Post: Trophy Modding Sync Errors Explained
05-04-2014, 09:00 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 80022D11: When you try selecting multiple folders in Bruteforce, You will notice sometimes it will decrypt the trophy folder quick and sometimes it will take forever, well when its taking forever, close bruteforce and replace your folders and only select 5-10 folders at a time to rebuild rather then 20-50. All the 80022D11 error is, is a syncing error meaning your account id wasn't resigned correctly and still has the older account id. I recommend replacing the folder with a fresh one. Keep in mind where some games say "UNPROTECTED" make sure you click on them before you Rebuild so that they change to "TROPHY" that prevents corruption.

80022D40: All this means if, you rebuilt your database with too many trophy files at once. Keep it to 100-150 folders at one rebuild. Doing a simple re-rebuild of the databse should fix it. If not delete some folders and give it another go.

80022C25: Your folder is corrupt and needs to be replaced. If you want, just edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually and remove the account id and the sync status. (Most people just ask others for new folders).

80022D86: You deleted the game on filezilla but didnt go to your trophy collection offline and delete the game.

80022D55 But Trophies Dont Sync: Your profile ID probably begins with a "Letter" like for example: ch55714255 or c5781616489646. If it begins with a letter, your profile isnt compatible with this trophy method. You will need to load each game on the account offline, and extract the folders manually and mod them that way. I know from my own experience.

Hope this helps. This was brought to you by Talent. Smile
Last edited by FamedGod ; 05-04-2014 at 07:08 PM. Reason: Fixed Spelling

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05-04-2014, 09:13 AM #2
Default Avatar
Thanks !
05-04-2014, 09:57 AM #3
Gym leader
I got Error D55,But Some trophies doesn't synch,why?
05-04-2014, 10:49 AM #4
Bounty hunter
Nice, thanks for these explanation !
05-04-2014, 07:06 PM #5
Originally posted by UnknownFaces View Post
I got Error D55,But Some trophies doesn't synch,why?

You profile begins with a "LETTER" rather then a number making your profile non compatible with this modding. For you to mod trophies to that profile, you will need to load each game, extract the folders.
05-06-2014, 02:38 AM #6
Originally posted by Dalmin View Post
Nice, thanks for these explanation !

No problem.
05-21-2014, 09:32 PM #7
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by Talent View Post
80022D11: When you try selecting multiple folders in Bruteforce, You will notice sometimes it will decrypt the trophy folder quick and sometimes it will take forever, well when its taking forever, close bruteforce and replace your folders and only select 5-10 folders at a time to rebuild rather then 20-50. All the 80022D11 error is, is a syncing error meaning your account id wasn't resigned correctly and still has the older account id. I recommend replacing the folder with a fresh one. Keep in mind where some games say "UNPROTECTED" make sure you click on them before you Rebuild so that they change to "TROPHY" that prevents corruption.

80022D40: All this means if, you rebuilt your database with too many trophy files at once. Keep it to 100-150 folders at one rebuild. Doing a simple re-rebuild of the databse should fix it. If not delete some folders and give it another go.

80022C25: Your folder is corrupt and needs to be replaced. If you want, just edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually and remove the account id and the sync status. (Most people just ask others for new folders).

80022D86: You deleted the game on filezilla but didnt go to your trophy collection offline and delete the game.

80022D55 But Trophies Dont Sync: Your profile ID probably begins with a "Letter" like for example: ch55714255 or c5781616489646. If it begins with a letter, your profile isnt compatible with this trophy method. You will need to load each game on the account offline, and extract the folders manually and mod them that way. I know from my own experience.

Hope this helps. This was brought to you by Talent. Smile

Can you help I have 80022D11 with a lot of games but I know they work because I have synced them all together e.g. in a 100 folder but if i take 1 game out and sync individually it gives me 80022D11 why? I resign properly and stuff I just dont get it
06-20-2014, 04:48 PM #8
How do you edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually. I have been trying to only sync a total of 33 folders. That's all I want and I have tried on 2 different units and I just received about 27 of the D55 errors and about 6 of the C25 errors. When it finally sync's none of the D55 trophys sync. Same thing happen with the other unit I tried it on. Am I suppose to sync the offline trophys first and then sync them to offline? IDK im confused now. Any help would be much appreciated.
06-20-2014, 04:53 PM #9
Originally posted by M5 View Post
How do you edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually. I have been trying to only sync a total of 33 folders. That's all I want and I have tried on 2 different units and I just received about 27 of the D55 errors and about 6 of the C25 errors. When it finally sync's none of the D55 trophys sync. Same thing happen with the other unit I tried it on. Am I suppose to sync the offline trophys first and then sync them to offline? IDK im confused now. Any help would be much appreciated.

Was about to ask this.. I honestly have about 150 corrupted folders..
06-20-2014, 04:56 PM #10
I did go back into brute force and selected all folders and verified all the PDFs and in fact there were some corrupt folders and just re-signed them but I'm going to have to go back and try to re-sync again I guess. I was reading some were that you have to go into the off-line trophies and delete them prior to going back and reinstalling but I'm not sure how to do that yet

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