Post: If you get into a fight with a xbox 360 fanboy, show him this thread
08-19-2011, 02:55 PM #1
Sooper ginius
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This thread is originally written by the Hackforums-member 594mac, so all credits go to him. He has of course given me permission to contribute this. I have just done a few minor things like updating the points, edit sentence structure etc.

Okay, so I am tired of all those Xbox-fanboys running around saying their Xbox’ are better than PS3's ... "BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE". Another thing is that most of these Xbox-fanboys have never actually owned a PS3 to be able to fairly compare it. I have both, and honestly the only thing I see better about the Xbox is that the controllers fit your hand better and has more resistance on the analog sticks.
One more little thing is that more people own Xbox’. That is honestly all I can see that is better. But, it has been confirmed that the next generation Playstation will have a completely redesigned controller to fit your hands better. It has not yet been confirmed EXACTLY what it will look like. So, when they fix the controller problem, there will only be one downside left - that more people have Xbox’.
Well, if that’s the only thing better about Xbox’ then soon after all, the PS3 will outsell the Xbox. In fact, gaming analysis have recently stated that the PS3 will outsell rival consoles.

Also, it cannot be ignored the fact that the PS2 user base is still very, very large as it have over hundred million users. The staying power/trust of PS users far outweighs the terrified Xbox user that one day will see their console suffer the Red Ring of Death. So anyway, I decided to put this note up to help solve the Xbox VS ps3 problem. Enjoy.

1. No Red Ring of Death! According to the a survey made by Game Informer Xbox has a failure rate estimated to be 54.2%, when PS3 has a failure rate at 10% according to Gamespot. That makes the PS3 over five times more reliable than the Xbox 360!

2. Xbox game-programmers have 4.7 gigabytes of space to program their graphics into. PS3 game-developers can have up to 43 times MORE space to work with. That’s 200 GIGABYTES! You just can’t argue with that until the Xbox decides to copy the PS3 and get a Bluray- drive.

3. Bluray-movies. This is a huge plus, as you can watch your movies in full HD. A DVD-movie is just crap compared to a Bluray-movie.

4. Don't need to spend extra money on rechargeable batteries for controllers.

5. FREE online gaming. You don't have to pay to play online. If you want to play online with an Xbox 360, you need to buy an Xbox live account. The PS3 has this feature available for free.

6. The PS3’s exclusive games have "easily" topped the game of the year awards. Uncharted 2 - A major critical and commercial success, it was named by Metacritic as the most critically acclaimed game of 2009, and won Game of the Year awards on IGN, Eurogamer, Game Informer, Joystiq, Kotaku, Giant Bomb, AIAS, X-Play, Game Developers Choice Awards and the Spike Video Game Awards for the year 2009.
It also got a 10 out of 10 rating from game informer, and a 5 out of 5 rating from game pro. Now, let’s move to Littlebigplanet. This one won OVER EIGHTY awards including FIFTEEN game of the year awards! InFamous won an editors' choice award from IGN, and an editors' choice award from Gamespot. A 9/10 from game informer, and a 9.2/10 from IGN. These games are only a few games that I PERSONALLY own. I didn't bother to look up any others.

7. Oh, and the PS3 has 1080p FULL HD and HDMI support without buying yet ANOTHER attachment like that adapter doohickey you need for the Xbox to get hd.

8. Speaking of HD awesome graphics, did I mention that PS3 also supports full 3D? Well guess what? It does.

9. The ps3 is way quieter.

10. It doesn’t have a power brick half the size of the whole freaking console (like the Xbox 360 has). Actually, it doesn’t even have any power brick at all.

11. Playstation Home. It has free arcade games if you're bored of the games you already have. Playstation Home is also a way to meet people and build up your friend-list if you're feeling lonely.

12. PSMove is better than Kinect. And don't say Kinect is better just because it’s for the Xbox, and that Xbox is better than PS3 because it just is. Open your eyes - here is some simple math to help you understand:

Camera + microphone = Kinect. Simple, right?

