Post: A Message from KaKaRoTo
02-06-2011, 07:07 AM #1
I use to give free rep :/
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Today, KaKaRoTo received more "hate mail." However, from what he told us(ps3mfw), as opposed to most of the hate mail he receives, this one was sent by someone who was polite and respectful. Thus prompting a response from KaKaRoRo.

He is also kindly You must login or register to view this content. every PS3 user out there to NOT use their systems for evil purposes, whether it is for cheating or for piracy.

(I know its on the long side but please read it)

This is the message the guy sent to KaKaRoTo,
Originally posted by another user
Hi there,
I’m an honest guy and i would like you to kindly stop hacking the PS3 version of MW2. I would really like to play normally but it seems that I can’t find a normal lobby. If you don’t want to stop could you please tell me why you are doing this?
Thanking you in advance,

And this is the response

Originally posted by another user
Hi [private],

I get a lot of hate mail recently from people who have no idea about who I am and what I do. Thank you for being polite and respectful. For this reason, you are the first one to whom I will reply.
I do not hack MW2, I don’t have MW2, I never bought it and never tried it. I hate FPS shooters, the only ones I ever played were Resistance 2 and Killzone 2, and I never played those in multiplayer, only single player campaigns.
I am not responsible for whoever is hacking your MW2 servers, the real people to yell at are those 10 years olds in their basement thinking they’re all great for doing stuff like that.
They should be reported and their account banned, but that is beyond my control.

What I do however is completely different, I defend you, I defend you from Sony’s unacceptable behavior. Imagine if for some reason, Microsoft or Apple (Windows or Mac OSX) were acting like Sony, and that you couldn’t access anything on your computer without their authorization? You want to install Skype, you can’t because Microsoft didn’t “approve” it.. because they want you to use MSN Messenger instead… Then where is your freedom on your own machine ?

Also, what about the fact that they removed Linux support. Sony removed an advertised feature! I bought my PS3 *because* it had linux support, then they removed it. Maybe you didn’t use it, maybe very few people used that feature, but that is beyond the point. Just recently, Norway came to the conclusion that what Sony did was unlawful and there are countless lawsuits against what they did. And this sets a precedent.
Imagine if tomorrow Sony says “in the next firmware update, we will remove from the PS3 support of playing Bluray movies and DVDs”.. you bought the PS3 for that, you use that feature (or maybe you don’t, the issue is that someone else does), and they can just remove an advertised feature? It’s illegal, but why can they do it even if it’s illegal? For one simple reason, they have total control over the machine. They could very well do it, then say “pay a 100$ subscription per year to enable that feature”. The machine *can* do it, it did before, but they block it on purpose because they don’t care about their customers.

Recently George Hotz got sued by Sony because he accessed *HIS* PS3 system that he bought. He owns it, if he wants to put it in a blender or throw it out the window, it’s his right, but Sony sues him for “hacking into a protected computer owned by Sony”.. so for them, that PS3 that you own and that you bought with your hard-earned money is NOT YOURS, it’s still theirs, it’s like you rented it (but you didn’t). If you try to access your own computer, they could sue you, just as if you tried to hack into your bank’s server somewhere.. and that isn’t right.
Sony tries to make it seem like they own your PS3 and they own the PS3 that is in everyone’s houses across the world, and that simply isn’t right and it should be made illegal for them to act that way.

Long story short, this is what I do, I let people gain access to the hardware they own, what I do is 100% legal in my country (Canada), and it is equivalent to the recent DMCA Exemption for jailbreaking phones. Now, if someone uses that to do nasty things, you have two people to blame :
1 – the stupid kid who did it
2 – the developers of MW2 that didn’t write their program correctly.
There are many FPS shooters on the PC, and people can install what they want on their PC, that doesn’t make it impossible to play an FPS game on a PC, simply because the developers write their code correctly to prevents the cheaters from cheating.

Anyways, I hope that my explanation makes everything clearer to you, and that you will not judge me for what I do, because I am not a cheater, I am a freedom fighter.

Thank you,

Example of normal hate mail that KaKaRoToS' receives,
Originally posted by another user
"aight nigga u prolly aint gonna read dis but i dont give. y u hacking bro? u think u bad azz? u think u hard? bitch u aint nothin but a coward. a lazy cheater scum. i hope yo azz gets banned from ps3 foeva. cuz of punk azz bitches like u we get all these bullshit updates that dont do shit just like yo mama in bed last nite. so stop fukin hackin u aint cool u prolly jus sum fat nerd 40 yo virgin. go get laid an smoke a blunt ffs nigga. yall need to change fo realz"

He makes EXCELLENT points that Sony can't defend. I have to say, I fully respect KaKaRoTo's now.

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Last edited by Pillar2365 ; 02-06-2011 at 04:59 PM.

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02-20-2011, 06:54 AM #74
Former Staff
Mind Blow. He just took all my thoughts and jumbled them up into a big pile we call a few paragraphs.
02-20-2011, 04:25 PM #75
Save Point
idk what this is ima noobb
02-20-2011, 06:17 PM #76
Save Point
is that so...
02-22-2011, 05:39 AM #77
those are some great points
02-22-2011, 06:37 AM #78
Okay if it is legal to hack your console in Canada, why hasn't he came out with another cfw to take some attention away from geohot ?
02-22-2011, 07:14 AM #79
I use to give free rep :/
Originally posted by beauknows View Post
Okay if it is legal to hack your console in Canada, why hasn't he came out with another cfw to take some attention away from geohot ?

Its not legal to hack them anywhere, Geohot is working on that. Latest news on geohot You must login or register to view this content.

A 3.56 CFW is impossible at the moment.

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