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All software's present here are free you can Google if you want i am using mu to get some points for my hard work of typing all day in order to prepare simplest guide without any flaws unlike other guides which i noticed have some errors which end the user no where.All mention those error in the end.
Fixing Eboot Section
1 - First of All you require is the game,now either go grab yourself one from he site or else you have disk which you want to play diskless.
2 - When its done Next step would be to download this software
[CENTER][url=https://www.megaupload.com/?d=TF5XGYYB]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service[/url][/CENTER]
When downloaded install it,will take sometime as it will download another set of files when you run it.After installation simply run it let it load completely when done simply exist.
3 - Now download this file
[CENTER][url=https://www.megaupload.com/?d=A120KNAA]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service[/url][/CENTER]
After its done extract all the content onto the desktop ,after extraction you will have files and a single folder as
.ps3.Copy all the content
Except .ps3 folder to
C:\cygwin\bin ,your location may vary as to where you had installed but anyways it should go into bin folder.After that copy the .ps3 folder to the following location(
xxx stands for your pc name a folder will show there place .ps3 in it.
4 - Now you need to download this file also
[CENTER][url=https://www.megaupload.com/?d=WIO9L0AH]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service[/url][/CENTER]
When downloading done extract the content ,you will have 2 files place them also in bin folder(
5 - Now you need is to copy the eboot.bin file from USRDIR to the following location(C:\cygwin\home\xxxx).Note by usrdir i mean (
XXXXX>PS3_GAME>USRDIR)-XXXX stands for the Game Id eg:BLUE2001(Its from the game you downloaded earlier)
6 - Next run
Cygwin ,when its loaded type the following command.Note the syntax should be exactly same as i type if uppercase type uppercase if lowercase type lowercase)
Type the Syntax{Command Without qoutes('")}
If entered correctly you will have EBOOT.ELF file under the (C:\cygwin\home\xxxx)folder[/CENTER]
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7 - Now next you need to download is a hex editor
[CENTER][url=https://www.megaupload.com/?d=OGR7CVVW]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service[/url][/CENTER]
Open the ELF created previously with the hex editor search for the following string
dev_bdvd replace it with dev_hdd0(Its zero not ''o'' o for orange).When changing do not highlight and type instead click once before the character b and start typing
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If you look closely you can see dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/.By you know what is bdvd and its changed to hdd0 instead and now its upto you your choice either change the PS3_GAME or leave ti default but if you plan on playing more than 1 game it would be good if you change it, but keep in mind characters should not exceed the limit of 8, or else you will have a bad code.So for an example i keep the name as COLDMINE luckily COLDMINE also has 8 characters so it will do it and way of doing it by that i mean how to change is same as hdd0 clicking once before the character p and start typing.When done save it and remember the name you just typed write it down or memorize we will need it later.
8 - Now hop back over to Cygwin.Type the following Syntax(Command).
make_self_npdrm.exe EBOOT.EXE EBOOT.BIN UP0001-xxxxxxx_00-0000111122223333
xxxxx stands fro the gameID you will surely see it when you have downloaded any gameID or just find it shoudl be like BLUS30174 or something else but you get the idea.After that press enter if you get the following means you did everything right.
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Note the reason I used BLUS30174 is because for this example i used my tna impact backup which has a game ID of BLUS30174.Letters for game ID should all be in capital.The only thing you need to edit in the Syntaxt (above) i gave is the game ID, leave rest same.Also Type everything same if capital than capital if small than small do not change the code or it wont work, and Cygwin doesn't support copy paste so pasting wont work, you have to manually type it.If the code you typed worked you will get above image results and will notice eboot.bin file size has shrinked and new file test_out is created that means on the same page(As i am expecting).
9 - Next create a new text document and name it
xxxxx.conf(xxxx stands again fro game ID).Than open it using notepad or any text editors and paste in this code.
Content-ID = UP0001-xxxxxx_00-0000111122223333
k_licensee = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
DRM_Type = Free
Content_Type = Game_Exec
PackageVersion = 01.00
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Again if you look in the pic i have used BLUS30174 in place of xxx as My gamed ID is BLUS30174.When done writing your game ID save it .
10 - Next create a new folder and name it same as your game ID
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When thats done copy every file and folder inside it from the game you downloaded except the USRDIR Folder.In my case i will only have 3 files to copy
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Next create another folder under the game ID folder as USRDIR.And place the Eboot.bin file in it which we modified earlier not the one from the original game.
