Post: New Tomb Raider
12-06-2010, 03:10 PM #1
Machete Don't Text!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Apparently we have a new redesigned Tomb Raider coming our way. Square Enix has revealed a piece of art work in Game-Informer see below.This picture depicts a much younger Lara and SE has promised that this game will take us on a journey like non other than before.

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New Information December 8th

The Lara Croft pictured above has been said to be 21 years old in the game and will have to fight for survival on a mysterious island. It has been confirmed that while playing as Lara you will need to find bare necessities such as food, water & tools to create to keep Lara alive.

"Noah Hughes of Crystal Dynamics claims Lara will experience an emotional journey as she learns to survive, and weapons sighted so far in concept art include a bow, shotgun and pistol. Apparently too, previous games' lock-on targeting system has been ditched in favour of free-aim combat more akin to Uncharted and its ilk."



* Lara is 21 in this game
* It’s a reboot of the franchise and as a result there will be no “real” Lara model this time.

* They’re doing performance capturing with this game

* There are brutal deaths in the game this time. One is described as a deranged man stabbing Lara in the chest and then closing her eyes after she’s dead. Another includes a boulder falling on her leg to trap her before another falls and crushes her head.

* CD won’t talk specifics on weapons but concept art shows a bow, shotgun and pistol

* The lock on targeting system is gone and it now has a free aim system. CD says that it can compete with any of their competitors.

* “I think that the major difference between this game and the old is the concept of smoke and mirrors,” begins Darrell Gallagher, the studio head at Crystal Dynamics. “There was an illusion of freedom because of streaming and loading that would pop you out in a different location, but this is absolutely real. You can literally go any direction that you see and carve your own way to the finish line instead of being guide.”

*Here you can combine items to create something new and access a skill system to upgrade Lara’s abilities. You’ll also be able to use base camps to fast travel to different locations to minimize backtracking.

* You’ll need to gather food and water in order to survive

* There are humans in the game, including some of the crew members from the shipwreck off the coast of the island.

"Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider," said developer Crystal Dynamic's Studio Head Darrell Gallagher. "This is an origins story that creates Lara Croft and takes her on a character defining journey like no other."

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Last edited by SUPERIMIAINI ; 12-09-2010 at 02:27 PM. Reason: Added Information Dec 9th

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12-10-2010, 09:30 PM #11
Machete Don't Text!
Originally posted by mcstyle24 View Post
I agreed too superimiani, The new lara looks is much realistic and alive especially involved in shipwreck. Im massive fan of Tomb Raider series since i played first Tomb raider in 1996, so im happy of new Lara looks.

Hey Superimiani are you fan of Tomb raider, Have you played First Tomb Raider ?

I made a thread, You might wanna check out the Two strange version Tomb raider disc,
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WUZZUPPP! I'm definitely a TOMB raider fan I can't remember how many hours I would play this game with my then girlfriend who would actually help me out and if I couldn't make a jump or something she would almost always get it after a few attempts I would just get mad ha ha. That disc you found, did you ever find out where it came from?? any chance it's like a GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION OR FROM THE PS "CLASSIC" collection you know some of the game disk and covers look a little diff. :bro:
12-10-2010, 09:31 PM #12
I played the first and the second game, never did come to like the series like some did, but this game actually gets me intruiged, might be the revival this series since long has needed.
12-10-2010, 10:43 PM #13
Gym leader
Originally posted by SUPERIMIAINI View Post

WUZZUPPP! I'm definitely a TOMB raider fan I can't remember how many hours I would play this game with my then girlfriend who would actually help me out and if I couldn't make a jump or something she would almost always get it after a few attempts I would just get mad ha ha. That disc you found, did you ever find out where it came from?? any chance it's like a GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION OR FROM THE PS "CLASSIC" collection you know some of the game disk and covers look a little diff. :bro:

Ha ha atlease your girlfriend help you out to complete difficult area, my girlfriend hates me playing tomb raiders. She thinks that Lara Croft brainwash me. ( lol woman eh ?) I bought Tomb Raider Sles00024/CP while ago it's just come with original case in year 1996, it' not Game of the year or PSClassic nothing like that. I believe Core Design improve Tomb Raider again in 1997 but never got officially announce or release. I search every where to get information of Sles00024/CP version, but no luck and nobody knows why. i bough it in Trade Exchange shop in UK.
12-11-2010, 12:01 AM #14
should be a good game
12-11-2010, 01:47 AM #15
i cant wait for this
12-11-2010, 04:44 AM #16
In Flames Much?
As long you can see her bum and stare it a tomb raider game.

Still not sure on the reboot news......because i don't think it needed. All they needed to do return back to a good story. Remove auto aim and make the overall thing harder by forcing you to use your head.
Maybe less linear and action....

Look forward to what they come up with anyway enjoy the games even if the last couple lost there way.
12-11-2010, 07:10 AM #17
Bounty hunter
looking forward to that
12-11-2010, 10:18 PM #18
Oooooo God...Lara Croft In Them Tight Shorts, Theres Never A Bloody Playstation On This Island When You Need One.
Awsome Referance FTW?

Sounds Pretty Sweet Will Be Looking Forward To This
12-17-2010, 02:58 AM #19
looks really nice

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