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Debug Menus
How to Enable these
- Jailbroken PS3 (Custom Firmware)
- The Last of Us with region BCES01584/BCES01585 and version 1.11.
How to:
- It works for BCES01584, BCES01585 & currently for 1.11 versions only.
- The offsets to unlock it through an PS3API or by making your own EBOOT.BIN are: 0x00A92640 38000001980B2DB0
- There is also a premade eboot.bin You must login or register to view this content..
(Place the
EBOOT.BIN at dev_hdd0/game/BCES01584/USRDIR/ and start the game)
- To open up the menus while in-game:
- L3 + Start - Dev Menu
- L3 + Select - Quick Menu
- L3 + R3 - Debug Fly
- Some features aren't working such as Player 1 and Player 2 options. You have to enable them with hex modding, file scripting or model file changing through paths.
- There is a series of unused testing levels that needs documentation. A save file with the test levels can be found You must login or register to view this content..
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings Below in post.
- Extract .pak files.
- Find a way to enable Player1, Player2 and disabled features.
- Make map and buildings to not disappear after flying above.
- Enable Wireframe Mode.
- Uncharted 3's Maps are compatible with The Last of Us, swapping Uncharted 3's Maps
with The Last of Us's Maps and rename them as the map that we already swapped can import them to the game.
- Uncharted 3 SplitScreen's assets are compatible with The Last of Us, finding an way to transfer those assets in The Last of Us can enable SplitScreen Mode on Story Mode.
- Trying to make The Last of Us's Marking System from multiplayer compatible with Story Mode.
Dev Menu
The files
debug-menu.bin and
debug-menu.dci, which can be found in
bin.psarc\dc1, show evidence of a debug menu.
Dev Menu's first face.
After you enable the debug menu you'll see an FPS Text at the top-right of the screen...
It has 6 options...
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These includes
Clock, where you can change the speed of the game or the framerate...
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Tasks, where you can choose any task you want to play in both single player campaign and DLC chapters.
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(Checkpoints and cinematics of every stage)
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Quick Menu
Quick Menu is the second
debug menu that has some additional options, such as
Infinite Ammo,
Invincible Player &
No Reload.
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Secret Debug Rooms
There are some secret debug rooms/test maps that can only be accessed with the
Debug Menu.
These maps were created by the developers so they can test the gameplay's mechanics, combat sequences, and NPC AI (Artificial Intelligence).
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The player will need to press
L3 +
R3 for
Debug Fly to get to all of the rooms.
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You can access these rooms by the
Tasks option on
Dev Menu (Tasks/Play Task/training/).
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Unknown Yet Debug Menu
There is an unknown picture about an unknown
Debug Menu similar to the current menus...
We still don't know if it's exists in the game files or if it is removed from the game...
It also contains an
Debug Text at the top-left of the picture.
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