Camera + microphone + buttons + LED tracking system + three-axis gyroscope sensor + three-axis accelerometer + terrestrial magnetic field sensor = PSMove.

Notice how the PSMove has everything the Kinect has and so much more. All combined to help detect pinpoint movements.

13. Speaking of the move, another thing that makes the Kinect fail so hard is that it has NO BUTTONS! That means that it will never ever get anything besides casual party games until Microsoft sees how much they failed, and copies the PSMove by adding an extra controller and of course make you pay even MORE money for yet ANOTHER attachment! PSMove has things like Killzone 3 and Socom 4, and so many more hardcore games that all you Xbox-fanboys love.

Imagine the amazing and immerse gaming experience you will get if you are playing a game in 1080p full HD and 3D with the Playstation Move and full 7.1 surround sound.

14. The PS3's processor has seven cores running at 3.20GHz while the Xbox 360 only has three.

15. The PS3's hard drive is the same as a laptop's and can be read faster by PS3 than the Xbox’ can.

16. The Xbox’ RAM is shared between the CPU and the GPU and clocked at 700 MHz. The PS3 has the same amount of RAM, but it is divided in half so that the CPU and GPU have their own separate RAM. The GPU's ram for the PS3 is clocked at 1.3 GHz, nearly twice as fast as the Xbox. The PS3's CPU RAM is clocked at 3.2 GHz, which is nearly five times faster than the Xbox. The Xbox' RAM stands no chance against the PS3's RAM.

17. If you have a PS3 fat, you will get more USB-ports than the Xbox has.

18. The PS3's disc-drive, besides it being Bluray, is a lot fancier. You got to admit that the plastic DVD table on the Xbox feels pretty dang cheap. The ps3, you just pop the disc in, like the Wii.

19. The ps3 has 6-axis motion sensing controllers. (Not talking about the PSMove, I mean the regular controllers).

20. No modchips or disassembly required to jailbreak/downgrade. Oh, what is that? You have to pay MORE for yet ANOTHER device just to hack it? Pfft, it’s free for the ps3.

21. The ps3 costs less. ESPECIALLY after you spend money on Xbox live, all your batteries and everything else.

22. When an Xbox 360 is attached to a stereo with subwoofers, it hardly uses them. I played halo and CoD in my home theatre with dual 18" subwoofers. No matter how high we turned it up, the Xbox just wouldn’t use them. I have also tested that on other speaker systems too. But the ps3, however, uses the subwoofers properly. Grenades, gunshots, and the heartbeat when your health is low can be felt in your chest.

"On March 23rd, the PS3 will have the capability to connect to Stanford University's Folding@home program, a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and related diseases. The cell processor in the PS3 is roughly 10 times faster than in a PC and this will significantly help study the causes of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis and many cancers." Here is a link to help you understand how it works:

[img] 410_n.jpg[/img]

All I can say to Xbox-fanboys who read this: "PWNT"

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Last edited by Commodent ; 08-22-2011 at 05:47 PM.

The following 140 users say thank you to Commodent for this useful post:

