Post: How 2 Get R2 Beta.
08-17-2008, 08:07 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You will need an American psn network account and credit card.

Pay for Qore Episode 3 and you will receive an email from them with the r2 beta code. Then from there follow the instructions in the email.

for the Europeans who want it you will have to sign up on You must login or register to view this content., This is what i have done and i am now playing it as i type. screen shots soon.

And for all the glitchers out there the side ways technique and the new wall breaker technique still works and W*E have got out the 3 maps that are on the beta.

Hope to see you soon playing R2 beta.

Oh yer and if you see someone playing girl with a stick this is the r2 beta, dont ask why i think they did that so they keep it a seacreat.

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The following 2 users say thank you to qpr1991 for this useful post:

08-17-2008, 08:48 PM #2
Thanks, if I get in I'm totally making glitch videos for people.
08-17-2008, 09:02 PM #3
Do a barrel roll!
Not exactly,I heard if you buy the Qore version you don't automatically get it in.It's like some sort of contest they just pick random people.Your better off pre-ordering the game.I remember my friend bought the $3 Qore and he logged on the site of R2 then it wouldn't let him go in,it said something like sorry we can not .... I forgot the rest.

So Qore is kinda like a scam,in the first episode also,it looks like your getting in the Socom Beta?I also heard it was like a contest,per-ordering is the best way.

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08-17-2008, 09:06 PM #4
I know that Qore gets you in for the public beta, but idk about private, anyway I'm downloading it lol.
08-17-2008, 09:20 PM #5
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by Matt51723 View Post
I know that Qore gets you in for the public beta, but idk about private, anyway I'm downloading it lol.
Yea it's still nice to have a Qore episode tho,I would reconmend the $24 pack of Qore because then you get all Qore episodes for the rest of the year!
08-17-2008, 09:27 PM #6
I Tried TO get it by the R2 site
it said
Originally posted by another user
Sorry you are not approved to participate in the Online Beta (yet)!

Thank you for your interest in the online beta for Resistance 2, but this phase is only open to invited participants. Don’t despair. We will soon accept applications for players to participate in the Open Beta for Resistance 2 that will start later this year. Just check back here over the next couple months for information about and ultimately the chance to apply for the Open Beta.

Thanks for your interest,

Resistance 2 Beta Team

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