Post: Scammed by oX-matto-Xo
10-11-2010, 02:32 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name: oX-matto-Xo
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

Proof: I have PM's in my Mailbox and a Paypal Receipt

When did this happen: 10/10/2010

How did you purchase: 10/4/2010

How much?: 15 Pounds / $24.39 US Dollars

Did you: Buy

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:- See Other Comments.

Other Comments:

I paid oX-matto-Xo 15 pounds via Paypal to get me to 10th Prestige, All Guns, Cammos and Challenges. He got me to 11th Prestige with All Guns, Cammos and Challenges and promised he would do 10th Prestige for me by the next day. He did not respond to my PMs until I threatened to file a dispute. Now he claims that I asked him to get me to the top of the leaderboards in exchange for not doing 10th. I did not do this and am filing a dispute to either get what I paid for or have my money refunded. I have proof of everything that I have stated in my PM mailbox.
Last edited by JadedSoulX ; 10-11-2010 at 03:05 AM. Reason: Added Payment Information
10-11-2010, 05:11 PM #2
Originally posted by de69 View Post
You'll need better proof ( I think ), because Matto is pretty famous and has a good reputation on ngu.

Here's your proof.
See Instructions to Merchant on the PayPal Attachment.
Also see our PMs (Attached). Notice on October 5th He acknowledges that he screwed up my order. I then PM'd him asking him when he can give me 10th Prestige. Then on October 10th he claims a bunch of shit that I never said to him. I know who he is. I understand that he has contributed to the forum in a number of ways. This has no bearing on the fact that he either can't keep his business transactions straight or he is unscrupulous as a salesman.
10-11-2010, 05:29 PM #3
I am fed up of oX-Matto-Xo. It has been a pain to get in touch with him and he's online at ridiculous times. I thought we could solve this amicably. I have gone ahead and filed a Paypal dispute. If this fails I will go to my credit card company. I couldn't care less about the $24 U.S. - what I can't stand is being screwed. Trust me, he picked the wrong person to screw with.

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

Update: He seems to have got it in his head that he shouldn't lie to people. I just received a message from him asking for me to go online. Unfortunately I am in work now and cannot be on until about 6 hours from now. I will update if he fulfills his end of the bargain.
10-11-2010, 05:30 PM #4
#1 Chaos MW3
It's been a pain to get in touch with you! I have done over 57 people now! And you still the one that is bugging me! I keep telling you im free, im hosting 10th lobbys, AND you are never on! I have alot of people to get through, meaning I have to edit the patch once and again! Im am a very busy person, I have college to get through. And the last thing I need is you winning to me.

If you dont join my lobby tonight, then im affraid you have lost your chance.

I gave you 11th prestige! And you turned down being 11th when that is the most expensive catagory to get!

And you have not been screwed! Im the only person on Cod4 that is HOSTING challenge lobbys! Cant you please give me some respect that I have a ton of people to get through! FFS

Last edited by oX-matto-Xo ; 10-11-2010 at 05:34 PM.
10-11-2010, 05:37 PM #5
Originally posted by Xo View Post
It's been a pain to get in touch with you! I have done over 32 people now! And you still the one that is bugging me! I keep telling you im free, im hosting 10th lobbys, AND you are never on! I have alot of people to get through, meaning I have to edit the patch once and again! Im am a very busy person, I have college to get through. And the last thing I need is you winning to me.

If you dont join my lobby tonight, then im affraid you have lost your chance.

It's funny how your story keeps changing. When have you messaged me? You only respond when threatened with a dispute. Show the forum where you messaged me telling me you were free and were online hosting a 10th lobby. You can't - because you are lying. Prove me wrong.

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

Originally posted by AceVirus View Post
Matto doesn't always reply right away, but he sticks to his word. You need to give him the benefit of the doubt. You just want to get to the top of the leaderboards.

You need to get off of Matto's dick. Who gives a crap about the leaderboards? I have never asked him to do this for me. I asked him to get me 10th Prestige, All Guns, Cammos and Challenges. That is all that I want and that is what I paid for. Keep your speculation out of this thread.
Last edited by JadedSoulX ; 10-11-2010 at 05:40 PM.
10-11-2010, 05:46 PM #6
#1 Chaos MW3
Jadedsoulx, I really dont givea shit what you think, Im online now.. Iveadded you account on my main account and im waiting for you! So hurry up! Or do u want me to make a dispute? because your not coming online and you wasting my time? Well i dont want to do that because ive got so much to do than make silly disputes on ngu like you.

Sign in, im waiting for u in my lobby!
10-11-2010, 05:53 PM #7
Originally posted by Xo View Post
Jadedsoulx, I really dont givea shit what you think, Im online now.. Iveadded you account on my main account and im waiting for you! So hurry up! Or do u want me to make a dispute? because your not coming online and you wasting my time? Well i dont want to do that because ive got so much to do than make silly disputes on ngu like you.

Sign in, im waiting for u in my lobby!

Of course you don't give a shit what I think. You have the opportunity to demonstrate that what you are saying is true - but you have no proof - so all you can do is mouth off.

As I said via PM - I am in work right now. I can be online in ~5 hours. I actually do have time commitments. You do what you have to do as I will. Either actually be online in 5 hours or refund my money.

One way or another this will be resolved.
10-11-2010, 06:00 PM #8
#1 Chaos MW3
I dont have proof because I have alot of paper work to do, I really dont care JadedSoulx.. I just want to give u what you apid for but you obv DID not explain to me the times you will be on etc.. as you are at work.

I have informed, JadedSoulx through a PM and asked if he wants me to give him his 10th prestige by going onto his account.

I will not be on in 5 hours, as I have college and work tomorrow.. meaning I will never give him what he wanted untill the weekend.

This is my best offer.
10-11-2010, 06:12 PM #9
Originally posted by Xo View Post
I dont have proof because I have alot of paper work to do, I really dont care JadedSoulx.. I just want to give u what you apid for but you obv DID not explain to me the times you will be on etc.. as you are at work.

I have informed, JadedSoulx through a PM and asked if he wants me to give him his 10th prestige by going onto his account.

I will not be on in 5 hours, as I have college and work tomorrow.. meaning I will never give him what he wanted untill the weekend.

This is my best offer.

Keep digging your gave oX-matto-Xo. See the attachments.

You want the forum to see what kind of person you are - I have proof.

I did in fact tell you I am in the USA, Eastern Time.

I also told you that I am online at 8-9 P.M. USA Eastern Time.

So you keep saying you want to give me what I paid for - yet you can't even keep our conversations straight.

You sent me this PM. "Do you want me to go you on to your account and get you 10th? Because I wont be on in 5 hours! "

My answer is NO. I will wait until Saturday because I don't trust you with my account.

After reviewing the attachments in this thread - go over in your mind what was actually said between us and what you think was said. Then realize you owe me an apology because you have fabricated things to suit your story.

Please specify when you will be online on SATURDAY and keep in mind that I am USA Eastern Time - so when you specify a time be SPECIFIC what time zone you are referring to.
10-11-2010, 06:28 PM #10
#1 Chaos MW3
Your just making this harder for yourself. Im going to wait for the moderator to decide, all i want to do is get you 10th prestige, but im finding it so hard to do it for you because you have to give to this forum about me is how much of a scammer I am. I have help ALOT of people through this site. & its so hard for me to do something when you are unable to do it.

I dont know anyother way I can do this.. I said 8pm GMT on saturday.

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