder
Homing Pandemic
Longbow Storm Front
Homing Fire Bee
Homing Quasar
Slag Nasty Surprise
Homing Bouncing Bonnie
Corrosive Fastball
Homing Bonus Package
Longbow Breath of Terramorphous (e-Tech, not legendary)

Hide of Terramorphous
The Sham
The Transformer
Flame of the Firehawk
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Grounded The Bee
The Cradle
Black Hole
Fabled Tortoise

Skirmish Emperor
Cutting Edge Bitch
Cuting Slagga
Consummate Hellfire
Perma-Sharp Baby Maker

Wild KerBlaster
Deadshot Hammer Blaster
Nifed Madhous!
Feral Veruc
Rabid Shredifier

Wild KerBlaster
Deadshot Hammer Blaster
Nifed Madhous!
Feral Veruc
Rabid Shredifier
Head & Skin Save List:
Bone Blinder (HEAD)
Shadaloo Stylish (HEAD)
Space Knight (HEAD)
Dapper Gent (HEAD)
Sandblaster (HEAD)
White Knight (SKIN)
Licking Flames (SKIN)
Red Letter Day (SKIN)
Volcanic (SKIN)
Dahl Predator (SKIN)
Jakobs Filigree (SKIN)

G4h4l4d (HEAD)
C0al Train (HEAD)
Unreality (HEAD)
Raz0r (HEAD)
Whiteout (SKIN)

Til Death Do Us Part (HEAD)
Alkaline Mistress (HEAD)
Black Widow (SKIN)
Lilac Combatant (SKIN)

Boatmurderer (HEAD)
The Baron (HEAD)
Rasta-Nefarious (HEAD)
Wizened Warrior (HEAD)

Digitized Death (HEAD)
Metal Blood (HEAD)

TwiztidGod Badass Rank Saves:

-EU- 75 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-EU- 100 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-EU- 150 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- 75 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-US- 100 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-US- 150 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.

Tutorials on Glitching and Modding:

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Tutorial for Xploder:

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Last edited by Storm ; 11-09-2012 at 09:00 PM. Reason: Do not ask for rep or likes.

The following 23 users say thank you to King Kazma for this useful post:

ajxizzle, Chrisyyc, Creepzoid 0___0, elijwu, FRAG, FuzzaMuzza, gatoCRM, Gian_, JXT2020, M1llerT1me96, mark1, Novelette, prince_of_16, PS4-USA, scene43, selvin santos, Shark008, Sir Zee, Sir-TadPole, T-Zone, Uncrwnd KNG, voidx, xpoppyxx
11-09-2012, 10:49 AM #92
Originally posted by hearless254 View Post
yes there is how do i know i have them.

lol, don't suppose you would be willing to share? unless they are the level 125 saves, I already have those, just don't like using them
11-09-2012, 11:41 AM #93
Originally posted by scene43 View Post
lol, don't suppose you would be willing to share? unless they are the level 125 saves, I already have those, just don't like using them
all 5 of my saves are lvl 125 backpack 127 with the sdu's u get
11-09-2012, 11:51 AM #94
Originally posted by remy100sam View Post
This thread will meet all your borderlands 2 needs and more!

Please REP+/Like and Thank this will encourage me to do more and more work everyday!

Now for the credits:

Alberto Colon

Now on to the saves!

EU Saves:

-EU- Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Profile Data: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Updated [24th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Updated [28th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Heads & Skins Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-EU- Level 125 Saves: You must login or register to view this content.

US Saves:

-US- Save: You must login or register to view this content.

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-US- Updated [24th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Updated [28th] Item Storage Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Heads & Skins Save: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- Level 125 Saves: You must login or register to view this content.

Save Description

-Assault Rifles

Scout Seraphim - Incendiary

Hammer Buster (Deadshot)
Hammer Buster (Razor)
Kerblaster (Nasty) - Explosive
KerBlaster (Stabbing) - Explosive
Madhous! (Fast Bulets) - Corrosive
Madhous! (Nifed) - Slag
Shredifier (Ferocious) - Incendiary
Shredifier (Rabid)
Shredifier (Severe) - Corrosive
Shredifier (Severe) - Slag
Shredifier (Skewering)
Veruc (Deep)
2x- Veruc (Feral)

BlASSter (Wyld Ass) - Corrosive
Blaster (Exspansive) - Corrosive

Rapier (Hot) - Incendiary
Rapier (Resolute) - Slag
Scorpio (Onslaught)
Stinkpot (Corrosive) - Corrossive


