Post: Final Fantasy XII HP/MP Mod
07-18-2017, 03:54 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As some of you may know, the HP/MP on character's stats are leveled up using RNG. What this means is that exactly how much a character's HP or MP goes up per level is determined randomly, within a set limit, meaning my level 99 Vaan will have different HP/MP than yours.

I have OCD really bad, and I was trying my best to see if I can edit the HP/MP of my characters to alleviate this. What occurred was that I was indeed able to modify the HP/MP of my characters, but it would be reset as soon as I would touch a save crystal.

If anyone knows how to modify the HP/MP without the touching of a save crystal reverting the HP/MP back to normal, please let me know or help me.

Thank you.

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