Post: Scamed-Wilhare12
09-24-2010, 08:48 PM #1
Climbing up the ladder
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name:Wildhare
Scammer NGU Profile URL:You must login or register to view this content.

Proof:You must login or register to view this content.

When did this happen:2 weeks later-this time we alway taking about it

How did you purchase:2o $

How much?:1 plat

Did you;
- Buy?
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:-Yes
If yes, What did they say?:--He saying I scam Him!

Other comments:U can read what on photos...He always sayng other sings on ather days...mods-guys help!
Ps.That scam report from my brother (PSN ISad Awesomestyler_ua)
09-26-2010, 04:48 PM #20
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by xpyash View Post
I see but i dont found customer support..

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09-29-2010, 08:43 PM #21
Climbing up the ladder
Sony doesnt say anyth//but. Spartan.u can see 100 proof.he says.the casr is fake!And now he says thats card must be valid!
09-29-2010, 11:18 PM #22
Hallo everybody, my name is Constantine, I am 28 years. I am a grown man fellow, Man. Styler_ua my psn nickname. Xryash my bro, for which I am sure on 100% will not bring lie. In my friends many respected people in the world PS3, and among them, I am known as a honest and good man, have excellent reputation on other forums. Here card with my type:

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At first I did not think that contacted with a child, trusted him. I talk about Wildhare, he said that wants to purchase for me platinum of WET after 20$ PSN card.
I restrained the word, and in a flow 5 minutes, sync to him platinum in WET. He gave me incorrect psn card code, it is impossible it was to trust!

I give proof of his reports:
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I say want me two send the code in psn.
He said him:
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He gave me incorrect psn code.
Here he talks to lie, that understands nothing!
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Proves to be correct:
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Then he disappeared from on-line, and on his akaunte, began to play in Bc2 his friend, and wrote this:
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Here that I will say. He deceived very insolently, giving me a code from the used card. I did not want to write, but since saw this theme, did not survive:
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He wanted from me to do the deceived deceiver

Not money here main, main honour and dignity. I come forward for justice on a forum, and in life. I write to warn all here, that with Wildhare did not have business, he is a liar. Recently here were theme, where he deceived a man also, game of MW2 COD. He got used so to do.

ATTENTION: Wildhare LIE :( and please Help!
Last edited by Constantine 27 ; 09-30-2010 at 04:46 AM.
09-30-2010, 06:54 AM #23
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by Constantine
Hallo everybody, my name is Constantine, I am 28 years. I am a grown man fellow, Man. Styler_ua my psn nickname. Xryash my bro, for which I am sure on 100% will not bring lie. In my friends many respected people in the world PS3, and among them, I am known as a honest and good man, have excellent reputation on other forums. Here card with my type:

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At first I did not think that contacted with a child, trusted him. I talk about Wildhare, he said that wants to purchase for me platinum of WET after 20$ PSN card.
I restrained the word, and in a flow 5 minutes, sync to him platinum in WET. He gave me incorrect psn card code, it is impossible it was to trust!

I give proof of his reports:
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I say want me two send the code in psn.
He said him:
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He gave me incorrect psn code.
Here he talks to lie, that understands nothing!
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Proves to be correct:
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You must login or register to view this content. You must login or register to view this content.

Then he disappeared from on-line, and on his akaunte, began to play in Bc2 his friend, and wrote this:
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Here that I will say. He deceived very insolently, giving me a code from the used card. I did not want to write, but since saw this theme, did not survive:
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He wanted from me to do the deceived deceiver

Not money here main, main honour and dignity. I come forward for justice on a forum, and in life. I write to warn all here, that with Wildhare did not have business, he is a liar. Recently here were theme, where he deceived a man also, game of MW2 COD. He got used so to do.

ATTENTION: Wildhare LIE :( and please Help!

Please create a new thread.

---------- Post added at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ----------

Originally posted by wildhare View Post
i did not scamm him he scammed me

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

i already told u the situation spartengunney remember. i gave his BROTHER a psn card. n his brother claims its not valid. i know for a fact its valid. so what proof can i show that its valid. n i know styler_ua scammed me. and styler scammed me not you so y doesnt he have his own ngu profile

You have 24 hours to provide a working card.
09-30-2010, 11:01 AM #24
Originally posted by Spartan
Please create a new thread.

---------- Post added at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ----------

You have 24 hours to provide a working card.

R u kidding ne he scammed me. And I just recently ad a deal over NGU with no problems and he didn't say that the card was fake
09-30-2010, 12:28 PM #25
Originally posted by wildhare View Post
t recently ad a deal over NGU with no problems and he didn't say that the card was fake

This is no problems a deal at NGU forum?:
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You will look here, here direct proof that he lie. About what you?
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I swear that tell the truth. Wildhare, you must me 20$ already month, you promised me them to return, and on Sunday, and inheriting weekend. I waited, on what you then answered that a psn card will not be in general. It is needed to be a man to confess, and repay debt people! And to be a little teen liar, very badly. Boys, be very attentive, not have business with Wildhare. I am sorry for a red color
Last edited by Constantine 27 ; 09-30-2010 at 12:53 PM.
09-30-2010, 08:10 PM #26
Originally posted by Constantine
This is no problems a deal at NGU forum?:
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You will look here, here direct proof that he lie. About what you?
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I swear that tell the truth. Wildhare, you must me 20$ already month, you promised me them to return, and on Sunday, and inheriting weekend. I waited, on what you then answered that a psn card will not be in general. It is needed to be a man to confess, and repay debt people! And to be a little teen liar, very badly. Boys, be very attentive, not have business with Wildhare. I am sorry for a red color

sum1's is on my acc. and it was probally styler sending that msg to himself. duhhhh. n i leterally had a deal yersterday for a psn card for a plat n he had no problem. isnt it a cawencadence that every card that i gave to someone worked except the one that i gave to someone and they dont even their own profile
10-01-2010, 05:53 AM #27
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by wildhare View Post
sum1's is on my acc. and it was probally styler sending that msg to himself. duhhhh. n i leterally had a deal yersterday for a psn card for a plat n he had no problem. isnt it a cawencadence that every card that i gave to someone worked except the one that i gave to someone and they dont even their own profile

Ok, show me where you bought these PSN cards.
10-01-2010, 01:57 PM #28
Originally posted by Spartan
Ok, show me where you bought these PSN cards.

i got it from walmart but i dont actually have a picture of me buying it

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