Post: An attempted scam
07-15-2010, 01:07 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The user You must login or register to view this content. has attempted to scam me. This is unsettling since he is on the level 1 tier of the You must login or register to view this content..

A few weeks ago, I sold the user 3m vBux for $18. Last night, the user attempted to reverse the transaction on PayPal due to 'unauthorised access of his account', this is proven to be false in reference to this transaction since I have a form of proof that he bought vBux from me. At first, I thought it was possible that PayPal may do this automatically once a user reports that he believes his account has been accessed by an unauthorised user.

Shortly after, I received an email which notified me that the user had requested this specific payment to be reversed. Paypal thoroughly investigated the situation but found no cause or evidence of anyone accessing his account. The money that was held was returned to me and no further action was taken either on paypal's behalf or on his. This took place when NGU was down (last night) so I couldn't take action sooner. Paypal asked me for proof that I had provided him with the goods he had purchased and while I couldn't since NGU was down it did not matter since Paypal resolved it late last night. Since PayPal has resolved the matter and no action was taken I am in no danger of losing any money.

Photo evidence is below:

For reference, I am James Darby and djwormy12 is Glenn Gardiner.

If you wish to confirm the email of [email][email protected][/email] as being djwormy12's then Paul tells me it is matched to his NGU account. His facebook account is also attached to NGU and the name of it is Glenn Gardiner.

First off, details of the transaction:
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This post is available to view in my vBux shop, a link is in my signature.

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This is available to view in my vbPlaza history.

You must login or register to view this content.
This post is available to view in the second page of my referrals thread accessible You must login or register to view this content.. Unfortunately, I performed the rest of the transaction in shoutbox PM and since then, the shoutbox has been coltzed.

Paypal's email notifications to me on the attempted reversal of the payment:
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These emails are available in my inbox and I can forward them if wanted.

Screenshots from my paypal account:
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Note the email address.

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I must stress, I am in no danger since the refund was reversed.

EDIT: Added extra proof of the transaction from a post in my vBux shop and spaced images.

To sum it up:
I sell the user 3m vBux for 18$, the transaction appears to go smoothly.
Last night, the user attempts to reverse transaction.
Paypal denies the transaction reversal.
Last edited by RedKnight ; 07-15-2010 at 01:18 PM.
07-15-2010, 01:30 PM #2
DJWormy has 24 hours to respond to this thread.
07-15-2010, 01:32 PM #3
Originally posted by RedKnight View Post
The user You must login or register to view this content. has attempted to scam me. This is unsettling since he is on the level 1 tier of the You must login or register to view this content..

A few weeks ago, I sold the user 3m vBux for $18. Last night, the user attempted to reverse the transaction on PayPal due to 'unauthorised access of his account', this is proven to be false in reference to this transaction since I have a form of proof that he bought vBux from me. At first, I thought it was possible that PayPal may do this automatically once a user reports that he believes his account has been accessed by an unauthorised user.

Shortly after, I received an email which notified me that the user had requested this specific payment to be reversed. Paypal thoroughly investigated the situation but found no cause or evidence of anyone accessing his account. The money that was held was returned to me and no further action was taken either on paypal's behalf or on his. This took place when NGU was down (last night) so I couldn't take action sooner. Paypal asked me for proof that I had provided him with the goods he had purchased and while I couldn't since NGU was down it did not matter since Paypal resolved it late last night. Since PayPal has resolved the matter and no action was taken I am in no danger of losing any money.

Photo evidence is below:

For reference, I am James Darby and djwormy12 is Glenn Gardiner.

If you wish to confirm the email of [email][email protected][/email] as being djwormy12's then Paul tells me it is matched to his NGU account. His facebook account is also attached to NGU and the name of it is Glenn Gardiner.

First off, details of the transaction:
You must login or register to view this content.
This post is available to view in my vBux shop, a link is in my signature.

You must login or register to view this content.
This is available to view in my vbPlaza history.

You must login or register to view this content.
This post is available to view in the second page of my referrals thread accessible You must login or register to view this content.. Unfortunately, I performed the rest of the transaction in shoutbox PM and since then, the shoutbox has been coltzed.

Paypal's email notifications to me on the attempted reversal of the payment:
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You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.
These emails are available in my inbox and I can forward them if wanted.

Screenshots from my paypal account:
You must login or register to view this content.
Note the email address.

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I must stress, I am in no danger since the refund was reversed.

EDIT: Added extra proof of the transaction from a post in my vBux shop and spaced images.

To sum it up:
I sell the user 3m vBux for 18$, the transaction appears to go smoothly.
Last night, the user attempts to reverse transaction.
Paypal denies the transaction reversal.

someone was on my paypal last nite and i have closed the account so your money shouldn't have been taken.
07-15-2010, 01:36 PM #4
Originally posted by another user
We were unable to find evidence of unauthorised access to the buyer's account

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In which case, how did they manage to access your account in a way that PayPal did not detect? PayPal would certainly have checked the IP logins so I assume it must have been from your computer.
07-15-2010, 01:46 PM #5
Originally posted by RedKnight View Post

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In which case, how did they manage to access your account in a way that PayPal did not detect? PayPal would certainly have checked the IP logins so I assume it must have been from your computer.

well i dont know. do u want the vbux back or half of it back for the trouble. My account has been deleted by me this morning.

---------- Post added at 08:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------

Originally posted by Paul View Post
DJWormy has 24 hours to respond to this thread.

My account has been closed this morning by me so he couldnt lose anything i made a mistake las nite and am willing to pay back 1.5 million vbux back for the trouble caused

---------- Post added at 08:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 AM ----------

Originally posted by Paul View Post
DJWormy has 24 hours to respond to this thread.

i am sending him 1.5 million vbux now and the paypal details are
[email][email protected][/email]
07-15-2010, 01:57 PM #6
Originally posted by Alphex View Post
Do i see a hint of cheek? :mad: sorry this isnt really my problem, but just felt neccasary to point that out.

My friend came up with this. Your password has to have a number in it.
07-15-2010, 01:59 PM #7
Originally posted by Alphex View Post
Oh, Sorry lol Facepalm

its ok i get that alot it is a very strong password very hard to guess
07-15-2010, 04:51 PM #8
Retired Mod
Dispute resolved. Closed.
09-03-2010, 11:22 PM #9
Mighty Jebuz
Nerds √16 Ever!
Thread re-opened as paypal has reversed the transaction.
09-03-2010, 11:32 PM #10
Well, thanks for reopening this.

Paypal ruled in favour of djwormy12 because I'm pretty certain that they didn't understand the proof I supplied them with.

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My current paypal balance.

It's true that djwormy12 has given me some of the vBux, although I don't care to have the vBux back, if he wants it back he can have it back. I want my money back. I consider this to be a scam since I believe this money in the chargeback will go directly to his bank account and become his. It's a scamming technique in which he closes his paypal account due to having believed it's been wrongly accessed, then perhaps he did some other things to tweak it so that PayPal would attempt to reverse all transactions in a recent period of time unless the sellers could provide proof.

Just so you know, I'll be calling PayPal tomorrow to attempt to sort this mess out. The fact that wormy is 14 doesn't help either, however, I don't believe this is a valid reason to refuse to co-operate. I asked him several times to either phone PayPal or send them an email explaining and he refused, every time.
Last edited by RedKnight ; 09-03-2010 at 11:34 PM.

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