Thanks for the instructions. This is the first time I've tried using someone else's save, resign, and copy to my PS3. After following the instructions, I'm still unable to use the save. I think that there are several reasons why it may not be working, so I'll list everything I've done thus far...
I should note - I'm trying to use a game save for Dead Island regular edition (BLUS30790), from
You must login or register to view this content. but I have the GOTY edition (BLUS31026). I'm thinking that this may be the sole reason why it's not working. Still...
- I loaded a PARAM.SFO from one of my non-copy protected game saves to get my Account ID.
- I created a profile
- I opened each of the game saves (three total) that I downloaded from the site mentioned above.
- For each, I decrypted, changed the region from "BLUS30790" to "BLUS31026", selected my profile, encrypted, resigned, and saved to USB drive
- On the first try, I had "Copy Protected" checked while encrypting and resigning because the original saves are copy protected
- I tried copying from USB to PS3 and received a message stating they cannot be copied due to copy protection, so...
- I went back and performed all steps again, but I unchecked "Copy Protection" for each.
- I was able to copy all saves from USB to PS3. However, once I loaded the game, I could not see the saved game.
- I tried saving the saves with the original BLUS30790 region, but PS3 said "data corrupted" for each and wouldn't allow me to copy
A few things I thinking may be the cause of not being able to load the saves:
- Trying to use a game save for a different version of the game (FYI, looking in the games.conf file, I see both BLUS30790 and BLUS31026 listed under Dead Island with the same secure_file_id)
- The "Sub-Title" of the game save doesn't match my user ID. I actually created a new user ID with the same Sub-Title as in the game save, but still no luck. I didn't see any instructions on how to change the Sub-Title for a game save.
- The saves I copied over are not copy-protected, so the game doesn't recognize or can't use them. Don't know of a way around this since I can't transfer copy-protected saves from USB to PS3.