Post: Scammed by Screamo
09-07-2010, 04:13 PM #1
Otaku Buster
Cake is a lie
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name: Screamo
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

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When did this happen: About two weeks ago, We agreed to do 3 day shipping and I still havent got my item.

How did you purchase: We traded.

How much?: I traded him an Xbox 360 with accessories for his Ipod touch.

Did you;
- Buy?
- Sell?
- Trade

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:- Ive tried to contact him numerous times, but he doesnt seem interested in resolving the problem. He said he shipped it but they must have lost it, but yet when i asked the PO if he shipped anything out to me they said he hadnt.

Other comments: The point of me opening this is because he doesnt seem interested in solving the problem which leads me to believe he didnt ship in the first place, I know If something happened like this with something I supposedly shipped i'd do all I could to fix it.
09-09-2010, 08:51 PM #11
Originally posted by xOtaku
You realize if you get infracted for this its a perma ban?
All im wanting you to do is help resolve the problem with the post office if you actually shipped it.
Your the only one that can resolve it.

Problem is... I don't have time for this bullshit. I am failing my senior year already and can't be bothered with this. I did ship it and its your problem the post office fuked up. If you wanna perma ban me then do it I don't care, Its a stupid choice if you do.
09-09-2010, 08:56 PM #12
Otaku Buster
Cake is a lie
Originally posted by Screamo View Post
Problem is... I don't have time for this bullshit. I am failing my senior year already and can't be bothered with this. I did ship it and its your problem the post office fuked up. If you wanna perma ban me then do it I don't care, Its a stupid choice if you do.

Actually, no.
Its not my problem the post office fcked up, its yours.
Your acting like a **** thats above everyone else, so guess what? if you cant help with the problem enjoy your ban.
09-09-2010, 09:01 PM #13
Originally posted by knightryder77 View Post
I know i am not suppose to post in the dispute section if it don't invovle me but, I am just trying to help out.. Screamo you can go to the post office to get the tracking number.. Everything they send they have to put it in the computer with your name on it.. All you need is the proper id with your picture on it.. and they can tell your where you package is or if it been sent to the right place..

Yes I know that, but I don't have time to drive across town for this bullshit.. I put the address he gave me. So I will enjoy my ban, and I am a dick because Im being accused of scamming when I didn't.
09-09-2010, 09:11 PM #14
Otaku Buster
Cake is a lie
Originally posted by Screamo View Post
Yes I know that, but I don't have time to drive across town for this bullshit.. I put the address he gave me. So I will enjoy my ban, and I am a dick because Im being accused of scamming when I didn't.

Last edited by Otaku Buster ; 09-09-2010 at 09:14 PM.
09-09-2010, 09:45 PM #15
Al Capone, Jr.
I've known Screamo for a while now, I have a hard time believing he scammed. Reading through this thread, it does seem like Screamo has the ability to try and resolve, but not too motivated. I'm not sure what to do here, but if Screamo is okay with being banned, what else can we do? 1 drive to the post office man, c'mon....
09-10-2010, 12:39 AM #16
Originally posted by Insertion View Post
I've known Screamo for a while now, I have a hard time believing he scammed. Reading through this thread, it does seem like Screamo has the ability to try and resolve, but not too motivated. I'm not sure what to do here, but if Screamo is okay with being banned, what else can we do? 1 drive to the post office man, c'mon....

Naw, I really can't. Sorry dude but ima have to take the ban I guess if thats what ya give me. Bye ngu.
09-10-2010, 02:22 AM #17
Otaku Buster
Cake is a lie
Originally posted by Screamo View Post
Naw, I really can't. Sorry dude but ima have to take the ban I guess if thats what ya give me. Bye ngu.

Is it really that damn hard to go to the post office and get a a tracking number and solve all of this in a nutshell without getting banned?

Forget it, im letting Gunney make a decision when he checks the thread.
Until then if your not a mod or involved please refrain from posting.
Last edited by Otaku Buster ; 09-10-2010 at 02:41 AM.
09-10-2010, 05:16 AM #18
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by Screamo View Post
Naw, I really can't. Sorry dude but ima have to take the ban I guess if thats what ya give me. Bye ngu.

You have 5 days to get the tracking number for your order.

From what I've read through and your reaction to this, is that you haven't sent the item. Most people would be going mental if they had sent the item and were now getting accused of scamming. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
09-13-2010, 02:55 AM #19
Originally posted by Spartan
You have 5 days to get the tracking number for your order.

From what I've read through and your reaction to this, is that you haven't sent the item. Most people would be going mental if they had sent the item and were now getting accused of scamming. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

You can believe what you want bro I just don't care about a little website on the internet as much as whats going on in real life.

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