Post: Achievements.xml Games list
01-07-2015, 08:51 PM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I understand some games have Achievements.xml in PS3_GAME/USRDIR/Achievements/Achievements.xml on the disc like Fallout 3 and Le Tour De France.
This .xml file can be edited to make other and all trophies pop for doing 1 trophie requirement.

Is there a list of compatible games anywhere, which use Achievements.xml

01-07-2015, 09:22 PM #2
Bounty hunter
Sofar I know of 3 games

Le Tour De France
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
Get Fit With Mel B

It appears only the shitest PS3 games use this Achievements.xml system to uplock trophies.
01-07-2015, 09:28 PM #3
Originally posted by UK1 View Post
Sofar I know of 3 games

Le Tour De France
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
Get Fit With Mel B

It appears only the shitest PS3 games use this Achievements.xml system to uplock trophies.

01-07-2015, 09:55 PM #4
Bounty hunter
They are not always in the same location either and without a file extension.

There's a little more info on this page You must login or register to view this content.

Basically you change the conditions to unlock a trophy, like if a game had a trophy for reaching maximum rank in multiplayer and a trophy to complete the tutorial you copy the conditions from the tutorial trophy and paste it over the conditions of the maximum multiplayer rank trophy then play the tutorial to unlock max rank trophy.

Only some games use this system and only works with full game backups like in multiman, you can choose individual trophys to pop or all of them.
01-07-2015, 11:22 PM #5
Originally posted by UK1 View Post
They are not always in the same location either and without a file extension.

There's a little more info on this page You must login or register to view this content.

Basically you change the conditions to unlock a trophy, like if a game had a trophy for reaching maximum rank in multiplayer and a trophy to complete the tutorial you copy the conditions from the tutorial trophy and paste it over the conditions of the maximum multiplayer rank trophy then play the tutorial to unlock max rank trophy.

Only some games use this system and only works with full game backups like in multiman, you can choose individual trophys to pop or all of them.

Can't link to other forums, bro. Maybe Uncharted and Arkham uses this?

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