Post: Dragon's Dogma 100% saveset + guide
07-04-2012, 12:03 AM #1
A Feral Popcorn
What the dick!?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi, NGU!
I spent a lot of time and many playthroughs making these saves for you! I hope you enjoy!

One note before we start:
These saves are for NGU and its community ONLY

If I wanted them on Xploder or other sites I could do it my self!


Now, these saves will get you 48/50 (excluding platinum) of the trophies.
The 2 you must do yourself are:

-It Begins (Complete the prologue)
-Local Recruit (Directly enlisted a pawn into your party).

They are both very easy. The prologue takes about 10-15 minutes and Local Recruit requires an online connection.
Go anywhere and look for people wandering the streets (pawns will be carrying weapons). Talk to them and enlist them. Done!
Note: Do Local Recruit BEFORE using the save for Foreign Recruit)

If you need a guideline on when and where trophies should pop follow this guide-
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Now, for the saves. I put these together in a manner that will make it seem legit. If you don't care about that, than have fun Smile

First, open up the story-line folder. If you're making this look legit, wait 10 minutes after doing the prologue. Each trophy will have a
Hour-minute guide to make it look real. You don't need to follow it exactly, just close enough. Use the saves in this order:

-Onward (0:10)
-A New Ally (0:20)
-Getting A Head (0:25)
-The Courier (0:40)
-Writ Large (1:00)

Now at this point you will have enough areas opened for 50 locations. Head into the locations folder and load up the Tourist save.
-The Tourist (1hr-1hr 5m)[/B]

I personally suggest using this save to get either Foreign Recruit or Local Recruit. I suggest Foreign as I made 1 save for that and enlisting 70 pawns, so it won't look very real.

Next, go back into storyline.

-Come Courting (1:45)
-The Message (3:00)

Here, we're going to knock off a few misc. trophies. Head into the Pawns folder and use the second save (Human Resources, Inhuman, etc)

After earning the 4 trophies listed load up story once more.

-Rough Landing (4hr-4hr 30m)
-Destiny + others (use this save at around 6 hours - 6 hours 20 minutes and follow the instructions very carefully)
-Treacherous (6:40)
-Eye Contact (7:10)
-Freedom + others (use this save at about 8 hours+ and follow the instructions carefully)

Now we've completed story once. Congrats! Time for clean-up.

First, use the save for the Patron. We'll want that out of the way.
Wait a few hours and use the save for The Hero. If you'd like, mix in some of the misc trophies that don't really need a timeframe. (Knave, Saviour, location saves, but DO NOT use the save for 150 locations yet.)

Now, wait a few more hours and use the save for The Laborer. We've now got most of the big trophies done. Continue using the misc trophies
for a bit, spreading them out as to look realistic. If you'd like, wait an hour or 2 and use the save for 150 locations.

Now, let more time pass and use our final story save for the Ever-Turning Wheel trophy.

At this point you should have all, if not, most of the trophies. Go in and do any clean-up as necessary.

Hope this helped and happy hunting! Smile


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Last edited by A Feral Popcorn ; 07-04-2012 at 12:09 AM.

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07-04-2014, 12:31 AM #173
Do a barrel roll!
Savegame is not there anymore.. does anyone still have it please?
07-04-2014, 11:27 AM #174
Little One
You even include time between trophies!!!
You deserve infinite aplaudsClapsClapsClaps
07-05-2014, 10:47 PM #175
Save Point
I can't seem to get the 'Artisan' trophy to pop? I add the oil to the lantern and nothing :-( please help

EDIT- this particular trophy is actually called the 'craftsman' on my version (eu). problem sorted :-)
Last edited by KathyJenkins ; 07-05-2014 at 10:55 PM.
07-06-2014, 01:38 AM #176
any chance for a re-upload of this saveset?
07-06-2014, 07:12 AM #177
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by xiipord View Post
any chance for a re-upload of this saveset?

Re-uploaded You must login or register to view this content.
(UR-Dragon save updated with character max abilities for an easy kill)

Thanks a lot for the saveset btw Winky Winky
Last edited by unostar ; 08-28-2014 at 11:29 PM.

The following user thanked unostar for this useful post:

11-15-2014, 01:38 PM #178
Can’t trickshot me!
Anyone have a save for "The Laborer" which doesn't pop "Well-Equipped" or other trophies ?
05-13-2015, 05:33 PM #179
Originally posted by mzaslam View Post
Anyone have a save for "The Laborer" which doesn't pop "Well-Equipped" or other trophies ?

Yeah, I would like to see save with only "The Specialist" trophy.
Because when I load it up, I instantly getting up the "Well Equipped" trophy, and that doesn't look real.
05-14-2015, 01:09 AM #180
I am error
you can use my set. You must login or register to view this content.

The following user thanked moecage for this useful post:

05-17-2015, 07:14 PM #181
Originally posted by moecage View Post
you can use my set. You must login or register to view this content.

It appears that I'm already using it.

So the problem is, that "The Hero" trophy is not popping in.
I'm loding the game and nothing happens, and You wrote in the TXT file, that it should pop up straight away.
Do I need to do a quest or what?

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