Devastator (Hard) - Explosive

Gub (Extendified)
Gunerang (Clean) - Incendiary
Gunerang (Jam Packed)
Hornet (Neutralizing) - Corrosive
Hornet (Twin) - Corrosive
2x- Infinity (Burning) - Incendiary
Infinity (Discharge) - Electric
Infinity (Purging)
Logan's Gun (Action) - Incendiary
Maggie (Dastardly)
Thunderball Fists (Binary) - Electric
Thunderball Fists (Potent) - Electric
Unkempt Harold (Thrusting) - Explosive

Dart (Close Quarters) - Electric
Spiker (Baynaneted) - Incendiary
Spiker (Baynaneted) - Corrosive

Judge (Leather)
Law (Ornery)
Rubi (Potent) - Slag

-Rocket Launchers


Badaboom (Big) - Explosive
Bunny (Large) - Slag
Bunny (Stocking) - Explosive
Bunny (Ultraprecise) - Incendiary
Mongol (Moscovite's) - Explosive
Mongol (Ruthless) - Incendiary
Norfleet (Predaciious) - Incendiary
Norfleet (Prudential) - Electric
Norfleet (Puissant) - Corrosive
Nukem (Deep a) - Explosive
Pyrophobia (Pertinent) - Incendiary

Creamer (Miss Moxxi's) - Explosive
Hive (Paraquat) - Corrosive


Retcher (New and Improved) - Corrosive

Conference Call (Critical)
Conference Call (Critical) - Corrosive
Conference Call (Critical) - Incendiary
Conference Call (Practicable) - Electric
Conference Call (Practicable) - Slag
Deliverance (Basic)
Deliverance (Extra Large) - Electric
Deliverance (Extra Large) - Incendiary
Deliverance (Royal) - Slag
Flakker (Casual) - Explosive
Sledge's Shotgun
Sledge's Shotgun - Corrosive
Sledge's Shotgun - Electric
Striker (Texas)

Splasher Blashter (Sketer) - Electric
Splasher Blashter (Slising) - Corrosive
Splatgun (Royal) - Slag

Sidewinder Quad

Blockhead (New and Improved) - Incendiary
Captain Blade's Orphan Maker
Jolly Roger (Fire Fire) - Incendiary
Teeth of Terramorphous (Fire Fire) - Incendiary
Thre Dog

-Sub-Machine Guns

Actualizer (Cutting Edge)
Actualizer (Proactive) - Corrosive
Tattler (Bladed)
Tattler (Bladed) - Electric

Baby Maker (Brisk) - Incendiary
Baby Maker (Brisk) - Electric
Baby Maker (Hefty) - Slag
Baby Maker (Hefty)
Bitch (Corporate) - Incendiary
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Corrosive
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Electric
Bitch (Rightsizing) - Slag
Bitch (Rightsizing)
Emperor (Skirmish)
Hellfire (Consummate) - Incendiary
Slagga (Cuting) - Slag

Plasma Caster (Bulets Go Fasterfied) - Incendiary
Plasma Caster (Guaranteed) - Slag
Plasma Caster (Guileless) - Slag
Plasma Caster (Refill) - Corrosive

Caustic Trance - Corrosive
Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch - Corrosive
Miss Moxxi's Good Touch - Incendiary
Quality Subcompact MG - Corrosive

Commerce (Cutting Edge) - Electric
Sand Hawk (Reserve)

-Sniper Rifles

Patriot (Razrez) - Corrosive

Invader (Auditing) - Incendiary
Invader (Cohesion) - Electric
Invader (Operational) - Corrosive
Longbow (Contingent) - Incendiary
Lyuda (Bolshy) - Corrosive
Lyuda (Bolshy) - Electric
Lyuda (Dobby)
Lyuda (Gromky) - Incendiary
Lyuda (Razrez) - SlagPitchfork (Operational)
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Corrosive
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Electric
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Incendiary
Pitchfork (Pacifying) - Slag
Skullmasher (Tumtum)
Volcano (Gentleman's) - Incendiary

Banbury Railer - Corrosive
Contingent Hybridfication - Corrosive
Zammechat Moloko - Incendiary

Resource Fremington's Edge
Sloth (Operational) - electric



Blood of the Seraphs

Blood of Terramorphous

Protection Relic
Vitality Relic
Sheriff's Badge
Allegiance Relic
Allegiance Relic
Tenacity Relic
Proficiency Relic
Protection Relic

