Post: XP Hack for Red Dead Redemption PS3
06-12-2010, 11:05 PM #1
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I'm making this thread to hopefully spark some interest in an XP hack. I recently saw this post on TTG where this guy explained (VERY roughly) how to do an XP hack for RDR. I've tried to figure out what he was saying and I've done multiple trials but with no avail. I'm going to dissect what he said and break it down for you guys. I believe we are VERY close to figuring this out!
THIS DOES NOT WORK AT THE MOMENT I REPEAT, THIS DOES NOT WORK AT THE MOMENT!, and thats exactly why I started this thread. I did not steal this, I'm not taking credit for what that user on TTG found, I'm simply BRINGING IT TO NGU. and creating a waaay more easy tutorial to follow. so before you get mad at me for writing this saying its incomplete, try to make sense of that other guys tutorial on TTG and then tell me which tut makes more sense!

O.K. Let's Begin.

Let's start. First get on your PS3 and copy your Red Dead Redemption 'Multiplayer' file to your USB.

Plug it into the computer, and find this folder:
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Then open up your RAGE.SAV file up with your hex editor:

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You should then see the SAV file opened and all of the characters:

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Next, we need the Float to Hex Converter, link below:
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Now here is one part of his post that I'm a little confused on:
Originally posted by another user
Just type in how much EXP you have into the box that says "CLEAR" at the end.

I'm not sure if he means how much XP in total you have, or how much XP you need to level up to the next level.

But either way this is what you would do.

Enter "how much EXP you have" into this box:
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After you've entered the XP amount, then click the 'Not Rounded' Button to the right:
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Then you will see a bunch of numbers fill all of the empty boxes.
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What this has done was changed the numerical XP amount that you have over to HEX code. So under the 'Single precision' Category you take the HEX for the XP:

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Then you Copy the FIRST 4 digits of that number.
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Open your RAGE.SAV file back up in the Hex Editor, then hit CTRL+F to find, then change the search mode from text string, to hex values (this means it will search the entire file for that XP Hex code)

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after changing it, paste the hexadecimal code into the search bar.:

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Then it will automatically find that four digit code for your XP:

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Now this is the part he didn't explain well.
Originally posted by another user
Then you'll change those 4 to "497424". Which means you'll start 1 byte before your current EXP.

The first time I tried this I once it was highlighted I copied his number 497424 and pasted it over the old XP Hex that was there.
Then I got this message:

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I Hit OK and it changed the number but made the file larger when I saved it.
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But basically all you would do after this step, is save the file and then safely remove your USB then plug it into your PS3 then over-write the old 'Multiplayer' save with the edited one.

Here is where we need to figure this out as a community.

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First of all, we need to figure out if he means how much XP in total you have, or how much XP you need to level up to the next level.

Secondly, we need to figure out if the six digit code he provided us is even the right code. I don't know how he came up with that number. one possible thing is that we should figure out how much XP it takes to get to level 50 and put that number instead of the random 497424.


Here is the exact amount of XP to reach level 50! 337110 then once it is converted to hexidecimal the HEX code is: 48A49AC0. I don't know if we should try using the whole code, or just the first four. but that's the exact amount for level 50.
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I've seen all of the threads asking for this hack for PS3, well this is our chance. let's all come together, post what we find. I do believe this method is the correct way, because the RDR Multiplayer Rank is saved in that SAV file. they don't save your rank online like Call of Duty does. So in the end we need somebody who understands a lot about HEX editing. Let's try to really work on this, somebody will find out how to do it we are so close. If you think I interpreted something wrong in his tutorial, take a look at his and tell me what you think.

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Last edited by MATT23116 ; 07-05-2010 at 02:08 AM.

