Post: Any progress on trophy syncing from a 3.55cfw console?
06-15-2011, 04:43 AM #1
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I was just wondering im really looking into this and so far haven't came up with anything except transfering saves in which you are about to get a trophy to an ofw ps3 then unlocking them naturally... Im thinking that there may be away if possible to do this say via getting your trophy data backed up via ftp then IF POSSIBLE pulling this off...

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Maybe say if your on 3.65 with the 3.65 spoofer on your cfw console swap the cfw drive for your ofw drive. If possible of course can't try this minute then trying from there to install an ftp like blackbox then replacing the backed up trophy data from your ftp'd from your cfw drive to the ofw drive? Im doubting this will work cause from the way it looks in the above link the hdd probably wouldn't work after a restart...(read if it works at all)... then swap the ofw drive back to your ofw ps3 and... sync.... profit? Anyway its just an idea I doubt will work and wishful thinking but if anybody has another idea throw in here ill give it whirl I really wanna sync my 5 plats that I got on here without having to redo them on my new ofw ps3 lol.

Here is the thread on the location of trophy data
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Still looking for the info about the xRegistry.sys transfers if anybody comes across it post here.
Information about the xregistry.sys file this is also from the same post as above about swapping the hdd. He deleted this info because it was complicated for several users..

ok i am gonna show you how to make ANY ps3 harddrive work in your ps3 without formatting it so you dont loose info on it. this is great for someone who got a new ps3 and wants to use their old hdd in it. ok so first THIS WILL ONLY WORK ON CFW I HAVE TESTED IT ON 3.55 KMEAW.

I RE DID THE TUT FOR PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS IT SHOULD BE 100% GOOD NOW SORRY FOR YOU GUYS GETTING STUCK PLEASE TELL ME IF IT WORKS i want to gather info from you guys ie hard drive brand you had to what you changed and size and if there is a firmware difference.

hdd seagate - toshiba now
firmware 3.41 - 3.55 now
60gb - 500 gb now

What you will need.
a ps3 running cfw
Dashhacks :: PS3-Hacks :: xRegistry.sys Editor v0.75
xReg Plus xReg_Plus_v1.0.pkg
and two ps3 hdds

1.So first you will need to install cfw if you dont already have it.

2.Next you will need to install xRegistry editor on your computer.

3.Now install xReg Plus

4.Open xReg Plus and Press SELECT to BACKUP xRegistry.sys to root of USB000 (the last usb port on the right) open the xRegistry editor and open the file you saved on your flashdrive.

6.Now on the editor your gonna look for the part that says (/setting/system/hddSerial) and highlight it.
On your right you will see the box that says value this is what we are changing.
(i am gonna refer to whats in the value box as hdd serial) this (serial) is what tells the console you have the right hdd in it. the code is made up as this the first letters and numbers is the model number on the hdd and after the spaces the next one is the serial number writting on the hdd as well.
For easier it is (hdd model number hdd serial)

Here is mine for people to see i edited values for reasons but.... i tried spaces didnt work just put 43 spaces after the model
(ST48822AS........................................ ...5PK4HD6T)
{hdd model ........................................... hdd serial}

OK TO MAKE IT EASIER take the model number on your hdd and put it on the value line then add 43 spaces then put the serial number in the value and ur done it should look like something above just no periods make them spaces.

8.Now all you have to do is copy whats in the quotes in red above so you have the proper spacing and change my values to whats on the hdd you want. (well i tried to just use spaces it didnt work so its 43 spaces the txt. i used periods for you and the periods keeps adding a space sorry i tried.)

9.Now after you create your new (hdd serial) put it in the value box and save.

10.Copy the saved xRegistry.sys file to your usb device and make sure its in the usb0 slot its the one all the way to the right.

11. Press START to RESTORE xRegistry.sys from root of USB000

Last edited by TechMemphis ; 06-15-2011 at 06:07 AM.
06-15-2011, 04:48 AM #2
Are you high?
Originally posted by greenwolfe7 View Post
I was just wondering im really looking into this and so far haven't came up with anything except transfering saves in which you are about to get a trophy to an ofw ps3 then unlocking them naturally... Im thinking that there may be away if possible to do this say via getting your trophy data backed up via ftp then IF POSSIBLE pulling this off...

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Maybe say if your on 3.65 with the 3.65 spoofer on your cfw console swap the cfw drive for your ofw drive. If possible of course can't try this minute then trying from there to install an ftp like blackbox then replacing the backed up trophy data from your ftp'd from your cfw drive to the ofw drive? Im doubting this will work cause from the way it looks in the above link the hdd probably wouldn't work after a restart...(read if it works at all)... then swap the ofw drive back to your ofw ps3 and... sync.... profit? Anyway its just an idea I doubt will work and wishful thinking but if anybody has another idea throw in here ill give it whirl I really wanna sync my 5 plats that I got on here without having to redo them on my new ofw ps3 lol.

oh never mind my post. This might work. It seems possible if the method in the link works. Has anyone even tried it?
Last edited by UnoDeluxe ; 06-15-2011 at 04:52 AM.
06-15-2011, 05:01 AM #3
< ^ > < ^ >

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

Originally posted by UnoDeluxe View Post
oh never mind my post. This might work. It seems possible if the method in the link works. Has anyone even tried it?

From what I read it was working up to 3.61 but the comments were before the 3.61 spoofer... I don't know im going to try it tomorrow like I said I doubt it will work since the console would have to be restarted and a new firmware would have to be installed on the ofw hdd and blackbox would have to be installed... but hey like I said ill give this and whatever else anyone thinks up a try and hope I stumble into success eventually.

---------- Post added 06-15-2011 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-14-2011 at 11:55 PM ----------

Originally posted by UnoDeluxe View Post
oh never mind my post. This might work. It seems possible if the method in the link works. Has anyone even tried it?

I also remember reading of another way to do this by pulling the xregistry.sys info off the flash...Im having trouble locating it though cause if can do this then backup the registry.sys I might be able to just put the ofw drive registry info onto the the cfw drive put it on my ofw ps3 update then sync the trophies.... or go to the ofw ps3 first do the above method and put in my cfw drive and sync if it would let me.... lol doubt that but what the hey ill try that too.
06-15-2011, 06:21 PM #4
< ^ > < ^ >
Anybody had a shot at this yet? I gotta wait till I get off work but if this works it will be great.
06-15-2011, 09:05 PM #5
At least I can fight
if this works bro you are my number 1 hero! i really need to find a way as well to sync trophies.
06-18-2011, 10:36 PM #6
< ^ > < ^ >
Ok I still got some messing around to do. I did manage to get the hdd up and working in another console without formatting however after restart it failed...:( Im going to keep playing with it cause im not sure which method made it work in the first place the hot swap or the xReg replacement.... Took all morning this saturday to get that much done I need to get another tray to make the process go a little more smoothly while im working on this but to borrow my friends I gotta wait till he gets off work later. If anybody else has tried or played around with this please post results here Smile. Ill have more time hopefully in the next few weekends to try this out. I got a lot of different things to try out for this hopefully someone else comes up with some ideas also if this works I say having an ofw ps3 and a cfw ps3 is the way to go hack on the cfw ps3 and play regularly on the ofw ps3. As trophy syncing is my main complaint lol.
Last edited by TechMemphis ; 06-24-2011 at 05:32 PM.
06-27-2011, 04:57 PM #7
~♣°Yamata no Orochi°♣~
you need to take out the encryption of the HDD

if not, that never work in the proper way, and get corrupted data.

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