Originally posted by kelston813
Guys you either need to enter your Console ID which is mandatory. You need to open global.conf with notepad and enter your Console ID, unfortunately if you don't know what your Console ID is its already too late to get it. SONY patched all known techniques of finding it on OFW, so besides being on multiMAN your screwed. I am currently writing a tutorial on using KG save resigner which has been working perfect for me, since the money-hungry Xploder subscription came out. KG uses the exact same method, but it is far more noob friendly. I could resign every save on my computer to my profile within maybe 2- 3 minutes whereas Xploder would take all day.
Could you resign one of my save files then?
Are you sure I have to enter my console ID for it to work? What if I'm not even signed in PSN?