Post: Account Non-Syncable
05-23-2016, 12:40 AM #1
I am error
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello, so i just figured out one of my accounts is 100% non-syncable, and i would like it to go back to normal. i deleted all the trophies that i tryed to sync on it on my ps3 and from filezilla all deleted other then my legit games i played still have those trophies saved with like 1% or whatever like black ops 2 black ops 3 etc but anyway i go to open my profile, and it still gives me a error code when trying to open my profile. even after deleting the trophies from trophy collection and from filezilla /home/trophies can anyone help me figure out how to get my account back to normal? thanks in advance Smile
05-23-2016, 01:00 AM #2
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by Twehlve View Post
Hello, so i just figured out one of my accounts is 100% non-syncable, and i would like it to go back to normal. i deleted all the trophies that i tryed to sync on it on my ps3 and from filezilla all deleted other then my legit games i played still have those trophies saved with like 1% or whatever like black ops 2 black ops 3 etc but anyway i go to open my profile, and it still gives me a error code when trying to open my profile. even after deleting the trophies from trophy collection and from filezilla /home/trophies can anyone help me figure out how to get my account back to normal? thanks in advance Smile

rebuild database
05-23-2016, 01:01 AM #3
Originally posted by Twehlve View Post
Hello, so i just figured out one of my accounts is 100% non-syncable, and i would like it to go back to normal. i deleted all the trophies that i tryed to sync on it on my ps3 and from filezilla all deleted other then my legit games i played still have those trophies saved with like 1% or whatever like black ops 2 black ops 3 etc but anyway i go to open my profile, and it still gives me a error code when trying to open my profile. even after deleting the trophies from trophy collection and from filezilla /home/trophies can anyone help me figure out how to get my account back to normal? thanks in advance Smile

Delete all the trophies.
Re bulid database.
Click on your profile

Should work

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