Post: GT5 Garage Editor v1.3.1
03-19-2013, 06:32 PM #1
You talkin to me?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This Editor works best on SaveGames from version 2.00 to 2.11 of GT5 !

GT5 Garage Editor v1.3.1 by slim355 & q-k

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(PSN Not Required)

New Features to 1.3.1:

  1. 1103 New Car Tickets Total!!!
  2. Max Dealer Colours Updated
  3. Database Optimized
  4. Thumbnail Fetch is optional
  5. Delete Tickets from your save
  6. Minor Bug Fixes

We're not done yet Winky Winky

New Features to 1.3.0:

  1. Insert New Car Ticket (Choose Dealer Colour)
  2. Insert Special Car directly to garage.
  3. Name Changer (Change Viewable Text in Garage)
  4. More Global Options to Set
  5. Add 10 Paints/Tune Items/Manufacturer and Year Tickets at a time.

Some Features on the Global page have untested/unknown functionality in-game.
They are included for you to experiment. :nerd:

Also, part _282_285 is always the same as the body ID.... what does it do...

If you have any problems, zip up your save, upload to mediafire & PM me the link.
Remember your savedata may contain GT5 e-mails & your account ID.

New Features to 1.2.2:

  1. Secret Menu Toggle High Risk of Ban Online!
  2. Add Car Tickets (Year Tickets, Manufacturer Tickets)
  3. Clicking the Left hand side "Paint" Cell will bring up a Body/Rim Paint Calculator.
  4. Add Paints
  5. Edit your currently selected car
  6. Borrow Glitch
  7. Gear Ratio Graph updated to be more like In-Game Graph
  8. All Gold: A spec: B Spec :License: Special Events
  9. Credits
  10. Gameday
  11. Edit A-Spec & B-Spec Level
  12. Saves are Backed up.
  13. Weird Mint Colour on Tune Sheet & Paint Selector...

ScreenCaps v1.3.1

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Video Guide:

Known Bugs:
Last edited by Father Luckeyy ; 12-01-2016 at 09:37 PM. Reason: Removed AD-FLY link

The following 140 users say thank you to slim355 for this useful post:

-Daimler-, -SuperMan, JordanCarr, $$$ DANGER $$$, 4861636B, 4treyu, AlwaysGetsBanne, Ameer67, Aventador777, BarneyBus, Dank, bejekas, Blah12543, Bounkass, Brian Wong, Camaro, camaroguy85, CARKING0709, ch1potle, CJDA9, cocacolin, CONRUN, Costas1, Cotilleo Puro, cpt_BanaBender, Creepzoid 0___0, Danny911, DAZGANGSTA, Det0x, DoN-WaKiTa, DubstepHD, Eat_Ur_Food, ecko_ecko_ecko, evil_ryu, evolutionX, FR0STBYTE, Fysho, G0LD3NGAM3R1989, Gabriel Serrano, GalleSjef, GaMeRGiRL_2310, gemudake, geosize, uome68, gt5gmefqstrader, GTRulez, Gunni19, H!ddenFr!end, hairyjeremy, Hmoob_Mods, Sheldon Cooper, iainoflo85, iiMiSH, ILuVGamin, intronium, Isaac Clarke, ResistTheJamsha, JanTTuX, jhonatan garcia, JK83, jordanhumphries, Joro88, KillSonik, kryptiikzz, LeterPustich, lolik, Lone_Inferno, LucaTurilli, MadEyeMoody, MadStew, MasterChieff, MatMed123, mcmlxxxix, Microsuck, miguelin9169, Moontallico, Mr.Azoz, murky1, nbdesignz, NGU GHOST, Hayden, Oliiver, Orange Llama, Paze, perrypus, PounDJo0DoGz0r, predator13, Prototype23, q-k, Ramanujan and 40 other users.
03-19-2013, 07:32 PM #11
Little One
i dont know if this is just me or anyone else but when i go to change the (General) all to 0 it doesn't come up in the game that i have 0 kmh or 0 changes or 0 wins?
03-19-2013, 07:42 PM #12
Save Point
idk what im doing wrong, but when i transfer my file to the ps3, it erases my whole garage
03-19-2013, 07:54 PM #13
Do a barrel roll!
for all of the multipliers and settings does this work by decimal or hex?
03-19-2013, 08:03 PM #14
Thank you very much slim, very good tool!! :kiss:
03-19-2013, 09:00 PM #15
getting an unhandled exception error. im editing a non edited car but just wont work.
03-19-2013, 09:06 PM #16
Little One
Like the previous version, works perfect, thanks a lot :y:
03-19-2013, 09:13 PM #17
When I try to put my safe game into Garage Editor, I get 2 errors, Error 100 and Error 200?
Can anyone help me Smile

Best regards

03-19-2013, 09:15 PM #18
The One And Only
Sweet m8 its about time lol nah thats cool:y:
03-19-2013, 09:17 PM #19
Little One
thats pretty cool when you go to change something on the car and it changes the country to HYBRID Smile

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