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He Ngu Wellcome to the Modded Save Collection by SHAKA and Myself in this Thread you will find all the modded saves they we have made and are making.But first i will give Credits to gingerbread for his hard work to keep the Bruteforce up to date thx buddy and to aldostools for the Brutforce tool makes the save modding a lots easyer and flatz without so many would still not possible today and to Ke-Ha for finding a lots of Codes [/SIZE]
And please people because it is not possible that two people make a thread together please go to Shaka's profile and give him credits with his other posts Thanks
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We will Keep this Thread up to date so even when you log in to Ngu take a look [/SIZE]
And Modd Requests Are Stopped Will this Open when i finisht my work with the new Homepage from Brutforce
And all this Saves are NGU Exclusive so please dont post they on any other Forums Thx [/SIZE]
All My Saves can be Found Here then i dont know how long Mediafire he stored You must login or register to view this content. [/SIZE]
Ok let´s Start with the Ps3 Saves
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all on max
health at start ( its not inf but you have a lots )
upgrade pionts
intems........ are 99
devil trigger when you get it
so on this is no mission done so you can enjoy the game at the start
enjoy this fine release and have fun
here is EU
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and here the US
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updated added inf health to the save
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DMC DLC Vergil's Downfall
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you get all what you have on the Original save to:
Inf Health after refresh your health and DONT USE HEALTH UPGRADES and Upgrade Points dont work yet
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X-GHOST-X´s Easy Start Far Cry 3 [/SIZE]
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Its a Far Cry 3 save at the beginning of Chapter 2 after tutorial
with this save you will get
Max XP
Max Skill Pionts ( you can buy the most)
and last but not least a lots of Money
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X-GHOST-X´s Resident Evil 6 Ultimative Save[/SIZE]
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ok here is what you get with this save :
Max Skill Pionts ( no skills buyed so you can get trophy )
All Waepons (Trophy pops by using a weapon )
All levels of difficulty to rank s, including the new (Trophys pop after play a chapter )
All Emblems ( destroy one for Thropy )
All Medals Story (Trophys pop after play a chapter )
All Medals Merc Mode
Hidden Skill Training = inf Ammo and inf Stamina
All Costumes for Merc Mode
500 Health Pills for all Characters
and all bonus material
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RE6 Merc Mode INF Ammo EU
got to merc settings and use skill set 8
works with the latest update
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X-GHOST-X´s Dead Space Ultimative Impossible Save and Easy Start [/SIZE]
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ok because apparently no one has a save I myself one tinkered. It is the last of checkpiont impossible with max. money (999,999 credits) and max node (9999)
here is the link maybe anyone need it for trophy so feel free to download and it is without DLCs and EU
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and Easy Start
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X-GHOST-X´s FFX13/2 ULTIMATIVE SAVE ONLY FOR EU with max stat and max crystal points and max hp [/SIZE]
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X-GHOST´s-X Ultimative Dead Space 3 Start Save Re Upload[/SIZE]
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Be sure that you have installed the latest update for the game without it will not work
ok what you get:
Max Health at beginning
Max Statis
Max Air
Max Amor
All Backpack Slots
and all Resources at 999999
hope you enjoy the game its really great have fun
here is the US save
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and here the Psn version
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X-GHOST´s-X Daksiders 2 Ultimative Start Save [/SIZE]
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you get :
Max Gilt
Max Boatman Coins
Max Health Potions
Max Warth Posions
Max Skill Pionts
and Level Up
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X-GHOST´s-X Metal Gear Rising Ultimative Save[/SIZE]
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you get:
max health
super max health
max BP
unlock all main weapons
unlock all skills
unlock ripper mode
reset save time
all weapons on max
intems :
max3d Photo Frame
max Drum Can
max Electrolyte pack
max elecktromagnetic grenades
max greande
max Homing Missile
max jamming grenade
max red phosphorus grenade
max repair Nanopaste
max Rocket Launcher
enjoy the game
and btw its on beginning and EU
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X-GHOST´s-X Aliens:Colonial Marines Easy Start[/SIZE]
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ok in the save is :
Xenomoph max upgrade points
Xenomoph max XP
Marine max upgrade points
Marine max XP
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X-GHOST´s-X Tomb Raider Easy Start[/SIZE]
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here the info
Salvage 9999 *After point acquisition
Arrow 40 *After obtaining an arrow
Skill Point(s)999
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X-GHOST´s-X Dead Space 2 Easy Start[/SIZE]
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what you get
saved on the 1 checkpiont on hardcore (when you want to play a lower difficult change it )
Max health
Max stasis
Max armor
999,999 cash
9999 nodes
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X-GHOST´s-X Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Easy Start Rang 25[/SIZE]
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and Rang 25
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X-GHOST´s-XGod Of War Ascersion Easy Start[/SIZE]
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OK here is the new save only with max orbs and Artifacts but this one is a us save
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and here the UK save THX TO BIGPOPAPUMP
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and here the EU Save
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X-GHOST´s-X Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Easy Start[/SIZE]
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so you get with it:
Inventory Item No.1-No.10 Stock 9,999
Jess Condition 125
Vehicle # of Seats 4
Vehicle Storage Cap 18
and btw you dont need to reload
and this one is not exact at the start its in the first town so i forgot how i earned a trophy (not sure how you can miss one )but when yes play legit at this point and use this save after
US save
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EU version
