Post: A wierd thing i heard
08-06-2008, 08:02 AM #1
Samurai Poster
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Well i was messing on cod as usual ( Abusing people, owning and so on Winky Winky )
And i hered these two guy's say "When someone report's you, you get these bot's which follow you around in the game they can here what you say know where you are and stuf they folow you for 2 week's and then they stop. The thing they do is to catch evidence to be banned so if i do a glitch and go some where im not suposed to go i will get banned and the same with every thing else your not alowed to do"

I was just going to put my mic on and i got Connection Inturupted and i was like "NO!!!!!!"

But anyway what do you guy's think?

I personlay think ye this could be posibal with the techno we have today but i dont know i have never been banned...

So tell me what you think?


08-06-2008, 05:45 PM #11
Ronye West
why the hell would they care they know half the people that report others are off there heads anyway(mental) so they give a shit

yo be onhest im rofl right now xD
08-06-2008, 05:46 PM #12
GUMI fanboy
Originally posted by iamtheman View Post
Sony can trace down pretty much everything we do. They don't give a shit about glitching. Without glitches there system wouldn't get as much money as it did. The glitching community is big. There are tons of glitchers in cod 4 so they won't be able to banned people. There will always be other glitchers.

Hell yeah, why would IW sent those damn bots just to report us doing some glitches lol I just have to ask my pillow
08-06-2008, 09:18 PM #13
Samurai Poster
08-09-2008, 04:45 PM #14
I defeated!
the guys bluffin cuz u cant report people u can add them to ur ignore list but not report
even if u could then a lot of people would be banned or muted lol

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