Post: PS4 Pro Getting Tackled by Reverse Engineers via 0Day Exploit (Ya Fukd Sony)
11-25-2016, 07:12 PM #1
Super Mod
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello You must login or register to view this content., today is of course Black Friday where they will sell the Playstation 4 PRO console a bit cheaper than usual. Well earlier today a lot of old reverse engineers have tweeted some very interesting things today. Many talked about that they were getting ready to purchase a PS4 Pro, and many others have already did. A developer named You must login or register to view this content. even made a video on YouTube named "PS4 Pro PWNED".

This individual talked about a few things dealing with this upgraded console through Twitter. Stating that if anyone has a PS4 Pro console running on a valid 3.70 Stock Firmware to NOT Update the console! He is purchasing the console for Christmas which seems like a bit far from now, but it's better to see that someone will be working on it from now; especially a ton more developers.

Following from this topic, most of you all must know this developer since of course, he does come from You must login or register to view this content.! A well known PS3 Modding Site for Rebug Users! Yes, that's correct! Rebug is starting to work on PS4! In addition, earlier a couple of days ago. You must login or register to view this content. (aka @evilsperm) tweeted out that he was selling off some PS3 Consoles (of course modded with DEX) since he was planning on selling the stash to purchase a PS4 PRO Console to start going through it!

More to come, Twitter User You must login or register to view this content. has also shared some light towards the PS4.

Zecoxao did tell him to DM him, so we'll see where this goes from today!

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Last but not least, Developer @Zecoxao has tweeted out stating that if anyone has a some Beta Codenamed PS4 Firmwares to please let him know. He currently only has 3.50, and is still looking! If you have some, please go DM him on Twitter!

Continuation from his tweet, he also shared this post. This is on a 1.76 Firmware, done with memory editing; simply wont ask if you want to update it. Nice job Zeco! :thumbs:

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Last edited by Hydrogen ; 11-25-2016 at 07:21 PM.

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Algebra, BaSs_HaXoR, BaumHF1, MOD-RuLeZ, NIO77
11-26-2016, 02:43 AM #11
Super Mod
Originally posted by Maniacal
This just goes to show to all the people who have ever said the PS4 can not be hacked/jailbroken have been proven otherwise. 3 years into the PS4's debut and significant progress has been made all the way from first tinkering around with the console to proof being provided showcasing gta v on the ps4 being modded via real time editing. Wow shit is pretty interesting in the scene right now Smile

Looks like 1.76 is gonna be the magic firmware this generation : D

1.76 was the main firmware which some of us already knew since late 2015/early 2016. Upside Down Happy

But true, going through the old threads first ever posted then coming to the first sections shows a TON of improvement on what has been going on in the scene. Imagine what we will be seeing before Christmas :whistle:
11-26-2016, 07:32 AM #12
Little One
I got mine for $369 on eBay before black Friday.
11-26-2016, 08:46 PM #13
Hail to the King, Baby!
Originally posted by RuLeZ View Post
It is on Amazon and will be $399 on eBay Cyber Monday

Thats normal price
11-27-2016, 08:10 AM #14
Little One
They have 25 days if not ps4 1.76 it is
12-05-2016, 06:57 PM #15
Do a barrel roll!
Uh... can we focus on one system at a time... so we can get it done sooner
12-13-2016, 07:05 AM #16
Just as "$ o n y" is slated to release a decent PS4 "PRO" version of the console, everything gets owned! ...I really wish the slim console did not suck so much. So many games have the worst frame rate possible on PS4 which saddens me. It makes them unplayable when they run like a slide show. I hope the PS4 Pro can do some good soon with these games. So far the PRO is not increasing frame rate out of the box like It says it does on at least a couple games. Alien Isolation is a slide show still! That is sure to be a disappointment to many people.... I have been buying more PS3 games frequently because of how affordable they are lately and thanks to Rebug, They all load and play like a little slice of heaven! I can honestly say I never would have purchased so many PS3 games had it not been for Rebug revitalizing my interest in console games. I was PC only for so long. Now I find myself buying PS4's with the same hopes and dreams of potential in mind. I cannot wait to see what that hardware is really capable of. The current PS consoles feel as if they squander almost every last bit of potential. If it were not for Dev's working to make Console Great again, Winky Winky I would never have gotten one nor would I have purchased 7 games on day one for it. I know officially "$ o n y" has to fight home brew but unofficially, they should be kissing Home brew Dev's butt's and calling it ice creme. I spent close to four figures this year on "$ o n y" gaming products including over 20 games! I never would have had it not been for Home brew Dev's.

Guess I will just get a wireless controller for PC until Dev's can make PS4 run games correctly at correct frame rates. Meanwhile, my couple of PS4 pro's eagerly sit at 3.70 launch firmware waiting to be made into something useful and not entirely dependent on internet speed that is unavailable here for features I could care less about. I have patience just as I did with the PS3 so I am not worried much like some people seem to be. I know we will have modding on PS4 Pro available to the public at some entry level within 1.5 years tops.

PS: I love you EvilSperm! If I was not quite as sick all this last year, I would donate a lot more money to your groups efforts. I promise I will donate a large chunk of change this summer after I pay off the Christmas debt. Please keep up the great work on PS3 and PS4 Pro!
Last edited by pork&beans ; 12-13-2016 at 07:33 AM. Reason: I am really ill and accidentally hit send too early.

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