-Google-, -O-Z-Z-A-8-8-, ResistTheMoon, -Syed-, +vA.LooSe, 1337JESUS, A_Fast_Black_Guy, Abtean, Ada Wong, aezorush, ajbinky, almousawi, amplif1er, andge12, Anthony., Axiom, Ayanami, B u X, coolmankiller, Bad Luck Brian, bamf526, Dank, bo3wais, Budz, BurnoutBoz, Calebbeast, Car Lover, Carbon0x, ChefHOU, chris2595, Cody_h4x, cody97124241, Correy, csfola10taky, Dante., DARK-LEGEND_GR, Dawgfan, deedui, dela_tiges12, DEREKTROTTER, dfrost182, djh1495, Dman93, EZ., FAKA_ELITE, forcer911, FourzerotwoFAILS, FrOzTi, GangstaCupcake1, Gangstuh., Gentlemen, Giianluca, glav_pure, glitchplz, gringo96, Half_Asian_Kid, himpmund, Hondarydr, howigethere, HowsMySHOOTING, Implicit, INoobHero, Invalld, IRiSe_GodFather, ixPxIxNx0xYxi, j3w15h_n4z1, jakerad95, jdrain11, Jerry_, King K, Kush Friendly, KuSH_SM0kE, Liam, LiiTe, LINUX♥, M.Mac, Markie-, User23434, Matt1511, Maxwell-Gunner, mcooper101, mcstyle24, Mocro Lmfao, Modus, Mr. Slim, Mr.Azoz, Mr.Deagle, Mr.RizLa+, MythGavin, NeedaFlameSoon, NoobfromDK, Nubstep, Null ReacT, Oliiver, oO_NeoN, Pauly, Peirau, Pichu and 40 other users.

The following 2 users groaned at Commodent for this awful post:

Omniplasma, TheBurntCeltic
01-08-2012, 12:57 PM #146
Italian Stallion
lmao get owned 360 fanboys lol
01-09-2012, 10:46 PM #147
The people who have groaned at this thread are probably xbox fanboys, and probably got jealous over the ps3!
01-11-2012, 11:15 AM #148
Maggbot timeout!
Originally posted by Commodent View Post
This thread is originally written by the Hackforums-member 594mac, so all credits go to him. He has of course given me permission to contribute this. I have just done a few minor things like updating the points, edit sentence structure etc.

Okay, so I am tired of all those Xbox-fanboys running around saying their Xbox’ are better than PS3's ... "BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE". Another thing is that most of these Xbox-fanboys have never actually owned a PS3 to be able to fairly compare it. I have both, and honestly the only thing I see better about the Xbox is that the controllers fit your hand better and has more resistance on the analog sticks.
One more little thing is that more people own Xbox’. That is honestly all I can see that is better. But, it has been confirmed that the next generation Playstation will have a completely redesigned controller to fit your hands better. It has not yet been confirmed EXACTLY what it will look like. So, when they fix the controller problem, there will only be one downside left - that more people have Xbox’.
Well, if that’s the only thing better about Xbox’ then soon after all, the PS3 will outsell the Xbox. In fact, gaming analysis have recently stated that the PS3 will outsell rival consoles.

Also, it cannot be ignored the fact that the PS2 user base is still very, very large as it have over hundred million users. The staying power/trust of PS users far outweighs the terrified Xbox user that one day will see their console suffer the Red Ring of Death. So anyway, I decided to put this note up to help solve the Xbox VS ps3 problem. Enjoy.

1. No Red Ring of Death! According to the a survey made by Game Informer Xbox has a failure rate estimated to be 54.2%, when PS3 has a failure rate at 10% according to Gamespot. That makes the PS3 over five times more reliable than the Xbox 360!

2. Xbox game-programmers have 4.7 gigabytes of space to program their graphics into. PS3 game-developers can have up to 43 times MORE space to work with. That’s 200 GIGABYTES! You just can’t argue with that until the Xbox decides to copy the PS3 and get a Bluray- drive.

3. Bluray-movies. This is a huge plus, as you can watch your movies in full HD. A DVD-movie is just crap compared to a Bluray-movie.

4. Don't need to spend extra money on rechargeable batteries for controllers.

5. FREE online gaming. You don't have to pay to play online. If you want to play online with an Xbox 360, you need to buy an Xbox live account. The PS3 has this feature available for free.

