Post: How to Use a VPN On PS3 [Bridging Connections]
07-09-2014, 09:04 PM #1
I void warranties.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You may think that once you`ve connected to your VPN on your computer you are now safe on xbox live/PSN and protected. I used to think the same. Until I was constantly getting hit offline I first thought it was my VPN. Then I became aware you have to manually connect your VPN to your xbox. There are many benefits from doing so such include DDoS protection (Depends if your VPN offers DDoS protection try CrypticVPN here on hf.) You are also protected from being doxed from your real location. You can also access exclusive american content. Neverthless let`s move on to the actual tutorial.
What you`ll need:
WiFi Connection
Laptop with LAN port
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Ethernet Cable
If you don`t already have a VPN purchase one or download the free ones below. (Note that free VPN`s tend to be slower and don`t offer DDoS protection.)
You must login or register to view this content. (Very easy to setup.)
You must login or register to view this content. (Decent VPN)
You can purchase my personal favorite paid VPN below.
You must login or register to view this content. (500 Gbps DDoS protected, blazing fast speeds)


Connect your PC to your Xbox 360/Ps3 with the LAN cable.
On the Xbox/Ps3, go to System Settings>Network then make sure that your IP and DNS settings are set to automatic. This is the Xbox default, so it should be preset if you haven't changed it.
Then go to the "Network and Sharing Center" on your PC. This is found under the start menu, utilize the search bar to find it.
In the Network and Sharing Center, click on "Manage Network Connection" in the left sidebar.
Right Click on "Local Area Connection." Then navigate to "Internet Protocol 4."

You have to Click on "Use the Following IP Address" if it isn't already set. Set IP to Set subnet mask to Leave the rest blank.

Next you must go to your VPN and select properties. How your VPN is setup may vary from my tutorial try to stay with me.If you are using one of the free VPN's I suggested above, connect to the VPN, go to the icon on the bottom right of your screen . Select "Network and Sharing Center," then select "View Status" on the VPN connection. Click on Properties, then navigate to the sharing tab.
Select the "Allow Other Computers to Connect Through This Connection" option in the sharing tab. Also change the "Home Networking Connection" to "Local Area Connection."
Then uncheck the "Establish Dial-Up Connection" and "Allow Other Network Users to Control" boxes.
Make sure that you are now connected to your wireless network, and your VPN. Almost done
Finally, "Test Network Connection" on your Ps3 and it should be all done.

Please feel free to spread this knowledge to other users also Enjoy my bros. If you have any questions feel free to pm me and I will do my best to answer you.

If you need a video or such, i will be more than glad to make one
Last edited by Dacoco ; 07-09-2014 at 09:05 PM. Reason: Fixed Link

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04-30-2016, 11:44 AM #101
Bounty hunter
HI Dacoco
whenever i try to connect via ethernet i got IP address timeout
05-20-2016, 03:00 PM #102
Wow, i had no idea you could use VPN on ps3 Happy that's awesome.
05-23-2016, 07:47 PM #103
Thank you my friend!!!!
06-08-2016, 04:29 PM #104
Do a barrel roll!
Everytime I use VPN on GTA5 it won't connect to the server.
06-13-2016, 03:11 PM #105
Do a barrel roll!
Very helpful, thanks.
07-02-2016, 09:18 PM #106
Save Point
thank you
07-12-2016, 09:11 PM #107
Do a barrel roll!
Thanks. Is there any possibility of a video on how to do this:?
08-05-2016, 12:12 AM #108
Bounty hunter
IP address becomes (Private Networks Only) on the PS3 or the NAT Type fails. I had it work once then when I rebooted my PC it stopped
08-08-2016, 04:49 PM #109
Bounty hunter
Omg that takes the p all i wan't to do is play with fun but get booted all the time :(

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