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Update: New saves added for the Very dead and Skilled trophies. Enjoy.
Update: for the 53K kills trophy use the save added to the bottom of this post. Confirmed by
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Ok folks here is another one for your pleasure. With this save you can do Dead Nation 100%. And here's how.
Well technically 97% (as all the DLC needs to be done by itself. Not save able. Except ego gate emblems. And that you will get as part of your quick run through it). Phew.. that asides..
1. Sign and load the save. and Select single player and chose continue. you are in morbid difficulty on the last check point. With.... $9999999999 in cash and 9999 ammo for everything. Including grenades and rocket launcher.
2. First go to the upgrade shop and upgrade the last upgrade left for the rifle. And you will unlock upgrade one weapon to max.
3. Now use rocket launcher and just start blasting away. It is a cake walk.

on finish you will get all difficulty based trophies.
4. Now connect a second controller (yes you need it. no other way around it). Select Co-op and local. And continue campaign. Again you are at the last check point of the last level. Walk out with level one and throw 7 or 8 grenades at player 2 and kill her. Now just use your rocket launcher and walk through the level to reach the helicopter. with 9999 ammo for the rocket launcher its a cakewalk again

. And you will get both the co-op trophies.
You also get all other one of each trophies like kill so many and such and such etc.
5. Now start a new campaign and on braindead difficulty do a speed run to finish all the level releated trophies.
6. Now same save level select and highest difficulty just speed run the first level.
Now all is left is use youtube to do one level and collect all loot. and ...
and bazinga enjoy your plat.
All the DLC trophies need to be done by themselves as they are event based.
enjoy.. And love that Thanks
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(you will need XPLODER, there is a save for both US and EU region so enjoy)
Update: 53K kills trophy here.. Thanks to
Originally posted by Za7ef
thank you ... iGot Platinum
and for trophy kill 53000+ zombies you can use this trophy from this save
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play one mission and pop ...
On popular demand here are 2 more saves with modded cash and ammo.
You must login or register to view this content. Complete a level on Undead Difficulty.
You are at the last check point with 9999 ammo and grenades and maxxed out weapons. You know what to do.
You must login or register to view this content. - Complete a level without receiving any damage
you are at the first checkpoint with Max Money/Ammo and Maxed out weapons. On Braindead Difficulty. Take it slow and easy. You can't mess it up with this save.