Post: Scammed By skramsfan
09-20-2010, 08:58 PM #1
Formerly Known as xFlex0-
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name: skramsfan
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

Proof: I can get pictures of me sending messages and the only reply if you want?

When did this happen: Last 5 Days.

How did you purchase: Paypal

How much?: $40

Did you;
- Buy? X
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:- Ignored most of my messages then said "you been in on like 5 accounts"

Other comments:
He had a thread open about his PS3 Challenge lobby. He had an option at the time for "Unlimited Lobbies" which was $40. First night went fine and i got around 5 accounts in. Since then he's been ignoring my messages until today when i said i was going to dispute and he said "u did like 5 accounts and it's not lifetime god kid i let you leave and join", However to my understanding the word "Unlimited" means infinite, so i would like "Unlimited lobbies" or my money back.
09-20-2010, 09:36 PM #2
Formerly Known as xFlex0-
Originally posted by K View Post
i think he might have meant unlimited for the night or day. not sure though. just trying to clear things up thats y i posted here gunney

Nope, at the time it just stated "Unlimited lobbys you can join as much as you want" he has since changed the thread to say either 1 or 2 hours, but as i brought it before these changes i either want actual unlimited lobby's or a refund.
09-20-2010, 10:43 PM #3
Originally posted by xFlex0
Scammer NGU Name: skramsfan
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

Proof: I can get pictures of me sending messages and the only reply if you want?

When did this happen: Last 5 Days.

How did you purchase: Paypal

How much?: $40

Did you;
- Buy? X
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:- Ignored most of my messages then said "you been in on like 5 accounts"

Other comments:
He had a thread open about his PS3 Challenge lobby. He had an option at the time for "Unlimited Lobbies" which was $40. First night went fine and i got around 5 accounts in. Since then he's been ignoring my messages until today when i said i was going to dispute and he said "u did like 5 accounts and it's not lifetime god kid i let you leave and join", However to my understanding the word "Unlimited" means infinite, so i would like "Unlimited lobbies" or my money back.

Contacted Seller He has 24Hrs to Reply

---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

Originally posted by K View Post
o ur smartCool Man (aka Tustin) now scrams is gonna be pissed. i know him i was in a glitching clan with him:bro:

Please DO not post these sort posts in something you are not involved in. Warning.
09-21-2010, 01:46 AM #4
Im anice dude helping people out... it was on my old post I had unlimited for one day meaning in and out on one day. I was clear with him and everything. I had to get off due to work the first day so I allotted the time with him on the second day(technically not needing to) but I did... He was cool but now a totall douche because he forgot(5 days later messaging me) about his other accts. Get good kid. nuff. Im done.
09-21-2010, 04:10 PM #5
Formerly Known as xFlex0-
It stated nowhere in your post it was for one day, and you never in mentioned it, your post only stated "Unlimited, come in and out whenever"

Infact i even sent you this email "Sorry I couldn't stay on longer, I live In uk so I'm like +5 hours :( I'll do a few more tomorrow then just do like 1 a day so I'm not taking up all your time Smile" in which you replied "Sounds awsome bro sorry I had to go".

So that makes it really clear it's only for one day..

And i didn't "Forget about my other accounts after 5 days", we were fine Wednesday and Thursday, Friday i emailed asking if you'd be on and you said you were sick, Saturday i worked all day then went to a party so wasn't on, then Sunday i tried to join you kicked me and messaged me "L8R" then Monday was when you were being a dick.

Stop trying to bullshit your way out.

Here is the email i quoted from:
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Last edited by DaRKnEzZ- ; 09-21-2010 at 04:30 PM.
09-22-2010, 05:28 PM #6
Formerly Known as xFlex0-
He's been online and not replied..
09-22-2010, 08:59 PM #7
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by xFlex0
He's been online and not replied..

Told him to reply.
09-22-2010, 10:27 PM #8
actually you did like 4 the next day so yea. just stop bitching. if i would of made a mistake i would own up to it kid. you got what i told you so shut up and making something big out of something little.
09-22-2010, 11:13 PM #9
Formerly Known as xFlex0-
Originally posted by skramsfan View Post
actually you did like 4 the next day so yea. just stop bitching. if i would of made a mistake i would own up to it kid. you got what i told you so shut up and making something big out of something little.

Where in my post do i say i didn't do any the next day? I said Wednesday and Thursday (THE NEXT DAY) we were fine.

Where's your proof?

I clearly proved you didn't say anywhere it was just for one day, and even have proof of me saying i'll do one account everyday and you saying that was fine.

So i would either like you to provide the service you offered and i paid for, or a full refund of my $40.

Originally Posted by skramsfan
Reason for charging:
To many people joined and kept lagging out.
Sacrificed a PS3 in making.
You trying to get into a free one could consist of negative XP and also lag out easily due to overloads and hard to get into due to high demand.
How to pay:
Paypal: [email][email protected][/email]
PSN Codes send to above email
$10-Unlock Everything(only you)
$20-Unlock Everything(up to 4 friends)
$20-Unlock Everything+Infectious 5-Day pass
$30-One hour lobby for all friends(will crash often if to many people join your game at limits but I suggest up to 5 at a time)
$40-As many account YOU want hacked...must provide proof it is YOU(mic,Skype)
Email me questions([email protected])
To make things easier CLICK FOR STORE I set up a store so you can pay with a CC through paypal or you can gift it, it's up to you.

That was his original post, quoted by karamvir on the 3rd page of his challenge lobby thread located here: You must login or register to view this content.

Yet more proof that he didn't say it was for "one day".
Last edited by DaRKnEzZ- ; 09-22-2010 at 11:30 PM.
09-23-2010, 05:39 AM #10
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by skramsfan View Post
actually you did like 4 the next day so yea. just stop bitching. if i would of made a mistake i would own up to it kid. you got what i told you so shut up and making something big out of something little.

Proof has been posted. If you no longer want to continue with this, refund $40 to xFlex0-.

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