Post: Scammed By zra
09-20-2010, 09:32 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); scammer NGU Name:zra
Scammer NGU Profile URL:You must login or register to view this content.

Proof:well i got none

When did this happen:sept. 19 3:00-4:00

How did you purchase: psn Card

How much?: 20$

Did you; Buy
- Buy?X
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:"I didnt use your card you ****ing moron."

Other comments: I Gave Him My Psn Card & He Did Not Add Me Or Reply Until I Said I Will Report Him. & I Cant Show No Proff Cuz i Deletet My Messegs Becuz It was Geting Full.
09-20-2010, 10:50 PM #2
There are over 5000 Inbox messages for PM's and you filled them ALL up? If that is the case then I will contact the seller.
09-20-2010, 11:19 PM #3
Ivan The Terrible
He Only Get 50 Then It Goes Up. Sorry For Posting
09-21-2010, 08:01 PM #4
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by Calfreezy View Post
There are over 5000 Inbox messages for PM's and you filled them ALL up? If that is the case then I will contact the seller.

Yeahh i Only Get 50 Messeges To Hold
09-21-2010, 10:20 PM #5
Originally posted by jml View Post
Yeahh i Only Get 50 Messeges To Hold

Ok my mistake. I will contact the member now
09-22-2010, 03:17 AM #6
Listen JML, clearly it states that I don't accept PSN cards. Over 20 people came to me and I said this very clearly to them, For some reason my ps3 wont redeem US PSN cards. I even made a US PSN account and it still doesnt work. I didn't redeem your card and your just lying to get in for free. Until you can provide me proof that I have your funds and I can show you on all three accounts under transaction history, theres no PSN card redeemed ever and nothing was ever purchased. Stop lying and seriously stop taking advantage of the system. Either the code you gave me was fake or you used the card yourself and trying to get in for free. Theres a reason why I dont take PSN cards is because A) I can't redeem them and B) Its hard to keep track off. Ive served over 50 people satisfied and theres no reason I would need to scam you when I had people pay me 50 dollars to rent my lobby. If you can't prove that I redeemed it, then close this now. I have proof under transaction history and I can record a video showing you that theres NOTHING in all three accounts. Thats all I got to say in my defense.

Zero Proof from you : Case Closed IMO.

Also I can bring references to show that I've done business with them and they paid me more than 20 dollars and I did not scam them at all and I have 0 reason to scam. You can ask people such as JakeMertz1 and iRoyXx, Troll, and a couple others names that I cannot remember off the top of my head.
09-22-2010, 03:09 PM #7
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Please show some proof, Eg PM's etc.
09-22-2010, 07:46 PM #8
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by Troll View Post
Zra's trustworthy i know this for a fact , two occasions i've paid $ and had smooth transactions.

His right about the US PSN cards, 99% of the time they DONT work on a Canadian PS3 so its impossible for him to of used it.

Infract me for posting here mods, i don't care. I'm just stating the obvious & helping a fellow member

He could have given/sold the card to someone who has a USA PSN account. If you have something you need to say in the dispute, please contact the mod dealing with the dispute, via PM.
09-22-2010, 08:12 PM #9
I need nothing to say in this dispute. Until he can provide me proof that I used it, I can't be accused for anything and I couldn't have sold the card to anyone. The minute he sent me the code i said it didnt work. Then he went on ranting for 30 minutes explaining how he just ran to gamestop and got the card and what not. I can bring other people in who have given me PSN cards, didnt work, on top of that after when they tried on their psn, it was fine. My PSN doesnt accept them. I need nothing else to say. Please PM me if you actually have some proof (which I doubt). Why would I scam you out of all the customers I served? You just want a free entry into my lobby and theres NO WAY IN HELL im letting that happen. The only reason im charging is because I need money for school textbooks and the PSN cards cant buy me textbooks. Mods, If he posts something useful, please notify me. Thanks
09-23-2010, 02:23 AM #10
Do a barrel roll!
Since It Didnt Work & He Wuz The Only Person I Gave The Code To I Thought He Used It. So Gess The Card Wuz Just Retarted. IDK Wut Else To Do Cuz I Got No Proff So Mods Please Close.

& The CL Wuznt 4 Me.

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