Post: Days Gone Platinum Save [CUSA08966]
04-24-2019, 07:00 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This is a Platinum save of Days Gone, not sure which trophy you'll unlock if any at all

EEDITESad Awesome so I'm told no trophies unlock with this, so I guess enjoy just having it?

You must login or register and the post to view hidden content.

What's in this save?
Modded money
All missions 100%
Collectibles 75%
All camps at max rep
Last edited by Wosley ; 05-01-2020 at 10:24 AM. Reason: embedding link

The following 1,134 users say thank you to Purgatory for this useful post:

``,, [email protected], 2minican, 404raww., 4548288936, 7b2t33g, 7oskol, a.m0rad, Aaron1248, Abdliito, abdocatalan, Abdulla4542, abdullah_ali, abemad12, abhi1978, abosaud09, abudiix, abufhad, Abyssi Z, ac.q8yy, Aceitype, adamisfaceless, ADDZ, adminxd, adolforafa99, aecioal, aeneax, AeternumNox, AHandsomeGamer, ahmad.s.a, ahrenity, akakh, AKSony, akyuusan, alaaltayeb, Alan-Li, alarosy2015, aldwin1412, Aleksei504, alemetal, alemgamerbrJP, AleMunhoz, alex28, Alexisacosta9822, alexpg82, Ali7865, alienware, alifaraj1, alifilm, alimazhar, Allan954, Allenja2, Alm7trf2leel, almaqam, alorfi85, alphaskill, Alt_of_Ctrl, alvlso, am312, Amalor36, ambis, Amine454545, Amir-Cuffie, anderssonhenriq, Andre_Jenc23, Andrew0, andwild, Angelrod90, Anselmo Ricci, Ant2load, anthony r, Anthony-Tyrone-Peterson, anthony463, anthonylopez21, AnthonyTaylor424, Antwnis-Efstathiou, APERT, aref 1, ArsaDex-_-, Arthur RIP, arthurfcallejas, artour0098, asd2f, asfrikkenifman, Ash3003, AtlanticModz, Atlazt, August72, awesomw1, awful22, Awful2204, Axhwell, aydenthelord45, azdian, aziiz, AzizSaudKattab, azooz121, Azoz001, B4d_areazy, b549371442 and 1,034 other users.

The following 2 users groaned at Purgatory for this awful post:

crimeamaestro, Johnny_7798
11-18-2023, 02:18 PM #227
Originally posted by Purgatory View Post
This is a Platinum save of Days Gone, not sure which trophy you'll unlock if any at all

EEDITESad Awesome so I'm told no trophies unlock with this, so I guess enjoy just having it?

You must login or register and the post to view hidden content.

What's in this save?
Modded money
All missions 100%
Collectibles 75%
All camps at max rep


The following 3 users say thank you to gk00n23 for this useful post:

GODOFMOTION454, hothandsrick, phanttom2100
12-26-2023, 08:24 PM #228
Thanx a lot guy
03-29-2024, 08:20 PM #229
When i did download, came only 1 world file and not the file with cusa correct. Can u help me?

The following user thanked lz_andre for this useful post:

04-28-2024, 01:51 AM #230
thanx a million
04-28-2024, 01:54 AM #231
thanx a mllion guy
07-12-2024, 02:46 AM #232
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