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There should only be the modified eboot.bin in the USRDIR folder no other file should be there.
11 - Now Open the PARAM.SFO file and search for the string.
DG(Should be capital letters).Change DG to HG(DG=drive game - HG=hard drive game).
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The changing method is same placing the mouse before the D character and typing H.Save the file.
12 - Now when PARAM.SFO is done hop back over to Cygwin.Type the following syntax
psn_package_npdrm xxxx.conf xxxx(xxx stands for game ID)(You have to type twice)
If you did all the above steps correctly you should get something similar
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A new file pkg will appear if you did everything as i stated.
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Next for 3.55 users only do this step, if you wont it will not work.
Type the following command in Cygwin.
package_finalize.exe UP0001-xxxxx_01-0000111122223333.pkg.(XXX for game ID)
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Another confirmation if the code your typing is right.Right click on the pkg file and select rename and type the exact same code after package_finalize.exe as it appears for my case again game ID BLUS30174
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Save and this is the end of the Fixing section.
Installing , Moving And Playing Section.
My ps3 is in another room which is locked atm ill put the ftp pics later
1 - First you need is a flash drive formatted as fat32 or any device with format as fat32.Copy the pkg file to it and connect it to your ps3 i prefer you use the right ps3 port.On ps3 click the Install Package folder and you will see the PKG file simply install ,if it gives an error hop back to pc and see where you did a mistake or maybe you dint patch the file properly.If your on 3.55 still doesn't work i simply cant help in that.When done you will see the game icon under the Game menu.
2 - Next put your ps3 in ftp mode by using black box ftp note down the ip address after running blackbox ftp.Download from here.
[CENTER][url=https://www.megaupload.com/?d=6ESMJVP9]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service[/url][/CENTER]
After running and noting down ip address hop back over to pc and run filezilla client (use Google for it).Enter the ip address and simply click on quick connect.(no user name password.)
When connected you will have some folders on the right side .Do not mess with any files here or you will brick only do what i say and not go on editing all files plz for sake of your ps3 dont try to even think about editing any files.
3 - Now if you go back to step 7 in Fixing eboot section you will remember i told you to write down the name you wrote after
Create a new directory(folder in filezilla its called directory instead of folder) under the
dev_hdd0 folder and name it as you have named in the step number 7 in fixing eboot section for my case it was
than copy the
USRDIR folder inside it.The USRDIR folder from the game you download not the one we used above with eboot.bin.Remember not to copy the eboot.bin inside the
USRDIR folder to this place.
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so it should now be like dev_hdd0\xxxx\USRDIR
xxx the name from the step in fixing eboot section
4 - After thats done you can go back to your ps3 and run the game if its works than ok if it doesn't than maybe game doesn't work at all if you did all the steps properly.
Question And Answers Section
1 - What are the .bak files created ?
A - They are the backup files created by the hex editor maybe in future you want the original file you can just rename it from
.xxx.bak to .xxx.you can delete them immediately as they appear as thier is no use of them
2 - After copying the PKG file to usb whats the use of eboot.bin Eboot.elf and other files?
A - There's no use of them once you have your pkg file you can delete them if you want except the
.ps3 folder do not delete it.
3 - When i run Pkg file it gets error at 11 or 17 percent and get corrupted file on xmb?
A - That will happen if you made a mistake in step number 8 in fixing eboot section .Make sure all letters are capital.
4 - When i run the game i just get returned to the xmb?
A - You dint place the folder properly or typed the name wrong ,see step number 3 in Installing , Moving And Playing Section.
5 - When i run psn_package_npdrm.exe command(see step number 10 in fixing eboot section) i get command not found error?
A - That occurs if you dont place the psn_package_npdrm.exe and package_finalize.exe in bin folder .see step 4 fixing eboot section.
6 - When i run Pkg file i get 8002xxxx error?
A - You dint attempt the step 10 in fixing eboot of package_finalize.exe.(3.55 users only)
7 - I get the registration error when running the psn_package_npdrm xxxx.conf xxxx(step 10 fixing eboot section).
A - There can be 2 thing either the game ID is wrong or you dint chnage the DG To HG (See step 9 fixing eboot section).See the error carefully it will mostly tell you what you did wrong.
That's all folks if anymore question dont hesitate to ask but read it completely if your new to it missing any post will make you confused so read from top to bottom.My Tna worked fine after doing it diskless .A thank you would be good