Aggression Relic
Captain Blade's Otto Idol
Aggression Rellic
Moxxi's Endowment
Allegiance Relic
Allegiance Relic
Aggression Relic
Aggression Relic
Elemental Relic
Deputy's badge
Vault Hunter's Relic
Deputy's Badge
Allegiance Relic
Resistance Relic
Aggression Relic
Allegiance Relic

-Class Mods

~ Assassin ~

Legendary Hunter
Slayer of Terramorphous

~ Commando ~

Legendary Soldier
Slayer of Terramorphous

Military Specialist

~ Gunzerker ~

Legendary Berzerker
Slayer of Terramorphous

Grand Titan
Lucky Hoaarder

~ Mechromancer ~

Legendary Mechromancer
Slayer of Terramorphous

Peppy Zapper
Superior Sweetheart
Swift Anarchist
Wired Catalyst

~ Siren ~

Legendary Siren
Slayer of Terramorphous

Rebbounding Warder

Merciful Nurse


~ Assassin ~

Special Edition: Forgotten
Handsome Jack's Mask
C0al Train
B0ne H3ad

Special Edition: Fired Up

~ Commando ~

Bone Blinder
Dapper Gent
Space Knight
Medic Mantis
Shadaloo Stylish
Special Edition: Snowblind

Pink Pandoracorn
Licking Flames
Red Letter Day
White Knight
Special Edition: Fired Up
Dahl Predator
Jakobs Fillgree

~ Gunzerker ~
Special Edition: Private Eyes
Tree Puncher
The Baron
Special Edition: Fired Up

~ Mechromancer ~

Mecha Wrecka
Pig Rider
Metal Blood
Digitized Death
Bullet Buccaneer
Read All About It
Sinful Sweetheart

Pink Pandoracorn
Beyond the Pale
Muddy and Bloody
Joy Divide
Miss Ramone
Torgue Speed Demon
Bandit Incineration
Maliwan Grace
Soot Stew

~ Siren ~

Special Edition: Clean Shave
Metal Fear
Shrapnel Slayer
Cold Steel
Til Death Do Us Part
Admiral Asskick
Alkaline Mistress

Pink Pandoracorn
Black Widow
Indigo Lady
Special Edition: Fired Up
Torgue Speed Demon

~ Hovercraft ~

Honey Hive
Stained Glass

-Grenade Mods

Sticky Longbow Electric Leech
Homing Electric Leech
Sticky Longbow Caustic Leech
Homing Bouncing Bonny
Rubberized Quasar
Longbow Storm Front
Homing Fire Bee
Rolling Thunder
Homing Pandemic
Corrosive Nasty Surprise
Sticky Homing Caustic Leech
Sticky Lobbed Caustic Leech
Homing Quasar
Slag Nasty Surprise
Sticky Homing Fire Leech
Rolling Thunder
Lobbed Quasar
Rubberized Fire Leech
Sticky Longbow Bonus Package
Corrosivee Fastball
Explosive Fastball
Sticky Homing Bonus Package
Homing Bonus Package
Sticky Homing Bonus Package

Rubberized Breath of Terramorphous
Longbow Breath of Terramorphous
Lobbed Breath of Terramorphous
Homing Breath of Terramorphous

Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Longbow Slag Transfusion
Sticky Lobbed Corrosive Singularity
Sticky Longbow Incendiary Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion
Homing Slag Transfusion

Longbow Slag Singularity
Captain Blade's Midnight Star
Captain Blade's Midnight Star
Explosive Fuster Cluck
Contraband Sky Rocket


Black Hole
Fabled Turtoise
Flame of the Firehawk
Hide of Terramorphous
Hide of Terramorphous (Blast proof) - Reduce damage from Explosions
Hide of Terramorphous (Inflammable) - Immunity to Burn
Impaler (Alkaline) - Immunity to Corrode
The Bee
The Bee (Alkaline) - Immunity to Corrode
The Bee (Blast proof) - Reduce damage from Explosions
The Bee (Grounded) - Immunity to Electrocution
The Bee (Inflammable) - Immunity to Burn
The Cradle
The Sham
The Transformer - Immunity to Electrocution
Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Cracked Sash

Captain Blade's Manly Man Shield

Brought to you by the almighty, yet courteous, Sir-TadPole.
-Inventory taken on 10/28/2012

Other Saves from other threads:

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Untouchable_God's Saves:

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Legendary Weapon Save List:

Roket Pawket Badaboom
Puissant Norfleet
Pertinent Pyrophobia
Stocking Bunny
Ruthless Mongol
Deep a Nukem

