Post: GT5 Game save (hack and trophies!!!!)
01-11-2011, 11:36 PM #1
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Trophy Save for 32% (20 Trophies)
Okay my original Trophies on my real acount were roughly about 66%, this save only unlocks 20 trophies (32%), most of which are the complete this race trophy

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A-spec LV 27 B-Spec 35
the B-spec 30 trophy does not unlock (idk if it will if you level up)

Trophies unlocked:

Final: Reach the ending Movie
Grand Final: Reach the long version of the ending movie

Extrem Series Complete
Pro Series Complete
Amateur Complete
Beginner Complete

All Licences trophies (Super, A,B,C,National A, National B) Trophies unlock

Every special event except Gran Turismo Rally and X1 challenge trophies unlocked

Multi-Millnair trophy
Last edited by Nitrowolf2 ; 01-14-2011 at 03:00 AM.

The following 11 users say thank you to Nitrowolf2 for this useful post:

bahoclan, flipsyde, isigo, karimkz, markinatorz, necronzero, SHAUNY_NUM_1, Skinnar, stocko, TairyHesticles, Winning
01-13-2011, 12:15 AM #29
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Nitrowolf2 View Post
yes they sync

Can you do it for meh?
01-13-2011, 12:31 AM #30
Originally posted by necronzero View Post
Can you do it for meh?

not right now (prob tomorrow), send me a PM , i need your account information (email and Login), from there i get a save and sync the trophies. Do you have GT5? i can prob. end up sending you the save also when i am done syncing trophies.
01-13-2011, 12:36 AM #31
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Nitrowolf2 View Post
not right now (prob tomorrow), send me a PM , i need your account information (email and Login), from there i get a save and sync the trophies. Do you have GT5? i can prob. end up sending you the save also when i am done syncing trophies.

Alright, and thanks a lot, it's just, I can't seem to get it to work, so I went back to OFW, x.x it was too much for me. What do you want in return? You have FFXIII? I heard its hackable now with this method, can you confirm?
01-13-2011, 12:59 AM #32
Originally posted by necronzero View Post
Alright, and thanks a lot, it's just, I can't seem to get it to work, so I went back to OFW, x.x it was too much for me. What do you want in return? You have FFXIII? I heard its hackable now with this method, can you confirm?

nothing in return, i don't have FF13 but it does work. I will be getting it back in the future. Also i must warn you if Sony is doing bans then you might be at risk if i did this for you since it technically your account made contact with my PS3.
01-13-2011, 01:34 AM #33
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Nitrowolf2 View Post
nothing in return, i don't have FF13 but it does work. I will be getting it back in the future. Also i must warn you if Sony is doing bans then you might be at risk if i did this for you since it technically your account made contact with my PS3.

Can you send me your msn via PM? For some reason my PM's don't seem to work. Tnx a lot mate.
01-14-2011, 01:43 AM #34
Okay you guys i updated the thread with a new save and it gives a lot more trophies
01-16-2011, 03:03 AM #35
Fully Powered Gamer
im not getting 64% of the tropgies whats wrong !
01-18-2011, 07:27 AM #36
Amazing Game Save, i found out about this hack the day geohot released his thing, but could not find a good game save until now. TY Happy
01-19-2011, 09:07 PM #37
If I load this save on my Hacked PS3 will it help me get the Trophies I currently don't have on my account on my Slim Non-Jailbroken PS3. Both PS3s use the same Online PSN ID.

Reason I don't copy the save onto my Slim, is because I am nearly completed with A-Spec and B-Spec, just a race or two away from Level 40 with Golds on all Races. So would lose a lot of progess to get the Special Event Trophies and some Arcade ones.

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