Post: OG Account finder tool
05-01-2017, 02:40 PM #1
Treasure hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is there such a tool that you enter say 2000 OG accounts that are on a set list. It automatically checks for the user the availability of the set accounts on the list, Wouldn't that be the ultimate way to get a 3-4 letter account name rather than having to spend hours try to find an 3-4 letter account manually.
05-14-2017, 01:01 AM #2
Originally posted by cLocKWorKBuLLeT View Post
Is there such a tool that you enter say 2000 OG accounts that are on a set list. It automatically checks for the user the availability of the set accounts on the list, Wouldn't that be the ultimate way to get a 3-4 letter account name rather than having to spend hours try to find an 3-4 letter account manually.

Yeah theres a tool that checks if the PSN name is taken. I dont remember the name tho.

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