Post: MW3 or BF3 which will you buy?
05-14-2011, 12:53 AM #1
Expect the unexpected!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With the release of the MW3 teaser trailer i thought i would ask which one you guys are going to buy. Also leave a comment or 2 to say your reason why you picked what you did.

I for one will be getting MW3 first then BF3 after, or if i get the money for both at release then will get them both, really cant wait for BF3 tho, because it just looks like the best game of 2011 even tho i know MW3 will get game of year and everything.

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-O-Z-Z-A-8-8-, SweatyMidgets, Irish Blood
07-30-2011, 05:04 AM #101
Battlefield 3.
Why? The last two games of Call of Duty - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty Black Ops - is basically the same. Different Single Player, i'll give you that, but when it comes to Online game-play which I favor over Single Player, it's just another Call of Duty game. Same process. Play, level, prestige, repeat. Then when you're at the highest prestige possible, what else is there to do? There are people with like five hundred thousand CoD points that they can't use because they've completed the game as much as they can. Now it's just an online game.
Also I won't even go into the supposed 'teamwork' that's meant to happen in a team mode of an FPS. It's like Free for All but with less players to kill.

Now when we compare the two, there is a clear difference. For one, there is actually communication. Sure, there's the occasional 'I'm the best ever, your mum's a slag' talk but when I play it, there is always some form of teamwork communication. We play as a team, we let the team know what we're doing to help the team, and all out it's a much funner experience than just whipping out a sniper and one-shooting everything in sight. Yes, the only mode is Conquest (correct me if I'm wrong) but I'd rather have one mode than multiple modes that I can't keep up with. There are different skills that need to be put in to each mode on Call of Duty. In Domination, you need to be stealthy. In Free-For-All, you need to be quick. In Team Death-match, you need to know how to support your team (though there isn't much teamwork I see anyway..). In Battlefield, there is one mode. Whilst it may get repetitive playing the same mode over and over again, it's easy to learn, easy to keep up with, and it's fun. A game isn't meant to be all 'im'a snipe 'yo ass!'. A game explains itself. It's a game. It's not a competition. If there are game competitions, you can be all like 'Im'a rape you, sir', but in a game, I'm looking for fun and teamwork.

Yes, Call of Duty and Battlefield are immensely successful chains but the main reason why I prefer Battlefield over Call of Duty is because of the team-work. It gets on my nerves when you join a Team Death-Match on Call of Duty, wanting to get some team-work working, and all you hear is pre-teen kids shouting 'OMG WTF HAX' down the microphone. How their parents even let them play the game is beyond me, and when I do try to get some team-work in action, all I hear is 'Aw, shuddup Hawkzy 'ya ___in' noob'. With Battlefield, I only have to join a squad and I hear instant 'You head down, check for snipers, I got your back. Take the flag, got armor support near you'.
Solo play in a team mode is a bastard.

So yeah, Battlefield 3 for me. I understand that some of you will have varied opinions about this, so I'm probably guaranteed a groan.. :\

The following 2 users say thank you to Hawkzeh for this useful post:

BubbaBBQ_JR, Bush.

The following user groaned Hawkzeh for this awful post:

07-30-2011, 11:42 PM #102
Gym leader
Battlefield 3 looks alot better on graphics.

The following user groaned Carter101 for this awful post:

08-01-2011, 03:50 PM #103
Little One
I´m gonna buy Battlefield 3.

The following user groaned The__Jackal for this awful post:

08-04-2011, 01:02 AM #104
Do a barrel roll!
both have a space in my gaming inventory Smile

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

The way I see it is Ive got a year to play both, so ofc Im gonna get both a alternate depending om my mood and which one annoys me less Happy
08-05-2011, 12:40 AM #105
Save Point
I guess I'll follow my COD traditions LOL
08-05-2011, 05:27 AM #106
Do a barrel roll!
I m probably going to opt for mw3 rather than bfbc3 Smile didn't like bfbc2 that much .
08-05-2011, 06:08 PM #107
Are you high?
battlefield 3 as my love for call of duty games has gone, after a short spell on black ops. i now hate call of duty with a passion due to the idiots playing crap music through their mics, singing, screaming when they get killed or saying you are a hacker because you can go 30 kills to 1 death :fyea:

The following user groaned zebbidy for this awful post:

08-06-2011, 05:34 PM #108
Both but I'll end up playing MW3
08-06-2011, 07:10 PM #109
I think I'll be doing the smart thing, and stealing them both of friends for a night! Happy

If I like them both from first impressions, I'll probably play them both for 2/3 weeks, and decide which one I'd rather spend the majority of my time ranking up on. Fingers crossed it's bf3 (love the HUGE maps, varied vehicles, etc)

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