Post: (Bloodborne) Is it possible to mod in items?
03-15-2018, 02:01 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is it possible in Bloodborne to mod in items such as DLC weapons or are we only capable of modding those weapons to +10 once we already have them in our inventory?
01-02-2019, 03:30 PM #2
Did you ever manage to figure out how to mod in items? If so could you link me to a tutorial to do so, thanks
01-10-2019, 04:36 PM #3
Nothing To See Here
Originally posted by blacknyellow View Post
Did you ever manage to figure out how to mod in items? If so could you link me to a tutorial to do so, thanks

While I haven't used SW with Bloodbourne, here's your best best. It involves replacing an item you don't want with the item you do want, so first, find or buy something cheap or easy to farm.

Google a list of item offsets (hex values) for Bloodbourne. I'm not positive one exists since these are easier to find for the Souls games released on PC where datamining is easier (codes have been the same for console and PC versions for the Souls series). But if one exists, find the offset for an item you can easily replace and also the offset for the item you want.

For instance if you want a piece of armor, find the offset for a piece of armor that's cheap to buy (and make sure you buy it then save your game, so it's in your save file), then the offset for the piece of armor you want. But do try to make sure it's an item of a similar type, because if you replace a consummable with a piece of armor it could screw up other things because there would be other values indicating how much of that consummable you have, for example, or possibly where in your inventory it's located. Then, in your game, buy (or quickly farm) that piece of armor. Save your game, open up SW and use Advanced Mode on that save.

In Advanced Mode, search for the offset you're replacing, but be aware that at least in the Souls games so I assume in Bloodbourne as well, the offsets are in Little Endian, which means they're half-backwards. Basically if the you're looking for has an offset that is "0A 0A 40 40", it will show up in your save as "40 40 0A 0A". But when typing in the offset to search for you don't need to worry about this because Save Wizard searches for Little Endian variations too. Just, when you're looking at the results Save Wizard gives you, be aware that it should look like the 40 40 0A 0A instead of how it looks in the list of item values you found on the interwebs.

When you've found the correct offset, make sure the next value after it is an "01", so you know it's probably the item you're looking for (since you have 1 of that exact item; even if you have multiples of a specific type of armor they would have separate entries in your save file). Maybe pick something you've never upgraded before, so you're not accidentally replacing an upgraded version instead of the one you just bought. Or if that's not an option, just look for the very last result that has an 01 after it and is still also in Little Endian.

In place of the offset you just found and want to swap out, edit in the item you want. Again, put it in Little Endian. So if the item you want has an item code of "5B 5B 17 17", replace the original offset with 17 17 5B 5B. Leave everything else as is, including the 01 coming after the offset (assuming you're not editing ammunition or something else that could otherwise come in multiples). Save the file. Pop it into your PS4.

As is often the case with SW, if there's an option to "load game" instead of "continue" choose "load game." Continue can often lose changes. I just forget whether that's even an option in Bloodbourne.

Hope that works. Again, I'm unaware whether a list of item ID codes even exists for Bloodbourne since it was console-only. Apologies to the OP for missing this question earlier this year.

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