6. The PS3’s exclusive games have "easily" topped the game of the year awards. Uncharted 2 - A major critical and commercial success, it was named by Metacritic as the most critically acclaimed game of 2009, and won Game of the Year awards on IGN, Eurogamer, Game Informer, Joystiq, Kotaku, Giant Bomb, AIAS, X-Play, Game Developers Choice Awards and the Spike Video Game Awards for the year 2009.
It also got a 10 out of 10 rating from game informer, and a 5 out of 5 rating from game pro. Now, let’s move to Littlebigplanet. This one won OVER EIGHTY awards including FIFTEEN game of the year awards! InFamous won an editors' choice award from IGN, and an editors' choice award from Gamespot. A 9/10 from game informer, and a 9.2/10 from IGN. These games are only a few games that I PERSONALLY own. I didn't bother to look up any others.

7. Oh, and the PS3 has 1080p FULL HD and HDMI support without buying yet ANOTHER attachment like that adapter doohickey you need for the Xbox to get hd.

8. Speaking of HD awesome graphics, did I mention that PS3 also supports full 3D? Well guess what? It does.

9. The ps3 is way quieter.

10. It doesn’t have a power brick half the size of the whole freaking console (like the Xbox 360 has). Actually, it doesn’t even have any power brick at all.

11. Playstation Home. It has free arcade games if you're bored of the games you already have. Playstation Home is also a way to meet people and build up your friend-list if you're feeling lonely.

12. PSMove is better than Kinect. And don't say Kinect is better just because it’s for the Xbox, and that Xbox is better than PS3 because it just is. Open your eyes - here is some simple math to help you understand:

Camera + microphone = Kinect. Simple, right?

Camera + microphone + buttons + LED tracking system + three-axis gyroscope sensor + three-axis accelerometer + terrestrial magnetic field sensor = PSMove.

Notice how the PSMove has everything the Kinect has and so much more. All combined to help detect pinpoint movements.

13. Speaking of the move, another thing that makes the Kinect fail so hard is that it has NO BUTTONS! That means that it will never ever get anything besides casual party games until Microsoft sees how much they failed, and copies the PSMove by adding an extra controller and of course make you pay even MORE money for yet ANOTHER attachment! PSMove has things like Killzone 3 and Socom 4, and so many more hardcore games that all you Xbox-fanboys love.

Imagine the amazing and immerse gaming experience you will get if you are playing a game in 1080p full HD and 3D with the Playstation Move and full 7.1 surround sound.

14. The PS3's processor has seven cores running at 3.20GHz while the Xbox 360 only has three.

15. The PS3's hard drive is the same as a laptop's and can be read faster by PS3 than the Xbox’ can.

16. The Xbox’ RAM is shared between the CPU and the GPU and clocked at 700 MHz. The PS3 has the same amount of RAM, but it is divided in half so that the CPU and GPU have their own separate RAM. The GPU's ram for the PS3 is clocked at 1.3 GHz, nearly twice as fast as the Xbox. The PS3's CPU RAM is clocked at 3.2 GHz, which is nearly five times faster than the Xbox. The Xbox' RAM stands no chance against the PS3's RAM.

17. If you have a PS3 fat, you will get more USB-ports than the Xbox has.

18. The PS3's disc-drive, besides it being Bluray, is a lot fancier. You got to admit that the plastic DVD table on the Xbox feels pretty dang cheap. The ps3, you just pop the disc in, like the Wii.

19. The ps3 has 6-axis motion sensing controllers. (Not talking about the PSMove, I mean the regular controllers).

20. No modchips or disassembly required to jailbreak/downgrade. Oh, what is that? You have to pay MORE for yet ANOTHER device just to hack it? Pfft, it’s free for the ps3.

21. The ps3 costs less. ESPECIALLY after you spend money on Xbox live, all your batteries and everything else.

22. When an Xbox 360 is attached to a stereo with subwoofers, it hardly uses them. I played halo and CoD in my home theatre with dual 18" subwoofers. No matter how high we turned it up, the Xbox just wouldn’t use them. I have also tested that on other speaker systems too. But the ps3, however, uses the subwoofers properly. Grenades, gunshots, and the heartbeat when your health is low can be felt in your chest.

