Post: Scammed by MoBaT
09-21-2010, 02:39 AM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay so to get straight to the point, I paid NGU user MoBaT a 20$ PSN card and in return he was SUPPOSED to be giving me a challenge lobby for me and 7 friends. The night on which I paid him (9-13-2010) my friends weren't on so he said "Ok I'll do this lobby for you right now and your friends on this upcoming Saturday"...Well that Wednesday before Saturday he deleted and ever since then I have been trying to add him back, including on Saturday. I don't know what can be done or if some one can contact him and make him give me my lobby but something honestly needs to be done ASAP
09-21-2010, 05:22 AM #2
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Please use the correct layout for opening a dispute.

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09-21-2010, 06:06 AM #3
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Spartan
Please use the correct layout for opening a dispute.

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Scammer NGU Name:MoBaT
Scammer NGU Profile URL:You must login or register to view this content.

Proof:You must login or register to view this content.
You should decently be able to read the writing on that page.Most of the other HARD evidence is via PSN chat. If needed I can let a TRUSTWORTHY mod on my account to read the texts

When did this happen:9-14-2010 to 9-18-2010

How did you purchase:PSN card

How much?:20$

Did you;
- Buy? Yes
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:-Yes, I asked when he was gonna do my lobby and he said on the 19th.....That day came and nothing happend
If yes, What did they say?:-He said he would do my lobby on the night of the 19th

Other comments:Okay so to get straight to the point, I paid NGU user MoBaT a 20$ PSN card and in return he was SUPPOSED to be giving me a challenge lobby for me and 7 friends. The night on which I paid him (9-13-2010) my friends weren't on so he said "Ok I'll do this lobby for you right now and your friends on this upcoming Saturday"...Well that Wednesday before Saturday he deleted and ever since then I have been trying to add him back, including on Saturday. I don't know what can be done or if some one can contact him and make him give me my lobby but something honestly needs to be done ASAP
09-21-2010, 06:10 AM #4
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Contacted the user, he has 24 hours to reply.
09-21-2010, 06:22 AM #5
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Spartan
Contacted the user, he has 24 hours to reply.

Thanks alot mate!
09-21-2010, 10:25 PM #6
Originally posted by ibrandonxp View Post
I paid him and i got in right away. Maybe he just made a mistake. Alot of people want to get in those and i bet he gets alot of donations. It can probably be confusing on his part.

I appreciate your trying to help but please dont post unless you are directly involved. feel free to PM him though. Thanks.
09-22-2010, 06:18 AM #7
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
User hasn't been online.
09-22-2010, 08:53 AM #8
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Spartan
User hasn't been online.

Soooo What happens now?
09-22-2010, 02:42 PM #9
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by stingray67 View Post
Soooo What happens now?

We just have to wait.
09-22-2010, 03:08 PM #10
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Spartan
We just have to wait.

Ok Sounds cool....His PSN is MoBaTeY as well so you can try there to. Also I really appreciate your helpfulness. I see why your a mod.Thanks again

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