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X-GHOST´s-X Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Easy Start[/SIZE]
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ok you get:
Ryo 999999999
Hero Points 999999
Legend Points 999999
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SHAkA´s Bioshock Infinite Starter Save[/SIZE]
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Cash: max
Lockpicks: max
credits to JACKASS
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update from X-GHOST-X
only 9999 cash but all trophys pop

EU Version
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US Version thx to Isaac
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X-GHOST´s-X Borderlands 2 Easy Start [/SIZE]
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you get:
Max Skill Pionts
Max Money
Max Eridium
Max Seraph Crystals
and Max Ammo
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X-GHOST´s-X*Splatterhouse Easy Start [/SIZE]
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you get:
Max Blood
Unlock Skill Menu
Unlock Brutal Difficulty
Unlock Classics
Unlock Survival Mode
All Health Upgrades
thx to soad for the save
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X-GHOST´s-X Singularity Easy Start[/SIZE]
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you get:
E99 Tech
Max Health Packs
Max Ammo Ar9
Max Ammo Volk S4
Max Ammo Centurion
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X-GHOST´s-X Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory EU Easy Start [/SIZE]
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You get:
Max Health except Dlc characters
Max Money
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X-GHOST´s-X FFX13 Easy Start [/SIZE]
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you get:
Max CP For all Main Characters
Max Hp,Strength,Magic
Max Money
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Shaka´s Madden 13 Connected Career MAX XP MODS[/SIZE]
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hi again ngu i got this save from a member here asking me to mod his save so i looked at it and i manage to max the xp and player legacy this save will unlock few trophy about 6 or 7 i cant remember
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X-GHOST-X´s NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor's Edge Easy Start[/SIZE]
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you Get:
Ryu Karma 999,999,999
Ayane Karma 999,999,999
Health Max
Mana Max
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X-GHOST-X´s Injustice:Gods Among Us Easy Start[/SIZE]
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you get:
XP 99,999,999
Access Cards 999,999
Armor Keys 999,999
info: Trophy for reach level 10 and 100 can be earned after one fight
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X-GHOST-X´s Saints Row The Third Starter Save [/SIZE]
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Ok with the save you get:
Health&Sprint MAX and 16 millions $ Btw its the full package version
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X-GHOST-X´s Deus Ex Human Evolution Starter Save [/SIZE]
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Ok You Get:
and Praxis :99
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OK it goes on with the Psn Games
SHAkA´s Kingdoms Of Amalur - Reckoning Starter Save[/SIZE]
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max money and max xp note the xp only when you kill enemy you level up 1 not 40!!
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SHAkA´s Of Orcs and Men Ultimate save modded [/SIZE]
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finally i got save that will make this game a breeze on Extrem Difficulty!
level and skill points max out this save was originally by Team Xpg modded by DJWeed for XBOX and i manage to convert it to ps3 format so credit to him. so resign my save its a starter on high difficulty
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SHAkA´s Shoot Many Robots Modded Starter Save[/SIZE]
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Shoot Many Robots [NPEB00767] this save has max cash and level 50 at the start of the game you will unlock 3 trophy with this
1- Kill 10000 robots!
2- Kill 100 robots!
3- Reach level 50!
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SHAkA´s XCOM Enemy Unknown modded starter save [/SIZE]
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SHAkA´s Black Knight Sword PSN God Mode[/SIZE]
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this game is so hard that i almost throw my ps3 out so i decide to mode it !! even with unlimited health god mode is hard but it helps alot once you play the game you will know what i mean
to use this you need CFW and if you have reactPSN you can convert it to full just replace the files and play have fun.
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SHAkA´s Game of Thrones GodMode + One Hit Kill[/SIZE]
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replace both files hit dpad left you will see god mode on the screen and also one hit kill!!
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SHAkA´s full game burn zombie burn with god mode[/SIZE]
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update god mode all level unlocked and high score too just kill few until you get the gold medal.
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SHAkA´s Wanted Corp PSN modded not save file![/SIZE]
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here is my modded files of Wanted Crop PSN you need to replace the modded files with the original one this give you better health and damage with zero cost of buying anything to upgrade so it will unlock few trophy you just need to play the game have fun.
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SHAkA´s Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise max money lvl100 mod[/SIZE]
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Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise max money lvl100 mod all level unlocked and all bears defluffed but not all platinum so you need to grind them
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SHAkA´s Starter Save Hard Corps Uprising [/SIZE]
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SHAkA´s Guacamelee! Starter Save[/SIZE]
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here is Guacamelee! all power max health and mana from the start of the game i didn't add max money as the game give you money anyway.
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SHAkA´s Sacred Citadel PSN starter save[/SIZE]
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note tho the level is max but no trophy pops unless i know what the max level is so i can redo the mod.
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X-GHOST´s -X Scott Pilgrim Super Save[/SIZE]
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Gives all players max health, max strength, max money and max lives
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