Post: Metal Gear Solid 2 - FULL Platinum Save Set (PS3/PSVita)
07-29-2014, 05:38 PM #1
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I collected some saves and put them together, and since the "great" YnO deleted his save set, I decided to make a complete save set of MGS2.

In the folders you'll get 2 files, which are important : DATA.BIN and MASTER.BIN, you need to overwrite these with your save (paste over).For the VR missions be aware than you must finish a VR mission for the Piece of Cake trophy to make it look legit.Then use the save for 50 VR, and finally the save for the 500 VR.

I don't take credit for these saves.Most saves are converted from X360 saves (YES!!! they do work, I tested myself).

Unlock trophies on PSVita

1.Create a save on PS3 on patch 1.03 while connected to PSN
2.Copy the save to USB
3.Replace DATA.BIN,MASTER.BIN and PARAM.PFD (some save don't need the latter file) from my save to yours
4.Press Update in KG Resigner
5.Copy save back to PS3
6.Go to transfarring menu
7.Remove cloud link on save that has missing data
8.Link save to cloud
9.On PSVita go to load game (connect to PSN before) and let the save sync
10.Load the save and do the action to get the trophy.

Trophies that are not included :

- Hurt Locker - This is at the very beginning, just hide a body in a locker.
- No Boss of Mine - You need to defeat every boss after you completed the game.Use the save provided, which has the Boss Battle unlocked.
- Piece of Cake - Just complete 1 VR mission.

Credits goes to :

- unostar for telling me that the X360 saves do WORK.
- BigTrain Huge thanks to my bro, for providing the missing saves.Kudos Winky Winky
- Captain Harlock for the 50 VR save : You must login or register to view this content.
- Sergiofukmen for Photo Finish : You must login or register to view this content.
- Danilo Maurici for Complete Stealth and Wigs : You must login or register to view this content.
- NeoMike and Femto from 360heaven : You must login or register to view this content.

Save Set : You must login or register and the post to view hidden content.

EDIT : 8/18/2014 Silence is Golden & Steamed trophy fixed.
Last edited by RageSoul51 ; 08-19-2018 at 09:37 AM.

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07-29-2020, 02:01 PM #173
Last edited by ffxx94 ; 07-29-2020 at 02:10 PM.
07-29-2020, 09:33 PM #174
i just hope its what im looking for

a PS3 Metal Gear Solid 2 HD collection perfect 100% game save that would work on my NTSC console with PSN digital US version of the game
10-17-2020, 09:56 PM #175
Last edited by danganronpa4 ; 10-17-2020 at 11:29 PM.
01-04-2023, 12:37 PM #176
thanks for your help
01-04-2023, 12:38 PM #177
thanks for your help
05-02-2023, 04:51 PM #178
works perfectly
06-29-2023, 10:56 PM #179
I've been trying to transfer those saves to Vita. It keeps saying that the save is from an older version and the trophy is locked. I moved the BIN files to the clean saves from the Vita, and it's still giving me the issues. Does anyone here have any 100% 1.03 MGS2 save for Story, Snake Tales and VR Missions?

Okay, now I feel like a big dum-dum.

You apparently need to have the fresh clean save on the PS3 linked to the cloud before transferring to the USB to swap the BIN files. It seems that having the LINK keeps the Transfarring system from going crazy with the Trophy Locks or Save Corruption.
Last edited by SirDawg ; 06-29-2023 at 11:31 PM.

The following user thanked SirDawg for this useful post:

11-20-2023, 10:53 AM #180
Edit: Never mind. Dikbuttttt
Last edited by saf1916 ; 11-23-2023 at 11:52 AM.
04-27-2024, 12:18 AM #181
muchas gracias

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