"On March 23rd, the PS3 will have the capability to connect to Stanford University's Folding@home program, a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and related diseases. The cell processor in the PS3 is roughly 10 times faster than in a PC and this will significantly help study the causes of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis and many cancers." Here is a link to help you understand how it works:

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All I can say to Xbox-fanboys who read this: "PWNT"

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my thread where game develeopers explain how the xbox 360 is better then the ps3 in every way.
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01-11-2012, 11:16 AM #149
Maggbot timeout!
Originally posted by Commodent View Post
This thread is originally written by the Hackforums-member 594mac, so all credits go to him. He has of course given me permission to contribute this. I have just done a few minor things like updating the points, edit sentence structure etc.

Okay, so I am tired of all those Xbox-fanboys running around saying their Xbox’ are better than PS3's ... "BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE". Another thing is that most of these Xbox-fanboys have never actually owned a PS3 to be able to fairly compare it. I have both, and honestly the only thing I see better about the Xbox is that the controllers fit your hand better and has more resistance on the analog sticks.
One more little thing is that more people own Xbox’. That is honestly all I can see that is better. But, it has been confirmed that the next generation Playstation will have a completely redesigned controller to fit your hands better. It has not yet been confirmed EXACTLY what it will look like. So, when they fix the controller problem, there will only be one downside left - that more people have Xbox’.
Well, if that’s the only thing better about Xbox’ then soon after all, the PS3 will outsell the Xbox. In fact, gaming analysis have recently stated that the PS3 will outsell rival consoles.

Also, it cannot be ignored the fact that the PS2 user base is still very, very large as it have over hundred million users. The staying power/trust of PS users far outweighs the terrified Xbox user that one day will see their console suffer the Red Ring of Death. So anyway, I decided to put this note up to help solve the Xbox VS ps3 problem. Enjoy.

1. No Red Ring of Death! According to the a survey made by Game Informer Xbox has a failure rate estimated to be 54.2%, when PS3 has a failure rate at 10% according to Gamespot. That makes the PS3 over five times more reliable than the Xbox 360!

2. Xbox game-programmers have 4.7 gigabytes of space to program their graphics into. PS3 game-developers can have up to 43 times MORE space to work with. That’s 200 GIGABYTES! You just can’t argue with that until the Xbox decides to copy the PS3 and get a Bluray- drive.

3. Bluray-movies. This is a huge plus, as you can watch your movies in full HD. A DVD-movie is just crap compared to a Bluray-movie.

4. Don't need to spend extra money on rechargeable batteries for controllers.

5. FREE online gaming. You don't have to pay to play online. If you want to play online with an Xbox 360, you need to buy an Xbox live account. The PS3 has this feature available for free.

6. The PS3’s exclusive games have "easily" topped the game of the year awards. Uncharted 2 - A major critical and commercial success, it was named by Metacritic as the most critically acclaimed game of 2009, and won Game of the Year awards on IGN, Eurogamer, Game Informer, Joystiq, Kotaku, Giant Bomb, AIAS, X-Play, Game Developers Choice Awards and the Spike Video Game Awards for the year 2009.
It also got a 10 out of 10 rating from game informer, and a 5 out of 5 rating from game pro. Now, let’s move to Littlebigplanet. This one won OVER EIGHTY awards including FIFTEEN game of the year awards! InFamous won an editors' choice award from IGN, and an editors' choice award from Gamespot. A 9/10 from game informer, and a 9.2/10 from IGN. These games are only a few games that I PERSONALLY own. I didn't bother to look up any others.

7. Oh, and the PS3 has 1080p FULL HD and HDMI support without buying yet ANOTHER attachment like that adapter doohickey you need for the Xbox to get hd.

8. Speaking of HD awesome graphics, did I mention that PS3 also supports full 3D? Well guess what? It does.

9. The ps3 is way quieter.

10. It doesn’t have a power brick half the size of the whole freaking console (like the Xbox 360 has). Actually, it doesn’t even have any power brick at all.

