Post: [US] FFXII Save Set
07-23-2017, 06:23 PM #1
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This is my Save Set for FFXII

Alright for the Trophy Mist Walker which is all concurrences load the save up for bhujurba and go fight any enemy and use quickinings, just make sure you do a concurrence at the end like inferno and the trophy will pop. I have tested it so I know it works

For Jack of all trades trophy just load up the salikawood save and in the same area with the save crystal just find the CHARM skill.

For the Runeweaver trophy load up the rabanastre save and go to the Giza Plains / Toam Hills (Dry), south-east area, your looking for BLIND magick

Finally the Cartographer trophy just load up the archades save and talk to the girl for the sandlewood chops side quest next to the door in the back and explore that area and go north to skyferry terrace i think thats what its called and the trophy should pop

Also the LP trophy should pop after killing something maybe the others will to if you dont have them.

If your missing any of the elite marks/espers killing trophies you can do them in trial mode and they will still pop.

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Last edited by xSOADx ; 04-11-2018 at 07:37 AM.

The following 19 users say thank you to rei112 for this useful post:

AkumaNYC, BubbaDaBarb, Caesarimp, chaoszage, Dilonge4Ever, dwessasss, EmptyFibers, Fran_scandurva, IvaliceAlliance, KingEmilWash, krustytoe, mark1, markl1989, Rah81, Sephi83, Shinnok82, skullboyxo, smushpie, stefanious
05-20-2018, 11:25 PM #20
Does this still work as today? I need to get cartographer, mist walker, schriver... will using this overwrite the saves I have of my own on my PS4?
05-22-2018, 05:38 AM #21
nice saves bro keep it up
05-25-2018, 10:28 AM #22
Thanks a lot! That Mist Walker was getting on my nerves.
05-25-2018, 11:08 AM #23
Thanks for this..
05-25-2018, 11:19 AM #24
Heck yeah thanks again. This was needed to fill in the gaps.
05-25-2018, 01:47 PM #25
Yiazmat I cannot beat plus nobody on this file can use Addle.
05-25-2018, 02:07 PM #26
Nice thank you for the save.
05-25-2018, 02:09 PM #27
Need to use save wizard for ps4 to resign the save to your own profile.
06-13-2018, 01:27 AM #28
Hello, would it be possible to re-upload the save? I'm getting an error message that it's no longer available. Thanks! Protection Status This content is certified and protected under DMCA guidelines and any attempt to copy or redistribute this content will be met with a DMCA takedown notice.

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