Longitudinal Invader
Barking Volcano
Pacifying Pitchfork
Klook Skullmasher
Skorry Lyuda
Longitudinal Longbow

Casual Flakker
Sledge's Shotgun
Well Kept Striker
Basic Deliverance
Practicable Conference Call

Legendary Soldier Class Mod
Legendary Hunter Class Mod
Legendary Siren Class Mod
Legendary Berserker Class Mod
Legendary Mechromancer Class Mod
Slayer of Terramorphous (Commando)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Assassin)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Siren)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Gunzerker)
Slayer of Terramorphous (Mechromancer)
Blood of Terramorphous

Sticky Longbow Electric Leech
Rolling Thunder
Homing Pandemic
Longbow Storm Front
Homing Fire Bee
Homing Quasar
Slag Nasty Surprise
Homing Bouncing Bonnie
Corrosive Fastball
Homing Bonus Package
Longbow Breath of Terramorphous (e-Tech, not legendary)

Hide of Terramorphous
The Sham
The Transformer
Flame of the Firehawk
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Grounded The Bee
The Cradle
Black Hole
Fabled Tortoise

Skirmish Emperor
Cutting Edge Bitch
Cuting Slagga
Consummate Hellfire
Perma-Sharp Baby Maker

Wild KerBlaster
Deadshot Hammer Blaster
Nifed Madhous!
Feral Veruc
Rabid Shredifier

Wild KerBlaster
Deadshot Hammer Blaster
Nifed Madhous!
Feral Veruc
Rabid Shredifier
Head & Skin Save List:
Bone Blinder (HEAD)
Shadaloo Stylish (HEAD)
Space Knight (HEAD)
Dapper Gent (HEAD)
Sandblaster (HEAD)
White Knight (SKIN)
Licking Flames (SKIN)
Red Letter Day (SKIN)
Volcanic (SKIN)
Dahl Predator (SKIN)
Jakobs Filigree (SKIN)

G4h4l4d (HEAD)
C0al Train (HEAD)
Unreality (HEAD)
Raz0r (HEAD)
Whiteout (SKIN)

Til Death Do Us Part (HEAD)
Alkaline Mistress (HEAD)
Black Widow (SKIN)
Lilac Combatant (SKIN)

Boatmurderer (HEAD)
The Baron (HEAD)
Rasta-Nefarious (HEAD)
Wizened Warrior (HEAD)

Digitized Death (HEAD)
Metal Blood (HEAD)

TwiztidGod Badass Rank Saves:

-EU- 75 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-EU- 100 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-EU- 150 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.

-US- 75 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-US- 100 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.
-US- 150 Million Rank: You must login or register to view this content.

Tutorials on Glitching and Modding:

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Tutorial for Xploder:

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Please REP+/Like and Thank this will encourage me to do more and more work everyday!

a did u take the pass off ??? if not theres not a pass on the lvl 125 anymore
11-10-2012, 02:14 AM #95
Bounty hunter
Is any of these saves up to vault hunter mode im looking for one that is at the warrior where you kill handsome jack on vault hunter mode heard it scales monsters to level 101 if you are level 127.
11-10-2012, 05:05 AM #96
Originally posted by Jagger007 View Post
Is any of these saves up to vault hunter mode im looking for one that is at the warrior where you kill handsome jack on vault hunter mode heard it scales monsters to level 101 if you are level 127.

monsters dont scale over lvl 50 even on true vault hunter.
11-10-2012, 06:30 AM #97
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by hearless254 View Post
monsters dont scale over lvl 50 even on true vault hunter.

Some monsters mostly bosses and fleshstick and some others i noticed are level 51-52 in PT2.5 someone said it scaled to current lvl. i know on xbox360 somehow they modded it i guess. Here is a video of what im talking about a level 2147 Terra gives Massive EXP.

11-10-2012, 06:48 AM #98
Originally posted by Jagger007 View Post
Some monsters mostly bosses and fleshstick and some others i noticed are level 51-52 in PT2.5 someone said it scaled to current lvl. i know on xbox360 somehow they modded it i guess. Here is a video of what im talking about a level 2147 Terra gives Massive EXP.

mostliky its for xbox only
11-10-2012, 01:13 PM #99
Originally posted by hearless254 View Post
monsters dont scale over lvl 50 even on true vault hunter.

The DLC bosses (Gee & Hyp) scaled to level 101 when I play them w/ 125 save.
11-11-2012, 11:17 AM #100
hmmmmmmmmmmm cool

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