The following 17 users say thank you to MATT23116 for this useful post:

a24fan, ajbinky, andrewman18, Clutch Hunterr, DarkxVirus, Gen-Wolf, GoonerSam, halo reach, HSx9, ibombo, Light7vg-73olt, losefrag, Martin710, Obey69, PlayaCan, toppdogg93, TTG-MIKE
08-04-2010, 02:58 PM #443
this game is now annoying
08-04-2010, 06:21 PM #444
Save Point
ya it gets very boring... i got bored with the game when i hit 20 cuz its all the same... i just wanna get the cool mounts i dont have 10 hours to blow to get to 50
08-04-2010, 11:19 PM #445
Originally posted by NiGGNoGG View Post
ya it gets very boring... i got bored with the game when i hit 20 cuz its all the same... i just wanna get the cool mounts i dont have 10 hours to blow to get to 50

same here i dont have 10 hours either that and the fact that to get 2k exp for solomons folly doing the lan glitch/hack it requires that you beat it in a lil over a min well heres the thing im not afraid to admit i suck :P my best time on Solomons Folly is 5 minutes :P (go ahead flame me idc i know i suck and im comfortable with it :P) hence the reason i need this hack :P
08-04-2010, 11:55 PM #446
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Hope you figure this out.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

this game isn't boring...
08-05-2010, 02:12 AM #447
Save Point
Keep it up guys. I'm one of the unfortunates that lost their multiplayer save due to corruption and I'm not bothered to start all over. Claps

I don't believe deleting the patch works anymore. I tried that after my save was corrupted to try and make some back but it put me back to level 1 again.
Last edited by dood23 ; 08-05-2010 at 02:26 AM.
08-05-2010, 01:25 PM #448
hi , long time leecher first time poster ,
deleting patch and going for good xp at solomons is not an option anymore ,
I was lvl 33 and wanted to go for 50 when I got reset to 1 ,
now I userd my crappy backup save and I can't be ****ed ( like alot of people ) to waste time on a repeating killing spree at the same hideout over and over which is now not an option anymore ...
I've been around the whole interwebs and I found an interesting fact that when we replace the RAGE file with someone who already has prestige and stuff it will just work , no hex editing ...
I say we stop dicking around and get 2 saves posted
the US and EU one.
I can only aqcuire a US one of lvl 50 no prestige and I'd like at least a level 50 1st Prestige one in EU.
Now it seems we're almost there but we need somebody to post anything ...
I think we all want this before the new DLC arrives , which will be here VERY soon.
If anyone has a decent file maybe you can upload and we can try something , If I manage to get something I'll post again.
Good luck.
08-05-2010, 01:51 PM #449
Do a barrel roll!
i got a legend 1 level 36..
08-05-2010, 02:06 PM #450
Originally posted by aRmyalex12 View Post
i got a legend 1 level 36..

You could make alot of people happy if you are willing to upload it somewhere and post the link.
Then we could level up to 50 on 1st legend and post that one and continue the process.
Also nice to know is if you have the US or EU version if you are willing to share.
Maybe we can give you something in return as well ( gameshare , savegame or anything ).

Any luck with the Param anyone?
Last edited by banaan ; 08-05-2010 at 02:26 PM.
08-05-2010, 08:07 PM #451
Originally posted by dood23 View Post
Keep it up guys. I'm one of the unfortunates that lost their multiplayer save due to corruption

If you backed up your save you can upload it again and it should work. But without a backup then I know your pissed! I dont know where you were when you lost it but I have a few players I use online. One of them is at 50 and the others are 7 or 8. I only use 2 weapons: Bolt Action and High Power. Go to black water and get the pistol and tumbleweed to grab the bolt action. This will hold until you sign out. Find other players and kill and take there stuff also. If you never got to 50 then everyone will tell you that the bull is Awful! I like being a lower rank now! Its funny as hell to wipe out posses or chase them to the nearest transport! Leveling just ruins the game and makes it feel like a job.

Level up naturally or in CO-OP. You lost your game save not you skills! LOL! Use a low level to your advantage! Be on the look out for SHAM-WOW-KILLER Dont worry about shooting me first it only means your NEXT!

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