11. Playstation Home. It has free arcade games if you're bored of the games you already have. Playstation Home is also a way to meet people and build up your friend-list if you're feeling lonely.

12. PSMove is better than Kinect. And don't say Kinect is better just because it’s for the Xbox, and that Xbox is better than PS3 because it just is. Open your eyes - here is some simple math to help you understand:

Camera + microphone = Kinect. Simple, right?

Camera + microphone + buttons + LED tracking system + three-axis gyroscope sensor + three-axis accelerometer + terrestrial magnetic field sensor = PSMove.

Notice how the PSMove has everything the Kinect has and so much more. All combined to help detect pinpoint movements.

13. Speaking of the move, another thing that makes the Kinect fail so hard is that it has NO BUTTONS! That means that it will never ever get anything besides casual party games until Microsoft sees how much they failed, and copies the PSMove by adding an extra controller and of course make you pay even MORE money for yet ANOTHER attachment! PSMove has things like Killzone 3 and Socom 4, and so many more hardcore games that all you Xbox-fanboys love.

Imagine the amazing and immerse gaming experience you will get if you are playing a game in 1080p full HD and 3D with the Playstation Move and full 7.1 surround sound.

14. The PS3's processor has seven cores running at 3.20GHz while the Xbox 360 only has three.

15. The PS3's hard drive is the same as a laptop's and can be read faster by PS3 than the Xbox’ can.

16. The Xbox’ RAM is shared between the CPU and the GPU and clocked at 700 MHz. The PS3 has the same amount of RAM, but it is divided in half so that the CPU and GPU have their own separate RAM. The GPU's ram for the PS3 is clocked at 1.3 GHz, nearly twice as fast as the Xbox. The PS3's CPU RAM is clocked at 3.2 GHz, which is nearly five times faster than the Xbox. The Xbox' RAM stands no chance against the PS3's RAM.

17. If you have a PS3 fat, you will get more USB-ports than the Xbox has.

18. The PS3's disc-drive, besides it being Bluray, is a lot fancier. You got to admit that the plastic DVD table on the Xbox feels pretty dang cheap. The ps3, you just pop the disc in, like the Wii.

19. The ps3 has 6-axis motion sensing controllers. (Not talking about the PSMove, I mean the regular controllers).

20. No modchips or disassembly required to jailbreak/downgrade. Oh, what is that? You have to pay MORE for yet ANOTHER device just to hack it? Pfft, it’s free for the ps3.

21. The ps3 costs less. ESPECIALLY after you spend money on Xbox live, all your batteries and everything else.

22. When an Xbox 360 is attached to a stereo with subwoofers, it hardly uses them. I played halo and CoD in my home theatre with dual 18" subwoofers. No matter how high we turned it up, the Xbox just wouldn’t use them. I have also tested that on other speaker systems too. But the ps3, however, uses the subwoofers properly. Grenades, gunshots, and the heartbeat when your health is low can be felt in your chest.

"On March 23rd, the PS3 will have the capability to connect to Stanford University's Folding@home program, a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and related diseases. The cell processor in the PS3 is roughly 10 times faster than in a PC and this will significantly help study the causes of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis and many cancers." Here is a link to help you understand how it works:

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All I can say to Xbox-fanboys who read this: "PWNT"

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how the xbox 360 outclasses the ps3 in every way.
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The following 3 users groaned at tenthlobbymw2 for this awful post:

Assassin, khalids19, NelsonRodV
01-11-2012, 11:49 PM #150
Pokemon Trainer
This Is genius. Period.
01-12-2012, 12:51 AM #151
Do a barrel roll!
Can't you guys stop arguing and buy both consoles ? /facepalm
01-18-2012, 05:12 PM #152
Lawl pure ownage!
01-18-2012, 05:51 PM #153
Won't be active..
It's funny that a lot of people say Kinect is better than anything PS3 has, if I remember correctly didn't we used to have eyetoy?
01-18-2012, 06:05 PM #154
I love this thread!!!

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